Disclaimer: I officially disclaim this fanfic

Disclaimer: I officially disclaim this fanfic. (And this plot belongs to the A-List Novel.) Sorry for the OCCness. And Sophie/Jenna, the girl who made my friend Little-Miss-Giggle cry, go stick a bomb up your arse, you suck.

Dedicated to Little-Miss-Giggle, who I hope feels better. You are such a funny, sweet person and you don't need to feel down by everybody's stupid PM's. Remember that. LMG was the one who encouraged me to write this, the one who helped me with my Creative Writing Skills (if you were wondering why I write a lot like LMG, well there's your answer. She TAUGHT/HELPED me) AND the one who helped me edit my story. Give the poor girl a rest.


Chapter 2: Plane (Love) Sickness


'Boring. Ugly. So unrealistic.' was Mikan's thought of Tobita Yuu. Oh how she wished he would shut up; did she really look that stupid to believe that Tobita Yuu was once a rock star in New York? Come on get real! Mikan Sakura was definitely not stupid; she could speak 5 different languages and was an A star student. And this complete freak was mocking her…

"By the way, what's your name?" Tobita Yuu asked, with a sheepish grin plastered to his face.

Mikan, who was trying her best to block his voice away from her head, and was trying to read her book, paused, and then her mouth curved up into a smile. "My name is Penny Parker. Sorry I didn't tell you early on." She convincingly lied, mentally giggling.

"What a beautiful name…" Tobita Yuu cooed. Mikan snorted…how corny was this guy??

"Well, anyway, Penny" he purred her name in a 'flirty' way, making Mikan wanting to barf, "In 1998 I was known all over New York; people were screaming my name, and every night, I would go topless in the streets, bashing the drums and slamming on my electric guitar. Girls were swooning over me; they would even follow me to the toilet! The crazy fans even thought my sweat were beads of pearls! I heard one of them even sold a drop of my sweat on eBay!"

Mikan raised her eyebrow and cleverly replied, "Well that was a very stupid fan girl. Because you're sweat would have evaporated." She grinned when she saw Tobita Yuu go red in the face, and returned to her book.

"Well, that's what they are: Stupid! All fan girls are stupid!" Tobita Yuu spluttered.

"No they aren't. I'm a fan girl of Juicy Couture and I'm definitely not stupid." Mikan hissed back, with a malicious smile on her face. At least this creepy freak got her anger out.

"Well, of course and obviously except for you—hey! Do you want to become my fan? I'm going to become an Abercrombie and Fitch model soon!" Tobita Yuu exclaimed.

Mikan discreetly rolled her eyes. Get real. "Nah, I'm good. Are you going to get plastic surgery before you become a model? If yes, I would advise to go to Dr. Blink, he's a professional." Tobita Yuu's eyebrows bunched out, and he clearly didn't know what Mikan meant – ha.

"You know,we should definitely meet up in Beverly Hills. Where you staying? If you don't have a place-"

"Thanks, but I'm…err…going to Japan two hours after I arrive. You see, I decided not to fly directly to Japan, but stop at Beverly Hills first to…say hello to my boyfriend." Mikan hastily lied from the top of her head. Satisfied when she saw Tobita Yuu's smile on his face fall, she put her glittering eyes back to her book. Sometimes she cursed being so pretty…especially when there's someone like Tobita Yuu around you...

"Well that's okay because I'm a lady's man; I probably won't have anytime to meet up with you when I have around a billion lady's swooning over me!" Tobita Yuu lamely chuckled.

"Uh-huh…some lady's man…" Mikan sarcastically muttered to herself. She turned the page of her book and sighed. Her eyes were tired, and her head felt heavy…she couldn't believe after 3 hours of Tobita Yuu's story that she was still alive

Her eyes lazily skimmed through the first class cabin…everybody was either on their laptops, or watching a movie. Except one.

That complete Abercrombie and Fitch God, (aka the guy she saw earlier) was listening to his iPod and looking right at her. With those alluring crimson eyes. Damn. How to react, how to react?!

But there was no time to react, as soon as her sparkling eyes met his tantalizing eyes, his bored expression suddenly turned into an excited face and his mouth curved up into a somewhat cocky smirk. Mikan prayed to the lords that her cheeks didn't go bright red and also thanked the lords for not being a female version of Tobita Yuu; she took what she had thought before, she appreciated her pretty face. And then his lips moved; he was mouthing to Mikan…

"'S'up?" OMG. He just asked her what's up…

She smiled back, and gave a THIS-Moron-is-What's-Up glance to Tobita Yuu, and prayed that he understood her glance. And boy oh boy was he a smart guy, he gave her a wink in reply and stood up.

"Hey Penny, do you know that guy? Because he's been staring at you an awful lot—" Tobita Yuu started but was cut off. By the Lord of Fitch.

"Yeah, she does know me." Was Natsume's blunt reply to Tobita Yuu, whose face turned alarmingly red in embarrassment. Mikan's cheeks turned baby pink. His voice was just what she imagined it to be like, maybe even better: husky and alluring. "So how are you, Keira?" Natsume asked, winking at Mikan. At first she didn't understand why he had called her Keira, but she wasn't clever for nothing.

"What? Huh? Her name isn't Keira, its Penny! Big difference there, you dumbo! P-e-n-n-y and K-e-i-r-a! Oh would you look at that? DIFFERENCE!" Tobita Yuu triumphantly said with a smug grin on his face.

"You see, Yuu, this is…err…Chad…and Keira's my middle name, and all my friends call me Keira." Mikan carefully explained, glancing knowingly at the guy. Tobita Yuu's face scrunched up, and his eyes narrowed.

"Then, why don't I call you Keira, Penny??" Tobita Yuu suspiciously asked.

"Well, I've known Chad since I was in diapers and frankly I've only known you for-" Mikan glanced down at her diamond encrusted watch-"3 hours 27 minutes and 18 seconds."

The guy snickered and looked at Mikan with admiration and amusement. Mikan was pouting very cutely and his eyes just couldn't keep off her. Tobita Yuu gave an annoyed huff of breath and snapped, "Then why didn't you come over to her 3 hours 27 minutes and 22 seconds ago?"

"First of all, geek, don't get cocky with me. Secondly, I didn't notice her because I haven't seen Keira for ages, and she doesn't look so bad anymore." Natsume growled back.

Mikan blushed, (he had just complimented her) but kept her cool and added, "Well Chad, I haven't seen you in forever and you don't look too bad yourself." She gave the guy a dazzling smile, and Tobita Yuu's ears became flaming red with rage.

"Hold on a sec! Why are you two flirting in front of me? Are you hinting for me to move? Because if you are—"

"Well done Sparky, now scoot. Switch with me." Natsume said, while he pushed his hair back completely not bothered about the fact that Tobita Yuu was spluttering.

"No—what? Of course not! Preposterous! Never! No, I refuse! No! She's mine! Penny, mon cherie, tell him to go away!"

Mikan raised her eyebrow. "Well, I do want to sit with Chad, and that girl he was sitting next to looks perfect for you." Mikan sweetly replied. Tobita Yuu stood up from his seat to see what the girl who sat next to the guy looked like, and before he knew it, the guy was already sitting in his seat. "Hey!" Tobita Yuu angrily exclaimed.

"Sorry Sparky, had to sit here. Now go sit next to the fat old grandma who sat next to me. Besides, Keira here is probably right, fat old grandma is deaf, so even if you talk to her about your boring shit stories, she won't hear you." The guy bluntly replied, with a clear cocky smirk on his face. Mikan gave a silvery laugh and watched the furious Tobita Yuu sit next to fat old grandma. She turned back to her saviour and smiled.

"Well, I guess I'll have to thank my hero. So, what's your real name?" Mikan sweetly asked.

"Hyuuga. Natsume Hyuuga. And you? You're real name is?" He smoothly replied. Natsume. What a name…a name way better than Chad.

"Sakura. Mikan Sakura. Nice to meet you." She replied, as she unconsciously tossed her gorgeous shimmering hair. He raised his eyebrows at her when she did this, feeling a burning feeling inside of him.

And their conversation just burst. It was mainly Mikan who did the talking; nonetheless Natsume occasionally gave his blunt sarcastic comments, which made Mikan tinkle with laughter. And there, in the background, scowling and glaring, sat Tobita Yuu, convincing himself that he was funnier/sexier/clever/better than this "Chad."

Profile on what Mikan has learned about Natsume Hyuuga so far: Natsume was indeed an Abercrombie and Fitch God. He was a model who worked for many companies including, Abercrombie, American Eagle, Armani, Dolce and Gabbana, and many more. His dad was a very famous Painter, Ryunoshuke Hyuuga (Mikan had a painting done by him in her room in Italy!). His mother and father were divorced; his mother lives in New York with her boyfriend. He liked Italian food the best, and likes to listen to his iPod a lot; R&B music was his favourite by far followed by rap. He was only a few months older than Mikan, born on November 27th.

"Okay, I'm getting bored talking about myself. Now we switch to you. So what's to tell about you Mikan Sakura? Are you actually an Italian under-cover supermodel who came to shag me to get my money?" Natsume smirked, as Mikan stabbed his arm with her elbow.

"You wanker. No, I'm no under-cover supermodel. Nor am I here to shag you." Natsume clucked his tongue when she added that last sentence. "Hmm…let's see…I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest, and funny guys are the best. I believe that tomorrows are another day." Mikan concluded, with an angel-like smile. Her smile was so warm, pure and innocent. Natsume had never met anybody like Mikan Sakura. A normal girl would have taken this chance and would have been making out with him right now, instead of asking him questions, while staring at him right into his eyes. He had never felt this tingly longing feeling before, and he had many beautiful girls. Mikan Sakura was like a different species of girls; a specie that he had never encountered before. And a normal girl would have never answered his question with such honesty.

"Weird." Natsume bluntly replied. Mikan's pink lips formed into a pout and she gave him another poke. "That's the first time I have ever heard a girl that kind of thing. Normally they would have said, 'How did you know? I am a supermodel and I am here to shag you!'"

Mikan playfully rolled her shimmering eyes and replied, "Do you actually know how cocky you are?"

"Me? Cocky?? Never." Natsume innocently answered, with a clear cocky grin on his face. Mikan laughed, and she took another sip of her Diet Coke.

"So, why are you going to Beverly Hills? Are you going to meet your boyfriend, and then fly off to Japan?" Natsume asked in his irresistible husky voice, while looking straight in her eyes. Mikan scrunched her perfect shaped eyebrows then her mouth formed a perfect oval.

"You were eavesdropping my conversation with that freak?" Mikan amusedly asked.

Natsume shrugged and replied, "I had nothing better to do. I started listening to your conversation just when you advised him to get plastic surgery." Mikan giggled as she recalled what had happened earlier with Tobita Yuu and glanced at him. Tobita Yuu's eyes were twitching as he watched the two 'childhood friends' have an animated chat.

"So? Is it true?" Natsume demanded in a rough growl. Mikan tinkled with laughter once more and replied, "Of course not! I was just hoping if I said I had a boyfriend he would just leave me in peace, that's all. And of course I'm not going to Japan after all of this; I'm going to live in Beverly Hills with my dad!"

Natsume's crimson eyes lightened up. "Beverly Hills? No way, I live in Beverly Hills with my dad. What school did you say you were going to?"

"Beverly Hills High School funnily enough." Mikan smoothly replied.

"Fuck, no way. I go to Beverly Hills High School." Natsume answered. He didn't look shocked or sound shocked (or excited) but inside, he felt his hormones go mental.

Mikan smiled. "Wowie wow, guess this really is a small world."

"You said you were 17, right?" Natsume asked, as he pushed his hair back.

"Yeah…and you're also 17. Does that mean we might be in the same class?" Mikan asked hopefully. It would have been great if they were in the same class, no, Mikan wasn't thinking about 'It would be great to be in the same class as him because then I can become his boyfriend' but instead she thought 'It would be great to be in the same class as him because then I'll already have friend!" How innocently sweet.

"Maybe." Natsume vaguely answered, with a smile on his face. Yes, a smile, not a cocky smirk, but a beautiful smile. Mikan felt her cheeks warm up, and hastily looked outside the plane window.

"I need to go pee." Mikan blurted out, as she unbuckled herself and stood up.

Natsume smile dissolved into a smirk. "I'll come with."

"What? To the toilet?" Mikan asked, a little bit surprised, yet a little bit excited.

"Where else?" Natsume cockily answered as he started to unbuckle his seatbelt. Mikan's brain buzzed. Making out with a guy who she had only know for 4 hours and a bit wasn't really her thing, it was more of her best friend Luciana's kind of thing. But she had decided to come to Beverly Hills to not only stay with her laid-back father, but to become freer, and less like her perfectionist mother. So, instead of disagreeing to this offer, she took him by the hand, playfully giggling and led him to the toilets.

Discreetly, they both slipped into the small toilet, which smelt a bit iffy. Natsume looked the toilet door and the lights switched on. There was a breathless pause, when they both just stared into each other's eyes. And then it all happened.

Natsume hoisted Mikan onto the seat. All she could smell was his scent – a combination of Scotch, mint and cologne – and nothing had ever smelled sweeter.

Then Natsume lunged for Mikan. Mikan melted into his lips, and she felt her chest clench up excitedly as she combed her hands through Natsume's silky raven black hair. Natsume gently placed his hands under Mikan's Juicy Couture Tee and pressed his ice cool fingers flat against her belly. Mikan instantly flinched beck, but then relaxed, and melted into his kiss once more. Natsume's mouth tasted just like peppermint and slightly of cinnamon. Natsume was clearly enjoying every seconds of it; Mikan Sakura was definitely different from other girls, not only her sweet sugary taste, but she had managed to make him feel hot and wild like a fire, and never has a girl made him feel like that before. Mikan moaned into the kiss, but the next thing they both knew, they heard a very loud, non-stop banging noise on the door. They quickly sprung apart from each other, panting. Mikan touched her quivering lips and took a long deep breath and gazed at Natsume. Natsume on the other hand was glaring at the door, while cursing the person who had interrupted them.

"THIS IS THE CABIN ATTENDANCE!! PLEASE COME OUT, THIS IS A COMMAND FROM THE LAW! ONLY ONE PERSON IS ALLOWED IN THE PLANE TOILET AT A TIME, AND I SAW YOU BOTH GO IN THE SAME TOILET! COME OUT IMMEDIATELY!!" the voice outside shrieked and the person was still banging the door as if there was no tomorrow. Weird, the voice sounded weirdly familiar. Natsume groaned, as he reluctantly opened the door slowly. Expecting to see a furious Cabin Attendant, he rolled his eyes when he realized it wasn't a cabin attendance. It was Tobita Yuu. An outraged looking Tobita Yuu.

"We're busy." Natsume growled, and shut the door once again, locking it once more. Mikan gaped, with starry-eyes. "What the hell? You just slammed the door in the Cabin Attendance's face?! You might be sent to the Black List of American Airways!"

Natsume snickered and replied, "Relax, it was no Cabin Attendance. It was that complete freak, Tobita Yuu pretending to be a Cabin Attendance." Mikan laughed out loud when she heard this, but as soon her eyes meet Natsume's tantalizing gaze, she felt herself get hot and sticky once more. He skimmed his hand through her silk soft hair and then—

"OKAY! THIS IS THE REAL CABIN ATTENDANCE! A YOUNG GENTLEMAN HAS JUST REPORTED ABOUT TWO PEOPLE IN THE TOILET, AND WE WOULD LIKE YOU TO COME OUT IMMEDIATELY!" There was more banging on the door, and Mikan knew this time it wasn't Tobita Yuu pretending to be a Cabin Attendance. It was a real Cabin Attendance banging on the door.

"Shit." Natsume hissed, as he unlocked the toilet door.

There outside stood a lady in a posh black skirt, ironed white blouse and a black waistcoat, tapping her foot, with a disgraced and disgusted look plastered to her face. And next to her stood Tobita Yuu with a very satisfied smug grin on his face. "Well, I'll thank you Tobita Yuu for reporting this." The Cabin Attendance said, looking at Yuu. "And you two…. You will return to your seats and stay there? Understood?" Her tone of voice had definitely changed into a furious intimidating voice.

"Yes, we understand." Mikan replied, as she fiddled with her hair.

"Whatever." Natsume yawned in reply, looking in a complete different direction.

"Good." And with that she stormed off back into the Staff's Lounge.

Mikan felt everybody in the First Class Cabin look at them, but didn't shrink away like a little maggot. Mikan had dignity. She just held her chin up, and walked to her seat completely unaffected. Natsume looked the same; completely fine with the fact a creepy lady had told him off.

"You should have just come out when I knocked on the door." Tobita Yuu smugly commented.

"Fuck off." Natsume bluntly replied, as he sat down on his seat. Mikan was already seated, and was also glaring at Tobita Yuu. Tobita Yuu spluttered once more, but was completely ignored by the two. The two were silent. Mikan shifted her eyes at Natsume now and then, and his face was always the same: looking straight ahead of him, with a bored expression. Mikan didn't know what to say, she felt weird. Her heart had never fluttered like this before and then it hit her. Was she in love for the first time in her life?? She had never fallen in love before, therefore didn't know what it felt like; was this what love feels like? That had to be the answer…right? She was sick. Not plane sick, but Love Sick.


Mikan blinked and looked at Natsume. He had finally said something…but what he had said made no sense.

"What?" Mikan confusedly asked.

"You. You definitely have to be my girlfriend, or I'll murder someone." It sounded more like a command than an option. But Mikan laughed in reply.

"I'm not saying 'Yes' yet! I just met some hours ago! Maybe in the future…"

"Stubborn girl. Anyway, you have to come to a party with me then. That's an actual command."

"…Okay. What party?" Mikan asked, as she flicked her chocolate espresso hair. Natsume got a bit distracted, but answered back, "My friend's dad is having a wedding. Literally the whole of Beverly Hills is invited. His name is Jackson Shouda, you should know him, he's starred in loads of movies. And I want you to come to his wedding with me."

"I know Jackson Shouda. My dad's a Movie Producer and he's worked with Jackson Shouda before. I didn't know he had child." Mikan replied, as she put her finger to her smooth lips.

"Your dad's a Movie Producer? Well that's done then. He'll definitely be invited. And you're coming with me." Natsume bluntly said with a smirk on his face. Mikan laughed and shoved him on the shoulders.

And the rest of the journey to LAX (That's the airport) was entertaining. No more kissing or anything but it was a perfect journey. Yes, and one thing was certain. Mikan Sakura was indeed Love Sick for the first time in her life and couldn't believe she had found her first love, here in the plane to Beverly Hills. And she could feel it. Beverly Hills was the place she was supposed to be, and even if she's never been there before she felt as if she already belonged there.


Thanks for reading. Reviews please. And if you're Jenna/Sophie and if you're even thinking about reviewing ever again, think again.

XxYouAreMySunshine (Kitty)