Sharingan Pregnancy

This is my FIRST Naruto fanfic - so beware!

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN NARUTO!

Inner Sakura, reading or writing something and sometimes flashbacks
Note, Letter

Chapter One: Its Time To Tell People

Sasuke with his bare body was hovering over Sakura, both panting breathlessly after a night they made love. This was a regular activity for them both. It all started three months ago when they started sleeping with eachother - it was amazing. And this night was no differant. It was amazing every time.
Sakura placed her small hands against his bare chest and pushed him off, causing him to continue panting next to her. Sakura furrowed her brow that Sasuke was still breathing so heavily.
"Will you shut up!?" She screeched, shifting herself to sit up over him, Sasuke gave her a disturbed look and hoisted himself up, mimicing Sakura's position.
"Huh?" He replied, with his arm over Sakura.
"Everytime we sleep together, you always breath heavily!"
"Hai" He replied absent-mindedly. In discomfort, he reached for his bag on the floor and pulled out a photo of him and Sakura in the Kohana training grounds. Sakura noticed his stubborn expression on his face and leaned towards him, planting a delicate kiss on his lips. "I didnt know you still had that photo" She stated, her head lay on his shoulders. Hands stroking her silky hair, he began;

"Sasuke-kun?" She replied, dreamily.

"Im leaving" With a shock, Sakura shot her head up and tightened her brows together. "Whe...Where are you going?" Sakura stuttered, holding Sasuke's hand in protection.

He mumbled something under his breath following a long sigh.

"Huh?!" She squeeled.

"Itachi!" He shouted, head buried downwards, "Im going after Itachi"

"How long for?"

"As long as it takes"

Sasuke noticed her upset and wiped a tear which rolled down her pale face. Stroking back her hair for the last time, he gave her a light kiss and they slept in eachothers arms for the last time before he left. He's coming back. Of course he's coming back. Sakura thought.


It was now September and two months went by and there was no sign of Sasuke. Sakura with her head slumped into her pillows, she smacked her hand on her alarm clock. Shifting herself up, she felt a sickly feeling in the pit of her stomach. Unexpectantly, she sprinted to the bathroom and let out a vomit.

July: One period - missed. Tick, check
...August: Two period - missed. Tick, check.
Is what she read in her diary, she flipped the page over aggressivly and wrote visciously into the paper, causing a dent into the white material for the first couple of letters.

September: Three period - missed. Tick, CHECK...

She threw the pen against the bathroom wall and stared anxiously at the mirror closet. Standing up she felt light-headed and dizzy for a couple of seconds, but she smacked herself out of it with her hand, and slowly opened the closet. And there- sitting and waiting to be opened was Ino's pregnancy test. She gave it to Sakura as a joke birthday present and it was thrown deep at the back of the closet. She rummaged her hand through the mouthwash and toothpaste and slid out the box that made her nervous the most. She read the instructions carefully, her hands shaking and her stomach quenching-in.
Sitting on the toilet, Sakura let a small sample of her urine land on the strip. She slid up her shorts and waited for the most-wanted answer. She had to wait three minutes to acheive more reliable results. The minutes went by and turning the strip over in fear, she felt like her heart was throbbing in her head. She threw the test on the ground and just stared at it for what seemed to be forever. Staring at the results which was two pink lines together (I I) she sobbed and buried her head into her hands.

"Sakura?" She shot up her eyes as she heard Ino's voice. "Sakura!"
Sakura snatched the test and thew it into the small grey bin next to the toilet. She placed her diary in her closet and straightened her clothes and hair.
She opened the door to see Ino in the living room, holding a small gift of flowers. Sakura smiled and walked towards the room.
"You took your time, Forehead Girl!"
Sakura gave her an absent -minded expression and rolled her eyes. "I got you some flowers! To get over the whole 'Sasuke left me' thing"
Ino smiled gently and placed the flowers into a pot on the windowshelf.
Sakura snorted and she finally began; "How did you get in?"
"You left your keys in the door again, clumsy!"
Sakura ignored her and slumped onto the sofa, pressing her hands through her hair. Ino sat next to her with a grin and showing her a photo of both of them when they were five years old.. Ino chuckled but was shocked of when her friend was still staring into space. Ino aggresivly shuvved the photo back into her pocket, with a stroppy look.
"Okay, what happened?" She said seriously facing towards the spacey girl, who was staring at the ceiling and saying numbers under her breath.
"One, two and three" Sakura mumbled and slowly met Ino's eyes. "One period missed. Two period missed. Three period missed"
Ino's jaw dropped and suddenly widened her eyes in amazement. She ran to the bathroom to check if she had used the test she gave to her for her birthday. Yes. She has and it was sitting in her bin. She ran out again and slumped onto the sofa. "Im so sorry, Sakura"
"Dont be. I got myself into this" She said haughtily, "I got myself pregnant. seventeen!"

Sakura frowned at the fact that Sasuke may never come back. Eyes wrapped around the collection of sparkling stars in the blanket of the night sky, she dug her spoon into the ice cream and swallowed the desired product. Oh how much she wishes that spoon was Sasuke. Ino was long gone now, leaving the pink haired woman to her basket of deep thoughts. Sakura rubbed around her abdomen, thinking of the first time she saw the Uchihia.

"Sakura darling, its your first day of school today!" The brown haired woman spoke, brushing her daughter's pink fringe, "now remember, smile when people talk to you and be nice to the teachers!"
"Okay, Okaa-san!" The five year old squeeled, embracing her parent.
"Now I will walk you to school, and you will be making friends with Ino Yamanaka.

The parent and the daughter finally reached the picket fences of Kohana Primary school, the playground filled with happy, smiley faces of the young newcomers. The daughter was terribley nervous, and after a long second embrace with her mother she shyly cross-legged herself down by the flower beds in the school playground. Peering around the girl only saw was complete choas. Oh how much she wishes she was at home filling herself up with fresh ramen.
"YOUR THE NEW GIRL!" Sakura jumped as she heard the sound of a girls voice from behind her, and sitting next to her was a girl with blonde hair and a huge grin on her face.
"Uh, yeah" She simpy replied, eyes facing towards her feet.
"Im Ino!"
"I thought you were forehead girl!"
Sakura frowned and furrowed her brow, she saw a young boy; raven black hair that spiked and swept in the wind, blue tee and black shorts. Such beauty.

Out of no hesitation, she brang herself to ring the hospital for an update stating that she is indeed, carrying a child. She needs this on her profile, she needs help and check-ups. Its time to tell people.


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