I do not own Myotismon©, Piedmon©, VW©, the VW bug©, Digimon©, or the Stupid Girls© song

I do not own Myotismon©, Piedmon©, VW©, the VW bug©, Digimon©, or the Stupid Girls© song.

I do own Brian, Erik, and his now ex-family. Almost done with the story - only one more chapter to go! I will be writing another Digimon fic as soon as I am done with this one, so look forward to it!


At the doorway, stood Erik's 'parents', his father Joseph and his mother Jennifer. Joseph was in his mid 40s, weighing in close to 190, and was 6 feet 2 inches. His black hair, what was left of it, beyond the balding spot, was interspersed with grey. His eyes matched his son's, a milk chocolate brown. He wore a white dress shirt, and navy blue slacks. He was Erik in fast forward.

In the contest of tacky and gaudy, Jennifer was far ahead of Joseph. She was in her early 50s, and carried 140 pounds on her 5 feet 7 inch frame. Her curly blonde hair was borne of a bottle, her blue eyes manufactured at Bausch and Lomb – fake of course, to accompany her personality. She wore a hot pink tracksuit. She had so much makeup on; she would make both Marilyn Manson and KISS jealous.

"I see you have come to apologize for trying to corrupt our son." Joseph said, folding his arms, glaring at Myotismon and Piedmon.

"I also see your wife's chemical accoutrements have damaged your ability to think, hmm... lobotomy via hair spray, interesting…. Nonetheless, we have actually come to tell you we are severing your parental rights of Erik because you have not only verbally and emotionally abused him, but you are starving him as well." Myotismon said.

"Just because you're a maybe not so happy little toothpick doesn't mean you can force him to be." Piedmon said to Jennifer, glaring at her.

Joseph and Jennifer both burst out laughing. Erik slunk back, holding tight onto Brian's arm as he tried desperately not to cry. Brian clenched his fists in anger.

"Good luck trying to prove that; he's as big as a whale!" Jennifer laughed.

Their callous comment, while certainly not foreign to their son, was hurtful all the same, the tears springing to life the evidence of their cruelty.

"Hold it right there!" Brian shouted, hushing everyone instantly. Erik sought out Piedmon, and clung weakly to his arm

"Look, whether Erik and I are together, if we've turned him gay, I don't give a damn, you ARE NOT going to speak to him that way! He is a human being, and even though you are supposedly his parents, you cannot talk to someone like that! I can't tell you how many times he's come crying to me because of you sadistic bastards, and just about the only people he came cry to are me and my family, and you're taking that one thing away from him!" Brian snarled, stomping up close to Joseph and Jennifer, pointing his finger at them.

Even though he was shaking in fear at Brian's anger, Erik also smiled, now knowing how much Brian really did care for him.

"You mind your manners, you disrespectful little freak!" Jennifer said, placing both her hands on Brian's chest and pushed him backward. Brian yelped as he landed on the pavement, small tears coming from his eyes.

"You keep your hands off my child, you anorexic Barbie bitch!" Piedmon snarled, stepping in front of Brian. Erik went to Brian's side, and held on to his arm.

Jennifer started to open her mouth when Erik's older sister, Mindy appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Mommy, Daddy, what's going on?" She asked. She was around 19, weighed 115 pounds and stood 5'7. She looked like she stepped straight out of Pink's "Stupid Girls" video. Her shoulder length bleached blonde hair was even worse than Jennifer's was. She too had "blue" eyes. Her skin was so badly tanned she looked like an Oompa Loompa. She was so scantily clad she might as well go nude. She wore a hot pink spaghetti strap crop tank top and a blue jean mini-mini skirt.

Piedmon looked at her and immediately put his hands over his mouth to keep from laughing too loud.

"What in the hell is your problem?!" Jennifer demanded.

Piedmon pointed at Mindy, who had now come down stairs.

"You don't have any room to talk, last time I checked guys weren't supposed to be walking around in skirts and ruby red lipstick with red nail polish! Are you even a guy?" Mindy said.

"Have you looked in a mirror lately, Paris Hilton?" Piedmon said, putting his hands on his hips.

Mindy was about to speak, but Joseph shushed her.

"Are you going to hand over Erik or not?" He said, folding his arms again.

"Like I said before, no, we are taking him." Myotismon said.

Before Joseph could speak, Myotismon pulled out his cell phone.

"Hey, Ken, can you come over here and bring the papers? Ok see you then." Myotismon said to the person on the phone. He hung up the phone and put it in his pocket.

"My lawyer will be here in a minute so we can take Erik, and you can never see him again." Myotismon said smugly.

Literally a minute later, a dark green Volkswagen Bug pulled into the driveway, and Ken stepped out. He was in his mid 20s. He had long waist length hair pulled back into a low ponytail and brown eyes under rimless glasses. He wore a dark blue dress shirt, black slacks and a black tie. He walked over to Myotismon, a briefcase in his hand. Myotismon and Ken both nodded hello to each other.

"Meet my lawyer, Ken Motsua." Myotismon said, smiling smugly at them, as if he'd already gotten Erik.

Kouji looked at Joseph and Jennifer, giving them both a dirty look. He pulled out a series of forms from his briefcase and handed them to Joseph, putting a pen in his hand.

"These are custody forms, I've already highlighted where you need to sign." He said.

"You've got to be kidding, there's no way in hell we're signing this!" Joseph said outraged.

"You'll sign it or…well let's just say you should sign it." Myotismon said, half smiling so they could see one of his fangs twinkle in the light.

Joseph and Jennifer backed up a step, quickly signing the form in fear, then handing it to Kouji.

Kouji read over it and put it back in his briefcase. "All right, Erik is yours, and I'll go take these in. See you later Myotis-san." Kouji said, walking back to his car then driving off.

"Well, I guess we'll see you, never. Enjoy Hell, I mean America!" Myotismon said, walking back to the car, getting in. Piedmon followed him and got in too.

Brian sighed. "Erik, want to say anything to them?" He asked.

"No, I want to get the hell outta here!" Erik said, tugging on Brian's arm.

Brian put his arm around Erik's waist and they both went back to the car, getting in.

Myotismon started the car and sped off.

Brian yawned, snuggling against Erik, the both of them putting their feet up in the seat and curling up together. Brian rested his head on Erik's shoulder, the rhythm of car moving, and the warmth of Erik's body up against his making him sleepy. He sighed and fell asleep. Erik looked down at him and smiled.