A/N: (1) Please read Revenge, and Reason for Revenge before this story, thank you.

A/N: (2) This is just a prologue into the story. The rest of the chapters will be longer. Enjoy.


"We're getting a divorce," she said it so simple.

Words like those shouldn't be simple.

My mother shook her head and sighed. As the years piled on her, it was becoming easier to tell when she was worried, and only for the sole reason that her wrinkles were showing more.

"Okay," what else was I supposed to say?

"Your father plans on asking her to marry him, you know."

She always had to be the gossip queen. Why couldn't she understand I didn't want to hear that?

"She'll say no," I said that with way too much infuriation; too many left over feelings still existed.

But who was I kidding? I didn't even know Miley anymore. No one really knew her anymore. Not even my father.

"Right," my mother lazily responded, filled with sarcasm. She began picking at her acrylic pink nails.


You are cordially

invited to the

marriage between

Lucas Truscott


Miley Stewart

I crumpled the invitation before I even finished reading it. I wasn't going, nonetheless see them.

That night we danced, we kissed… Miley was an unfaithful bitch. I hoped I was getting revenge on her, but that won't be enough. I need to make her want me, desire me. Then we'll see how much she likes being left behind.