Disclaimer: Sadly I do not own any of the following characters. This will be eventual Femslash between SS and CW.

Crime Scene Boot Camp

Grissom sat at his desk, piled high with a back log of reports, scattered volumes of "Anthropoetics" and stared thoughtfully at the illicit memo in his hands. Ecklie had been on at him for weeks about organizing the team together and sending them on a prestigious 2 week survival course in the heart of the Alaskan Fjords. He was surprised actually. The course sounded expensive and regarding Ecklie's recent showdown with him in the corridors of the lab, money was something the lab didn't have at the moment. But regardless of this, he already knew he couldn't send them all. They were getting nowhere fast in a series of complicated serials where women were being found missing painted digits and also knew that all five of his agents had many of their own open cases still going.

Grissom was NOT a natural leader. He was a silent intellect. He considered, he analyzed, he investigated. But he did not delegate. That's what Catherine was for. He envied her powerful brashness and subtle charm. He was inept when it came to making decisions, but the memo would not disappear. So he had to choose two agents to represent the crime lab in Alaska. He just didn't know how and who. Immersed completely, reading the memo over and over as if it would make the decision for him, he was oblivious to the shift in the shadows and the presence of a figure slouched casually in the door frame.

"A look that intense can only mean one thing. You've got the Sunday edition of the "Las Vegas Tribune" crossword in your hands".

Grissoms head snapped up to see Sara Sidle smirking back at him. She pushed herself gently off the door frame and sat opposite him, boots perched on the edge of his desk. Meeting her with silence , she glanced around the office and said, "No offense Gil but it doesn't look like this place had seen a Hoover in months".

He took off his glasses and looked at her wearily"I havn't had a cleaner in here since Natalie. I'll do it myself when I find time".

Sara laughed, "Yeah ok. Whatever suits you Gil. I've just closed the Robertson case, turns out that HE was actually a SHE which certainly puts some of the crime scenes in context now, so I've left the full repor... Griss? Are you actually even listening to me?"

"21 Across." He said.

"Excuse me?"

"I said, 21 Across..." he said impatiently.

Humoring him, and her natural curiosity getting the better of her she replied"What's the clue?"

"Home to American Ivy League glaciers."

"How many..."

"Six letters." He interrupted.

Her knowledge on Geography was not that extensive but rock formations had always interested her. "Alaska?" She said.Grissom laid down the piece of paper and shifted nervously in his chair. "Hey!!... That's not a crossword!" She grabbed the undercover memo and started reading.

As her eyes grew wider Grissom said, "Sara, I'd like it if you would go. It'll be fascinating, physically challenging and since you've just closed your case..."

"Of course I'll go!!"She said excitedly. "Will it just be me?"

"No. It's meant to be two of you, only I havn't had time to decide yet..."

"The date on this is 3 days ago."She cut in.

"I know but it's a difficult decision to make."He sat back and pinched the top of his nose tiredly.

Sara slid her boots off the desktop and sat upright. "I have an idea if you want to hear it..."


"Well you could just send the next CSI you see. I mean, that's what you did with me right? I could have been Cath, Warrick, Greg..."

"Don't you think that that's a little irresponsible?"

"21 Across."

"Ok. I get your point. Lets do it."

More chapters coming soon, once I write them at work that is : )