Someone Else's Shadow

AN: Lookie, I'm back with a new story! This time it's my absolute OTP (one true pairing) AkuRoku, in my eyes they are simply meant to be together, cause I love how they are! Think about all the lemons there could be! -naughty thoughts-
Er well... To the point then! Actually it took me a damn long time to be able to write AkuRoku for some reason, I have no idea why. But then I kind of got an idea and started writing. The update process wont be really fast since I keep my chapter standards on this fic on about 10 pages which equals aroun 5500 words (update: which now have changed to 13 pages xD) So I wont be throwing them out every other day or so! I got a life outside internet, y'know? School and crap like that. Well, I guess that's all I got to say for now.

Update (25/11-08):
The first chapters of SES are now being beta-read as well, thanks a lot to Trainra for taking on the task to fixing the earlier ones! So this chapter has now been corrected!

Summary: Roxas is the new kid at Twilight High, and he's falling hard for someone. Axel always knew he had a way of making people fall for him, but he certainly hadn't meant it that way.

Warnings: AU (high school fic), swearing, boy x boy relationships, AkuRoku, Zemyx/Dexion. Maybe ZackCloud and RiSo later. Future lemons.

Disclaimer: Well, did you know that I actually got the rights to Kingdom He-OUCH! -hit by a book-
Zexion: Don't listen to the authress please, she doesn't own us at all. We're all property of Square Enix and Disney.

Chapter 1

Roxas sighed as the morning light hit his eyes. He groaned and rolled over in his bed. He truly hated mornings in all possible ways. It was bright and early, and there was one thing that made this morning particularly bad. It was going to be his first day at a new school. And how he hated schools. He had no good experience of schools.

"Roxas!" A voice yelled through the house, "Are you up?" As if right on cue his alarm clock made itself known, ringing obnoxiously in his ears.

Roxas let out a louder groan as he pushed himself up from the bed and hit the alarm clock on the small table by his bed. It was with slow moves Roxas dressed this dreadful morning. He dreaded going to school and that was why he tried to make the getting ready process as slow as possible. He was trying to avoid what he knew was coming, which was actually pretty stupid if you thought about it.

"Rox!" a distant shout was heard through the house.

Roxas picked up his bag from the floor, ignoring the yell, and sighed as he threw a look into the mirror. A sulky 16 year old teenager looked back at him with ocean blue eyes. The teen had spiky and somewhat messy blonde hair that lived its own life. He wore a black tank top but had a white, checkered hoody over it. And too that a pair of black jeans.

"Eyeliner." Roxas mumbled when he noticed what was missing and with that he grabbed the eyeliner and applied some of it. He didn't care that people sometimes called him emo; he liked his eyeliner because it made his eyes kind of... stand out, in a way that he liked.


"On my way!" Roxas shouted in frustration as he tried to get the eyeliner right, he didn't feel like doing it all over again, and soon he put it back on the table and with some minor swearing he finally made his way out to the kitchen where his brother stood by the oven, apparently working on breakfast.

Roxas sat down on a chair with a sigh as he looked at his older brother. As Roxas, his brother was blonde and had blue eyes. But the older one of them had been blessed with height, while Roxas was left... short. He hated to think of himself as short, but it was the sad truth. There was nothing he could do to change this very (according to Roxas) depressing fact.

"So you're up, I thought I'd have to drag you up," the older one of them said with slight sarcasm evident in his voice as he turned around with the frying pan in his hand, apparently making an omelette.

Roxas simply glared as he poured himself a glass of orange juice, "Funny Cloud," he muttered as he sipped on his juice before putting the glass down on the table.

"Well, you eat up and then I'll drive you to school," Cloud said and shrugged as he put the omelette on Roxas's plate. Cloud had apparently already eaten his breakfast; it was a mystery to Roxas how his older brother always could get up so early and still be so concentrated on everything, acting like he had slept a whole day or something. Roxas always felt like a zombie, no matter when or how he woke up.

"Thanks," Roxas simply stated as he picked up his utensils and slowly started to eat the omelette.

Cloud just shrugged as he poured himself a cup of coffee and then sat down in front of Roxas and started reading the newspaper to see if something interesting had happened.
Roxas sighed as he picked at the omelette. He put his utensils down after just eating half of it. His appetite wasn't really up, and he didn't want to risk throwing up at school. God he was nervous! What if it would end up like his other school, the one he had attended to before? He didn't want that at all and shuddered at the simple thought of it.

"You done?" Cloud asked suspiciously as he eyed Roxas who just nodded, "All right, guess we should get moving then," he then said as he took the rest of Roxas' omelette and threw it in the bin. He also put away the carton of orange juice and washed Roxas' glass. Sometimes Roxas wondered if Cloud was his brother or his own personal maid... or, well, butler. But he had to admit that it was pretty funny to imagine Cloud in a maid's outfit.

Roxas just grimaced as he pushed himself up and followed Cloud to the hall where he put on his shoes and, despite it being summer outside he put on a light jacket, since the weather had been kind of strange lately. Cloud simply put on his long black gloves and then put on a helmet before he handed Roxas the other helmet.

"We're taking Fenrir?" Roxas asked with a frown on his face as he put the helmet on with some unease.

Cloud let out a chuckle as he grabbed the handles of his motorcycle named Fenrir and then rolled it a bit, "No, I just gave you the helmet so you wouldn't get run over by a dog."

"Haha," Roxas said with sarcasm as he watched how Cloud started the engine and then jumped up on the motorcycle to steady it and then he turned to Roxas and gave a nod, motioning to him to hop on.

With a sigh Roxas headed up to the motorcycle and flung himself up on the damn big motorcycle. He was a bit scared of it actually. He always felt so small on it, smaller than he actually was. It was like he was gonna die if the thing simply fell over. Of course he wouldn't die... but he couldn't help feeling scared of the big machine. Well, his only comfort was that Fenrir was Cloud's big love; he wouldn't let his bike get a single scratch. And Roxas was second on the list of Cloud's most beloved things. At least, he hoped he was...

Roxas yelped when Cloud suddenly raced away, it made Roxas immediately take a hold around Cloud's waist. He wasn't going to risk dying like this.

Cloud smiled for himself when he felt Roxas tighten his grip. He almost felt the urge to speed up even more to give his brother a fright. But by doing that he'd risk getting puke all over his back... and that was something Cloud didn't want. Plus the fact that he knew Roxas was nervous as hell, his poor brother hadn't been lucky with school last year. Kids these day weren't so open minded when it came to certain stuff. Like Roxas's own style, and some other things that had happened.

After a good 10 minutes ride Cloud finally slowed down and stopped at a building that was crowded with students. Many of them threw impressed looks at the motorcycle, and at Cloud.

Roxas jumped of the bike and took of the helmet. Cloud took of his helmet briefly and then gazed at Roxas for a while, "You gonna be fine?" he then asked softly, seeing the distressed look on Roxas's face.

"Yeah... I... I guess so," he murmured as he glanced around, still seeing that some people were looking at them.

"Just give me a call if something comes up, and when you get out of school give me a call and I'll give you a ride home. I'll be working down at the Sandlot today so I can sneak away. All right?" he then asked with an assuring smile on his face, earning a very small smile back, "Just take it cool, Rox," Cloud then added as he (to many girls dismay) put on his helmet again and with a quick wave he drove off towards the Sandlot.

Roxas sighed deeply as he shoved his hands into his pant pockets and headed for the school entrance. He was so not looking forward to this. Not at all. And how was he supposed to find his way everywhere? Ugh, he'd just head for the office first of all. And thank God that was the first thing he saw marked out when he got inside the school. A large sign reading office pointed the way and Roxas immediately hurried there and headed up to the desk.

A young girl with short brown hair looked up at him with a questioning look, "Huh, you want something?" she asked and removed her feet from the desk, looking bored out of her mind.

"Eh... Yeah, I'm new here and-,"

"Oh, you must be... Uhm... Yeah, the new 2nd year kid!" she said enthusiastically as she started up the computer screen, "Uh... Name?"

"Roxas Strife," Roxas answered as he eyed the girl. Weird, she didn't look much older than him. But well, who knew about age these days?

The girl nodded as she typed in his name at the computer and then printed out his schedule.

"Aaaand... there you go!" she said with a grin on her face as she handed him the paper, "Your first lesson is History, with Leon. It's just one floor up and then to the left!" she explained before waving him off.

"...Thanks," Roxas said shyly as he headed outside and went up the stairs which were close by.

And as the girl had said he took a left and saw a door that was open. Some chattering was heard from inside and Roxas swallowed as he prepared himself for utter doom and chaos. He hated the first thing. Introductions. Many teachers liked to torture their students with forcing them to speak up their whole life in front of class. With a churning stomach he sucked in a deep breath and stepped inside.

He met a pair of stormy grey eyes at the front of the classroom where a young teacher with brown hair and a scar across his face sat, "Ah. You must be Roxas, the new student, right?" he asked with a polite tone as he eyed Roxas from tip to toe.

Roxas gave a slight nod as he realized that some of the students shut up and looked at him with interest, "Yeah, that's me."

"Well, welcome to the class then," Leon said, "I'm Leon, your history teacher. I think I should put you up with another student this week since the school is rather confusing. But we'll save that for later, sit down where you please," he then said with a little smile on his face.

Roxas let out a sigh of relief as he smiled back, but just a small smile, and nodded. This teacher didn't seem bad. Not bad at all actually, and he was happy about that. But he didn't really like the idea of being paired up with another student. That could only mean trouble, right?

With a sigh he turned around to look for a good place, he wasn't paying attention to any of the other students so he headed to the back of the room and was about to sit down when an excited voice startled him.


Roxas stiffened as he felt his eyes widening, who in hell knew him here? With slight dread he backed away from the chair he was about to sit in, trying to save himself from the blur that was coming at him in full speed.

Trouble indeed, he should have known that he was doomed from the beginning.

"It is you!" the blur yelled as it with tremendous power latched itself on Roxas, sending them both tumbling to the floor. Roxas hissed as his head collided with the hard floor, plus feeling an elbow in his ribs, "YAY! Roxas, Roxas, Roxas! I have missed you SOOOO much!" The hyperactive bundle of (over) joy squealed, sprawled on top of Roxas.

"What the fu-... Wait a moment..." Roxas moaned as he took in the sight of a pair of baby blue eyes, brown spiky hair and a big grin, "...You," he then stated with a frown on his face.

"Roxas!" the boy squealed and latched his arms around Roxas's neck, "You remembered me!" he then happily cried, not letting go of Roxas.

Roxas closed his eyes as he felt the kid's spiky hair poking his face. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry about the brunette being all over him. It was seriously a hard question to find an answer to. Cry... Laugh... Why not cry while laughing? Well, this meant he kind of knew someone.

"Of course I do..." Roxas said and forced himself to not sound annoyed or uncertain; he doubted his own voice though.

From the front of the classroom Leon cleared his throat and looked at Sora with a slightly amused look, "Sora... Step off of him, you don't want to give the new student a concussion his first day, right?" he then asked with a raised eyebrow.

Sora looked up at Leon and then down and Roxas who didn't look so comfortable by being pinned to the floor. With open mouth Sora jumped up from the floor and pulled Roxas up with him, immediately starting to look over Roxas in search of some kind of wound he might have inflicted on the blonde.

"I never thought I'd see you again for a while!" Sora squealed and once more hugged Roxas who this time hugged him back with a small smile on his face.

"Nice seeing you again, Sora." Roxas said softly as he this time dared to sit down in the chair. Sora was fast to sit down beside him, "Uhm... You aren't sitting with someone else?" he then asked with tilted head.

Sora's eyes widened and he wildly shook his head, "Are you kidding me? It's forever since I last saw you! Oh my... What is it... four years?" he then asked with amazement in his voice as he looked at Roxas.

"Yeah... Somewhere around there I think..." Roxas stated with a slight nod, he noticed that even more people were looking at them now.

Sora smiled widely, "I am so happy to see you! And you're going to start in my class, yay!"

Sora was about to open his mouth again when it stormed in about 20 students which made Leon clear his throat as he stood up. Sora pouted slightly but then smiled at Roxas before turning forward again.

"Well, I hope everyone had a good weekend," Leon said with a smirk on his face, earning several groans from the class, "I have heard several things about your survival expedition, it sounded… interesting to say the least..."

Roxas raised an eyebrow and thanked God he actually had decided to start school this week and not one week earlier like he had been thinking about. Ugh... Survival...

"Hm, over to something good then, we've got a new student," Leon stated as he looked Roxas's way, this made everyone look at him in surprise, "So, who are you?" Leon then asked and Roxas sighed inwardly, well... he knew it was something they had to do.

"Roxas Strife," Roxas said softly, not really daring to speak up. He had never been good at speaking in crowds.

"Mind telling why you decided to come here suddenly?" Leon then asked with slight interest.

Roxas opened his mouth slightly and then shut it, feeling a bit uncomfortable, "Eh... Some family stuff. Work and such things," he said quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"I see," Leon said and gave a nod, he had a feeling this was something sensitive, "Well, since Roxas is new I am assigning him to someone so tha-,"

"I can!" Sora suddenly yelled, "Please, Leon! I already know him, I can show him around and make sure he gets to know all the stuff!" he then said cheerfully.

"...I guess that's okay," Leon said after a while of thinking, "But you better take responsibility for him Sora if anything happens."

Sora grinned widely as he latched himself on Roxas again, this time around his arm, "Of course, you trust me, right Rox?" He then asked with puppy eyes which made Roxas actually let out a chuckle.

"Yeah," he then said softly.

Maybe the day wouldn't be so bad after all. Who had counted on him meeting Sora of all people? It was really weird, but good as well, he thought. Even though the brunette seemed to be a severe pain from time to time he probably was good at heart. A really nice and caring person who'd do anything for his friends. Roxas felt that he actually liked the kid, despite his hyperness; you just couldn't hate him.

Roxas had no problems at all with Leon's lesson. He just listened carefully to what Leon said, and took notes of stuff they were told to remember. But it really felt like he already knew all this since earlier, but it never hurt to write more than less, right?

Sora tried to start a conversation several times, Roxas just smiled each time Sora got a stern glare from Leon which always made Sora stop in mid sentence and sigh sadly. He really wanted to talk that badly, it had been years after all. So for Sora the lesson took forever to end. Roxas on the other had quite a good time in class, now he at least had one safe card in school. Sora.

Though... he couldn't help but wonder what Sora's friends were thinking. At least Roxas thought that the silver-haired boy and the red-haired girl who were glaring at him were friends with Sora. They didn't really seem to like the fact that their friend had joined Roxas.

"And that class is all for today," Leon said as he sighed and sat down by his desk again, "Make sure to try and do your homework this time. I won't tolerate much more skipping any longer," he then said with a sharp glare directed at some students. With this a collective groan escaped the class as most of them were set on leaving the classroom fast, homework free.

"Sora, Roxas, stay a minute would you?" Leon then asked as they stood up. Roxas gave a slight nod and Sora moaned.

"Come on, I wanna catch up with Rox!" he whined and pouted with crossed arms.

Roxas sighed, "You sure have no patience..." he said in a murmur that Sora didn't catch, Leon did though and couldn't help smirking.

"I just wanted to say that if you wonder about something Roxas, you can just ask me," Leon said with a slight nod, "And Sora, don't confuse him or something along those lines, I know how you can be," He added with a slight glare directed at Sora.

Sora sighed exasperatedly and headed towards the door, pulling Roxas along with him, "Yeah, yeah. I'll be good, show him school and all that stuff. Yadda, yadda, yadda," he then said and rolled his eyes before escaping the room.

A girl and two boys were standing outside the room, looking slightly confused, especially the other blonde kid who had a slight frown on his face.
Roxas sighed inwardly. The preps, of course, he was being inspected and it seemed they were pretty unsure about Sora's choice of friend.

"Hey, Riku, Kairi, Tidus!" Sora said with a wide grin on his face, "This is Roxas! But well, Kairi and Riku, you met him once, right?" he then said with a smile on his face.

Riku gave a slight nod, "Yeah. Nice to meet you again," He then said, but without any emotion that spoke for it being the truth. It looked like he was thinking the exact opposite.

"Ah, I didn't recognize you. You've... changed," Kairi said with a smile on her face that was pretty much screaming fake all over.

"Yeah, lots happens in 4 years," Roxas said and shrugged before looking at Tidus. He had barely recognized Riku and Kairi... But this one, he hadn't seen him before.

"Hey," was all the blonde grumbled before turning on his heels and walking away, down the corridor.

Sora was of course oblivious about everything around him, just grinning widely as usual, "Well guys, we'll join you for lunch, I got to show Rox around school, see you!" and with that Roxas felt how he was grabbed by his hood and being pulled away deeper into the school.

Roxas had to admit that Sora was pretty good at explaining where everything in the school was located. But sometimes Sora tended to drift away from his task and start introducing Roxas to random people in school. Most of them were preps, he realized. It seemed those were the people Sora was running with, which would prove to be problematic since Roxas wasn't so fond of those persons. Roxas was different.
After about an hour, they were done exploring the school and Roxas had pretty much memorized everything since he knew he wouldn't be able to stand being with Sora and (mostly) his friends all the time. He had nothing against Sora... he just couldn't stand those fake friends, and he was afraid of getting all... stared at, he hated to be judged by people who didn't know him.

"And well, that's all I think!" Sora said with a wide smile on his face, after talking about what Leon was discussing this morning. "Oh shit! We better hurry now, math starts in like 5 minutes!" he said with wide eyes as he started running, once more dragging Roxas with him, almost running into a tall red-head on their way to class.

"Hey! Watch it!" he yelled with wide eyes and stumbled back.

Sora just blabbered up something that was impossible to hear which made the redhead frown and roll his eyes.

"Sorry!" Roxas called through the corridor, throwing a look at the red-head, mostly apologizing for Sora who was pulling him through school. Hm. That guy was pretty good looking... Those green eyes and that really red hair...
Roxas didn't have time to think more about the red-head since Sora pulled him into a classroom.

Axel sighed as he turned a corner seeing how a blur came running towards him at an amazing speed, he barely managed to avoid the collision and stepped back slightly.

"Hey! Watch it!" he yelled, looking at the blur, it was that damn prep kid, Sora, and his friend... No wait, that wasn't one of Sora's usual friends. It was a blonde that threw a look back at him and shouted 'Sorry' before being dragged off by Sora.

"Huh..." Axel let out as he watched the way the blonde had disappeared. He was kind of confused. He hadn't gotten the best look at the kid but it seemed he wasn't the prep type. He had seen the eyeliner and the converse. He smelled some emoness. He smirked slightly; this could prove to be interesting...

He shoved his hands into his pockets and headed his way towards the cafeteria. He had nothing against skipping school and he was meeting up with some friends either way. They had to catch up after the weekend. And maybe, if he was lucky, Demyx had been at his first lesson and could say something about the new kid. Something had caught Axel's interest.

"Hey, Ax!" a loud and enthusiastic voice yelled from a table in the back of the cafeteria. There his friends sat, Demyx, Zexion, Naminé and Zack. He had more of them but some were on the verge of failing if they skipped out more. Axel himself was actually one of those who were comfortably soaring through his classes, even if they went without him.

"Hey," Axel said with a smirk on his face as he headed up to the table and sat down with his friends, "What's up?" he then asked.

Demyx sighed, "Leon gave me homework!" he wailed as he slammed his head into the table. The blonde girl, Naminé, giggled.

"We all got it, not only you, Dem," she said softly.

"Well you don't have tests and that stuff coming up already," Zack said and sighed, "I am screwed, I think you guys should be happy to still be in juniors, they're trying to kill us seniors," he then said and grimaced.

Axel chuckled as he looked at Zexion who simply shrugged, he was reading a book. Like always.

"What about you?" Demyx then asked, still face down at the table surface.

"Nah, nothing. Skipped my first lesson, almost got knocked over by Sora and some friend of his." Axel said and shrugged, "Dem, you don't happen to know who it was? He didn't seem to be of their type," he then said with a raised eyebrow.

Demyx lifted his head from the table and then gave a nod at remembering the kid, "The blonde kid?" he questioned and Axel nodded, "His name's Roxas," he stated and then got a thoughtful expression on his face, "Roxas Strife..."

"Hm, kinda didn't look like he was one of them," Axel said unconsciously licking his lips.

Demyx shrugged and gave a nod, "Yeah. Seemed he knew Sora ages ago. Overheard something about four years ago. And the blonde kid didn't look far too enthusiastic by hearing Sora. But they seemed to be OK with each other."

"Aha..." Axel said with a nod, "Pity that he'll be in the preps claws. Either he'll be turned into one of them or he'll end up being ignored by them," He then said. It wouldn't be the first time it had happened.

Demyx just shrugged again and said something that sounded like 'guess so'.

Zack frowned as he pulled a hand through his spiky hair, "Strife... Where in hell do I recognise that name from?" he asked himself, everyone turned to look at him, and suddenly his face lit up, "Oh gosh, how could I forget?! Strife! He must be brother to Cloud Strife who dropped out of school two years ago!" he then enthusiastically said.

"Cloud who?" Demyx and Axel asked in confusion.

Zexion simply rolled his eyes and kept reading while Naminé just listened to their talk.

"Cloud Strife! Don't ya remember him? The blonde kid with the blue eyes, drove a really cool motorcycle to school. Wearing leather most of the time. Damn he was hot..." he then said dreamily.

"Zack... We didn't attend here two years ago," Axel stated with a frown on his face, "But well. Blonde and blue eyes, he must be related to the kid since Strife isn't the most usual name."

Zack smiled sheepishly and scratched his head, "Sorry. And yeah, I know he is. I used to talk to Cloud quite a lot in my first year. He was third year and all, but cool, at least when he wasn't an arrogant ass," he said with a slight laugh, "He disliked letting people in under his skin but-,"

"You always seem to worm yourself in." Axel said and smirked as the others chuckled, Zexion cracking a smirk when he saw Zack giving Axel quite the glare.

"Whatever, one day he just announced that he was dropping out, he had like straight A's and all that shit... But he just dropped out. Something was seriously wrong with him though," Zack said with a frown on his face, "He left town but apparently didn't sell the house. And I heard someone say something about a hot biker dropping someone off at school today, I guess Cloud's back in town then."

Demyx groaned as he shut his eyes, "Why are we talking about Zack's crush?"

"That's cause he's related to Axel's," Zack said with an evil grin on his face.

Axel simply rolled his eyes as he leant back, "I just thought the kid was interesting, a prep wouldn't say a nice word to us. He shouted sorry even though Sora was the one who almost tackled me."

"Hm. He seemed to be nice in history," Naminé said softly, "A bit shy though."

Roxas let out a heavy sigh as he dragged his feet after Sora who still was bouncing. After a damn tiring 2 hour long math lesson they were heading to the cafeteria. But Roxas kind of dreaded going in there. He was pretty sure that he'd have to sit with Sora and his prep friends. Which he wasn't interested in. That's why he had already figured out a plan.

He and Sora headed to the line and Roxas could immediately tell the system of the placing. There were the jocks. The preps. Some jocks and preps. Well, it seemed to be pretty much categorised. He noticed a table in the back with only a few people, where Roxas actually saw the guy from earlier, the red-head. He had actually asked Sora about him but Sora had simply told him to stay away from him and their sort. It had annoyed Roxas but he said nothing for the moment. And well, there were some outcasts sitting at small tables as well. Roxas swallowed as he got flashbacks from his other school. Not again.

While Sora bought two burgers with fries and coke Roxas simply bought two sandwiches and a bottle of water. His stomach was still not calming down.

"Come on Ro-,"

"Er... Sora, you know... I have never liked eating around people," Roxas said awkwardly as he looked another way, "So I was thinking of heading somewhere outside. Is that okay?"

"Aaaw," Sora said with a pout on his face, "Come on, my friends doesn't bite."

Roxas sighed inwardly as he mentally said 'Sure not, but I bet they'd like to.'

"I am sorry, but I just feel uncomfortable. I've been like that a long time now," Roxas said softly, "I promise I'll see you later, okay?" he then asked and Sora looked a little bit brighter at hearing this.

"You bet!" Sora said as he grinned which Roxas returned with a small smile as he then escaped the cafeteria with his lunch.

Just by stepping outside he let out a sigh of relief. He had felt the eyes of Sora's friends trying to burn holes into his skull. He was so not going to eat with them; it had forced him to crack a lie but hell with it. He just had to escape from the damn atmosphere in the cafeteria.

Roxas looked around for somewhere to escape and decided to head outside since it was such nice weather this day. He even took off his hoody as he felt the sun warming him up immediately. With a smile Roxas noticed a perfect tree away from the school. He climbed up and found a perfect branch to sit on where he could rest his back against the tree. With a satisfied sigh he unwrapped one of his sandwiches and took a bite of it. He felt hungrier now when he was outside and didn't have to look out for preps who wanted to kill him with their glares.
It didn't take him much time to finish his sandwiches once his hunger had started to make itself evident. He should really have eaten more of that omelette Cloud had made him for breakfast.

After ten minutes Roxas sighed as he looked out over the school yard. Only a few students where outside eating lunch. But it seemed to be prep clear at least. Roxas hadn't any interest in heading back inside as the minutes passed. He looked at his watch and eventually noticed that his next lesson was supposed to start in five minutes. Roxas grimaced as he started to push himself up.

But hey... Who said you have to go to the lesson?

'I promised Sora that we'd see each other later...' Roxas thought with a frown on his face as he communicated with himself. Good thing he kept that to himself or people would think he was crazy or something.

You never said when later was. And you've already lied once, you can lie again you know.

Roxas sighed as he pulled a hand through his messy spikes, "I guess that's right," he murmured as he pushed himself further up the tree and got up on a higher branch which was a bit more... leafy. He wouldn't probably be seen through any windows of the school. He'd just be seen if someone got really close.

With a relaxed sigh Roxas leant back and closed his eyes. Just listening to the sound of the wind and the rustling of leaves. And it was enough to soon make Roxas fall into a deep peaceful sleep.

"Hell yeah, and that was this day!" Demyx said with a grin on his face as Axel rolled his eyes. They had been sitting in the cafeteria for hours and just talked before they decided that they were going to skip the rest of the day. The blonde was really happy for nothing.

"You know, you only had history, Dem," Axel stated as they headed away from the school, "I'd not complai-," Axel bit himself when he saw a black bag fall down to the ground, landing with a thud just about an inch in front of him.

He opened his mouth in surprise and his friends did as well. Hell, had a bag just fallen from the sky and threaten to kill Axel at the same time?

"The hell?" Axel said as he picked up the bag from the ground, "Did you see that?!" he then asked as he looked at his friends.

Zack squinted as he looked up and then a grin broke out on his face as he pointed up at one of the branches higher up in a tree where a pair of legs dangled on each side of the branch. And apparently the person who those legs belonged to had fallen asleep since no sound was heard. Very smart place to sleep. In a treetop.

Demyx opened his eyes up wide and gasped in surprise, "How the fuck did he get all the way up there!?" he asked as he looked at Zexion with wide eyes.

Said boy rolled his eyes and then smirked, "It's called climbing, Dem," he then answered as Demyx got a pout on his face and then glared at him, which just made him smirk more at the pouting blonde.

"Should we... Wake him up?" Naminé asked, "I mean, he maybe lost track of time and-,"

"HEY, KID!" Axel then shouted loudly which caused said blonde in the tree to shoot up from his sleep and turn over, probably expecting to feel something solid under his fingers but there was only air.

Axel's eyes widened when he realized the stupid mistake he had done. Oh shit, the kid was falling down the tree. Was he stupid or what?
He knew he always had had a way of making people fall for him... But he had never actually meant it this way.

A/N: Yay, that was chapter one of my AkuRoku fic XD Sorry if I got some grammar/spelling errors!
And please review to tell me what you think, not too much flaming please! And as I usually say in my fics... Demyx, say it!


Er... I was about to say cookies...

Update 25/11 -08!
Thanks a lot to Trainra who now have beta-read this chapter!