The bell rang loudly, echoing across the school grounds

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Disclaimer: Will, Elizabeth, Jack and Bill all belong to Disney, for purposes of this fic I have brought Will's mum back from the dead and possibly Elizabeth's and so you could say they're mine.

Ok, this is how it goes, if people like this first chapter then I will continue to post what I write, if not then, well, I won't. But this story is dedicated to my best friend Jenny, who believed in this idea!

Against the Rules

Chapter 1

The bell rang loudly, echoing across the school grounds. There was a scramble of movement as over a thousand pupils hurried to lessons. The corridors and classrooms were filled with the hustle and bustle of school day life. Eventually all noise petered away as lessons started.

Elizabeth Swann paced up and down her classroom nervously. Fresh out of university it was her first day of teaching English. She chewed her nails nervously and tried to calm her thudding heart. She could hear the excited chatter of the students outside, the sound echoed in her ears, until it was like a drumming. Turning away from the door she took a sip of water and several deep breaths. Finally she was calm enough to open the door. As it creaked open all the talking stopped and the students turned to look at their new teacher.

"Come in," she said as calmly as she could manage.

The first class was a year 9 class. An acceptable introduction. As they filed into the classroom and took their seats she closed the door and stood behind her desk.

"Settle down!" she called. The chattering died out to a low rumble of conversation. Finally there was silence and she was able to start her lesson.

"Welcome back to school. I'm your new English teacher, Miss Swann. Now I know that you probably don't want to be told this but this year is rather important. You have your SAT's in May, and we have a lot to cover in that time." She looked around the class and was pleasantly surprised to find them all listening. She allowed herself a small smile; maybe her first day wouldn't be a complete disaster.

By lunchtime Elizabeth was eating her own words. The first lesson had been the only good one; year 9 had been followed by a rowdy group of year 8's and then two badly behaved year 10 groups. As the last kid ran, whooping and hollering from the classroom she sank into her desk chair and covered her face with her hands. She was exhausted; looking at her watch she thanked God that it was lunchtime. She pulled her lunch from her bag and stood up to go to the staffroom, as she left she picked up her timetable and left the room, just remembering to lock the classroom door.

The staffroom was quiet and went a long way to soothing Elizabeth's headache. She sank into a comfortable chair and leant her head back; closing her eyes she inhaled deeply. She wasn't aware that someone had sat next to her until she opened her eyes and saw a man with dark hair looking at her.

"Hey!" he said enthusiastically when she opened her eyes. Elizabeth blinked, surprised.

"Hi," she replied. The man held out his hand and after a moment Elizabeth shook it.

"James Norrington!" the man said, pumping her hand up and down. Elizabeth smiled and pried her hand free as politely as she could.

"Elizabeth Swann." She replied, wondering if she had pulled anything in her shoulder. James beamed at her; Elizabeth recognised that smile and groaned internally. 'Great' she thought, 'just what I need on the first day of a new job, having to break a colleagues' heart.' She returned the smile and made a big show of rummaging for her lunch. Suddenly unwrapping a sandwich was a big deal. James waited patiently until she had the sandwich unwrapped on her lap.

"So, English teacher hey?" he asked. Elizabeth took a bite of her sandwich and nodded. James looked at her expectantly and she realised that he was waiting for her to make a reply.

"And what do you teach?" she asked. James smiled again.

"History." He replied. Elizabeth raised her eyebrows.

"That must be…interesting?" she said. James laughed and gave her a small slap on the arm. Elizabeth winced slightly and smiled. James was opening his mouth to say something else when someone called his name; he apologised to Elizabeth and left her sitting alone.

As soon as James had gone Elizabeth let out a huge sigh of relief. She shook her head and laughed quietly to herself at how oblivious the man was. She pulled her timetable out of her bag and scanned across it. She winced as she saw that it was year 13 in the afternoon. With a grumpy scowl she shoved the timetable back in her bag and stuffed the rest of her sandwich in her mouth.

The end of lunch came all too soon for Elizabeth, five minutes before the end she heaved herself off her chair and began to make her way back to her classroom. As the door loomed up ahead of her she felt the sweat breaking out on her forehead. She calmed herself down and focused on walking to the door. It seemed that the whole world had become focused on that door and the doom it seemed to carry. As if in a dream she went into the room. She sat behind her desk and shifted through already stacked paper. Five minutes passed and the bell rang loudly. Elizabeth leant back in her chair and listened as the sound of the students filing into the corridors got louder. She checked her lesson plan once more before standing up and making her way to the door. Opening it she poked her head out into the corridor. The nearest sixth former turned his head when he heard the door open. She gestured for them to come in. one by one they filed in quietly. Elizabeth made her way back to her desk and fiddled with the sheets of paper nervously. As she looked up the last student was entering the room. Elizabeth's breath caught in her throat. The boy was tall, with dark hair that floated down past his shoulders. He had broad shoulders and long arms and legs. But it was his face that captivated her the most. He had dark brown eyes that scanned the room, for a split second his eyes locked on hers. A nose that was slightly crooked, as if broken, but still attractive. A moustache and goatee adorned his upper lip and chin, which gave him a more mature look than his classmates. He carried a bag with a single strap slung across his shoulder and chest. Elizabeth realised she was staring and looked away hurriedly. When she looked back up the boy had walked across the classroom and settled at a table by himself at the back of the classroom.

Elizabeth waited for the chatter to die down before she spoke.

"Good afternoon, everyone. My name is Miss Swann and I'll be your English teacher this year." A simple nod greeted her words. "Now, we have a lot to get through this term but I don't want it all to be hard work." Some of the class smiled and Elizabeth knew exactly what they were thinking. "I know that you're thinking that all teachers say this, but believe me when I say that I know what it's like to be stuck in a classroom doing loads of work." She waited for the sneering smiles and was surprised when they did not come. After another moment of silence she picked up the register.

"Steve Adams."


"Matt Allen."

"Here." Elizabeth went down the register, all the while keeping one eye on the boy at the back. Waiting for him to respond. As more names were read out and he didn't say anything. Finally there were two names left.

"Jack Sparrow."

"Here!" a voice bellowed making Elizabeth and several other members of the class jump. He eyes searched out the owner of the voice and when she found him she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Jack Sparrow was one of the most eccentrically dress people she had ever seen. Garbed all in black the only colour he wore was a dirty red bandanna that held his head back. His dark brown eyes were surrounded by a ring of eyeliner and Elizabeth was sure that she could see a hint of mascara. He was lounging at the back of the room, leant against the wall. His chair swinging back on two legs. Elizabeth shook her head slightly and turned her attention back to the register. And the last name.

"Will Turner."

"Here." That single word sent shivers down her Elizabeth's spine. She took a breath before ticking the name off. Replacing the register she picked up the books and began to hand them out.

He couldn't keep his eyes off her, since he had walked into the room and seen her for the first time. He watched captivated as she leant forward to pick a book off the desk, how her hair fell forward, showing the pale skin at the curve of her neck. When he eyes had met his for a split second as he had entered the room he had felt his knees go weak. Jack caught his eye and gave him a sly wink. Will shook his head, a small smile threatening to break out before picking up his bag.

He was putting his pencil case on his desk just as she put a book down; their hands brushed for a second and Will felt a jolt run through his body. His head snapped up to fins that she was looking at him. A strange look on her face. Her hazel eyes bore into his dark brown ones for a second before she walked away as if nothing had happened.

Will took a deep breath, trying in vain to calm his thudding heart that he was sure that everyone else could hear. He was also sure that his face was bright red. To distract himself he bent his head over his book and concentrated on writing his name, form, subject and teacher on the front of his book as neatly as he could. By the time he had finished his heartbeat was back to normal and his face didn't feel as flushed or hot anymore. He lifted his head and saw her sitting at the front, frowning at the computer screen, trying to find the right PowerPoint presentation. She found it with a triumphant smile and brought it up on the interactive white board. When the title came up there was a collective groan from the class. Poetry. Miss Swann gave them all a grin.

"Well, I said some of it would be hard work."

When she had set them some work Elizabeth sat behind her desk. Her hand from where it had come into contact with Will's was tingling. The feelings the merest of touches had evoked in her were strange. Rarely did first sight and touch make her blood boil like this. Every cell in her brain was screaming at her to act professionally. To stop thinking about a student! It was funny that the lesson was on poetry because Elizabeth could be very poetic about what she had seen in Will's eyes. Never before had she seen eyes like that before. So dark that they were almost black. And the look of intensity she had seen even from the second that their eyes had been locked. She froze the screen and tried to concentrate on typing up the next piece of work. As se finished she looked up and surveyed the room, which was silent, save for the scratching of pens on paper.

She watched as one by one faces turned to the beard to see the new work, and one by one faces dropped. Elizabeth smiled; writing poetry had never been her forte either. There were many pensive faces as the students stared at the blank sheets of paper as if the words would form if they stared at the page hard enough. Only one person was writing, Jack Sparrow, he scrawled on his paper with an intensity that surprised Elizabeth. Soon other members of the class began to get the idea and follow his example.

Will put up his hand and Elizabeth heaved herself out of her chair to go and see him. She reached his desk and he turned his dark eyes on her.

"I need help." He said, slightly sheepishly. Elizabeth nodded.

"You don't write poetry?" she guessed. Will nodded and Elizabeth smiled. "I had a feeling this might happen which is why I didn't give a specific topic." She paused trying to work out to help him. "Just write about what you want, something that you feel passionately about. Try one verse." Will nodded and Elizabeth retreated to her desk with a smile.

As 3 O'clock inched closer and closer Elizabeth began to get impatient, she twiddled her thumbs until five minutes before the bell she stood up.

"Alright everyone, it's time to pack up. If you could pass your work to the front and I'll try and have a look at it before our next lesson." There was a rumble of noise as chairs were scraped back and rustling as paper was passed to the front. The students filed out until Elizabeth was left all alone. As the door shut a grin spread across her face and she let out a sigh of relief. She had survived her first day as a teacher!


Hers was the face that no one knew.

She was the one who walked unseen.

His were the eyes that watched her

That hungered for her.

Theirs was the ears that did not listen.

His were the hands that roamed her unseen body

Hers were the screams that no one heard.

Hers was the blood that stained the floor.

His was the laugh that echoed in her ears.

His were the feet that walked away.

Hers was the hope that was lost.

Hers was the life that faded

Away with the flood that flowed away

His were the gentle hands that held her

His were the eyes that saw her pain

His were the words that soothed her.

Theirs were the excuses

That fell on deaf ears

His was the hand that killed her attacker

Hers was the heart that he won forever

Elizabeth stared in awe at the poem in front of her.

"Don't write poetry my arse." She muttered. She was sat in her apartment, the books of her students spread on the floor all around her. She was trying to do some marking but her eyes kept drifting back to Will's poem. The emotion she had read in the words, it was like the intensity she had seen in his eyes earlier that day. She shook her head and placed it too one side. She picked up her glass of wine and took a sip. Happy to have something alcoholic in her system. By first day standards today hadn't been so bad. None of the classes had been abusive, merely rowdy. As to be expected on the first day back. Elizabeth had been their position not five years before and knew what it was like to come back on the first day after the summer. She was enjoying the idea that as a younger teacher she would be able to relate to her older students certainly. Elizabeth could remember all too well being a sixth former. Dragging her mind reluctantly back to her marking she picked up the next book.


Will twirled his pen round in his fingers and stared, unseeing at the textbook in front of him. There was a knock on his door and he looked up as his mum came in, clutching the phone in her hand.

"It's Jack." She said, handing the phone with a smile. Will's mum like Jack, with his bubbling happy go personality and strange sense of humour. Will took the phone.


"Oy, whelp!" Jack's voice barked at him down the phone. Will sighed.

"A hello would have sufficed." He grumbled.

"Aww, stop being sore. You comin' out?" Will looked at the clock and then back at his textbook.

"Yeah, go on then." He said. "Just let me get changed. You want me to pick you up I take it?"

"Please mate." Jack replied before hanging up. Will put the phone down and pushing the textbook away from him. He stood and unbuttoned his shirt, dropping it to the floor he crossed to his wardrobe. Opening the door he studied his clothes with a slight frown. Finally he pulled out a plain button down shirt and a pair of jeans. Slipping into his clothes he swiped his car keys off his desk and headed downstairs.

His mum looked up from the stove where she was cooking when he walked into the kitchen.

"You off out?" she asked. Will nodded. "Good, can you go and see your father, he was asking for you." Will rolled his eyes. After having left just before Will was born Will's father had returned a year ago, with his tail between his legs. When he didn't get instant forgiveness he had bought a house three streets away and had stayed there ever since. He was constantly asking Will to go round there.

He nodded again and kissed his mum on the cheek.

"I won't be back late." He promised.

"Don't worry about me. Craig's coming over." She replied, a slight blush forming on her cheeks. Will raised his eyebrows suggestively and laughed.

"Well you behave." He said, before walking out.

It was a warm September evening so Will rolled down the window as he cruised along to Jack's house. Pulling up outside he blasted the horn, to lazy to get out and knock on the door.

The door opened a moment later and Jack ran out, closely followed by a pair of boots. He yelped as one hit him in the back of his head. He bolted for the car and practically flew inside slamming the door behind him. He lay, half-sprawled on Will, panting hard and rubbing the back of his head. As his front door slammed shut with a snap, he winced before turning to give Will a wide grin.

"Bit o' trouble with the folks." He said. Will shook his head and put the car in gear.

"We need to stop off and visit my dad." Will said as they drove along. Jack nodded.

"Cool, I haven't spoken to Bill for a while." Jack got on well with both Will's father and his mother. Will stopped at his dad's house and stared at it for a moment.

"Why don't you give him a chance?" Jack asked him. Will ignored him and got out the car. Jack sighed before following him.

Will rapped on the door and took a step back. He turned to see Jack standing behind him. He heard the door open and turned to see his father standing there in a pair of jeans and a loose fitting sweater.

"Will!" Bill Turner grinned and stepping forward embraced his son. Will stood rigidly until his father let go of him.

"You wanted to see me." He said, his voice flat. Bill nodded.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to come camping with me at the weekend?" He looked past Will. "Jack can come as well." Will shook his head.

"It's the first week back at school. I need to concentrate on that." Bill's face fell and he nodded. Jack glared at Will's back. Will's face was impassive. Plastering a smile on his face Bill clapped his Will on the shoulder.

"Of course. Some other time then!" Will nodded. Bill waved at Jack. "How you holding up Sparrow?" Jack responded with a grin.

"Very well Turner, dying for a drink though!" Bill let out a hearty laugh.

"I'll let you two kids go." Will smiled and turned. "I'll call you!" his father called after him. Will only nodded again as he got back into his car. Jack slid in beside him and fixed him with a disapproving glare.

"What?!" Will muttered through gritted teeth.

"Do you have to treat him with such a hateful disdain?" Jack demanded. Will's eyes flashed with anger.

"Listen! That man deserves nothing from me! As far as I'm concerned he hasn't done nearly enough to win back mine or my mum's favour." Will's voice was harsh and his hands were gripping the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles were white. Jack sighed and shook his head. It was no use trying to talk to Will when he was in a mood like this. Instead he shut his mouth and stared dead ahead.

They drove in silence until they reached town. Will stopped outside their favourite bar. They sat in silence for a moment; Will fiddled with his car keys whilst Jack just stared ahead.

"Are we going or what?" Will's voice snapped him out of his revive and he turned to face him.

"Wat? Oh yeah" he replied. They got out of the car and crossed the road to the bar.

Inside the bar neon lights provided a soft glow and music pounded from the speakers. Will and Jack made their way to the bar. Jack got the drinks in, rum and coke for him and a beer for Will. Putting them on the counter he turned to Will with a grin on his face.

"So, the new English teacher, she was a bit of alright wasn't she?" he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and nudged Will, almost spilling Will's drink in the process. He glared at Jack who grinned sheepishly. "But come on mate, you have to admit she was hot!" Will nodded reluctantly and took a sip of his drink. He had wondered when the subject of Miss Swann would come up. Of course Jack had seen him watching her. Jack saw everything.

"Yeah, she was alright." He admitted. Jack downed his drink in one and signalled for another.

"She was making eyes at you." he said suddenly. Will looked up and snorted.

"Making eyes at me? Get real Sparrow!" he chuckled. Jack frowned.

"I'm being serious! She kept looking at you!" he protested. Will shook his head.

"Now you're being stupid.

As the bar began to get more and more busy Jack and Will moved to a small table at the back of the bar. Jack had consumed a fair amount of drink and was swaying slightly. Will had managed to avoid drinking too much; he was only half listening to Jack, who was rambling about his parents.

"…I mean, how can they preach to me about getting drunk all the time when they spend half their lives fucking plastered!" Will sighed.

"Yes, Jack, we all know how hard life his for you." he said, sarcasm lacing his voice. Jack didn't notice and slung an arm round Will's shoulder.

"You know William. You're my best friend." He said, his voice slurred. Will hid a smile. There were perks when Jack got pissed. He generally came out with a bunch of ramblings that were not only embarrassing but he could never recall having said them. "…and because you're my best friend." Jack had continued. "I can tell you anything." He leant forward, grasping Will by the collar and dragging him down. "You're a eunuch!" he giggled. Will prised Jack from his grasp and stood up.

"Come on, we need to get you home." He said. When Jack didn't answer or move he grasped him under the arms and hoisted him up.

Will managed to get Jack to the car without any major problems. Except when Jack tried to get into someone else's car, insisting that the fairies were telling him to take it. Will loaded Jack into the passenger seat and shut the door. Leaning against the car he wiped his forehead. Jack was not a light person. After a moment he went round to the driver's seat and slid into the car. He looked over at Jack who was giggling and rocking slightly. Will sighed and started the engine; after making sure that Jack was secured safely Will pulled the car out of the car park.

It was a little after half eleven when Will pulled up outside Jack's house. He sat there for a moment, debating whether or not to help Jack to the door. Finally his nice side won out and with a sigh he leant over and opened Jack's door.

Jack had sobered up on the journey home and to Will's relief he was able to walk, mostly unaided, to the door. Will knocked and waited. A light went on behind the door and it opened to reveal Jack's mum. She smiled at Will.

"Will." she purred. "So nice to see you again." Will smiled and pulled Jack up.

"I believe this is yours miss?" he said. Jack's mum giggled and reaching out grasped her son's arm. Pulling him to her she gave Will another dazzling smile. Jack groaned and his mum's grin faded. Jack looked up with bleary eyes.

"Mum!" he slurred. His mum raised an eyebrow before turning back to Will.

"Thanks for bringing him home." She said, the leaning forward she planted a kiss on his cheek. Will blushed at the contact and mumbled a hurried goodbye. Thankful for the night's blackness to hide his red face he walked back to his car. He opened the door and started the car. He sat for a moment, waiting for the blush on his cheeks to fade. He was sure that it was not normal or usual for his best friends mum to kiss his cheek every time she saw him. Regardless of whether Jack was there or not. He was like her in that respect, nothing fazed either of them. When he was sure that he had calmed down enough he drove away.

All the lights were out when Will got home. He let himself in; walking through the house to the kitchen he flicked the light switch. The bright light made him wince; his attention was drawn to the note on the table. Will picked it up and quickly scanned through it.

Will (it read)

Gone to Craig's, back tomorrow. Please make sure that you get up on time tomorrow! Love mum.

Will smiled; Craig was a man his mum had met a few months back. They had it off from the word go and were now in a steady relationship. Will liked Craig. He was a man who doted on his mum almost as much as Will did, so when Will left him at the end of the year she would have someone who he trusted to look after her.

Will replaced the note and yawned. He was exhausted. Making sure that everything was switched off before making his way sluggishly upstairs. He undressed quickly and got ready for bed. As he climbed into bed he allowed his mind to wander back to Miss Swann one last time. Even now he could still feel the brief touch of her skin on his. Will Turner had never had a crush on a schoolteacher, but he wasn't quite sure what this was, it was an attraction so strong. He had never been this attracted to a girl before.

With a sigh he flicked off the light and closed his eyes. There would be time to worry about it tomorrow. Without any further thought he fell into a deep dreamless sleep.


I hope that you like that, please review so I know whether or not to carry on, thanks!
