Darn it! It's the instrumental CD again! Uh...When You Look Me In The Eyes. And Tell Me That You Love Me. Everything's Alright. When You're Right Here By My Side.

A/N: Helooooooooooooo all! This is my new story, requested by Havah Kinny (she's been telling me about how much we've been needing more stories like this) so yeah...ENJJJJJJOY!

Chapter One

He tapped his finger on the silver table, his ghastly blue eyes open widely and an unpleasant look on his face.

"We need to get him." His sharp voice spoke, his pale skin turning red from anger. He heard the footsteps of his scrawny butler across the silver tiles that lay on the floor. Bowing at his master, his chubby figure gulped several times, before standing straight again. The butler shuffled his feet, looking at his master worryingly.

"B-But M-Mr. O'Reilly…We can't…W-We'll get caught!" He told him, his voice shaking slightly. Mr. O'Reilly looked at him, his eyes scrunched tightly closed.

"I do not care, Cexid, we have to!" He shouted at his butler. Cexid stumbled backwards, nodding his head quickly.

"Y-Yes, sir! Whatever you want, sir!" He told him quickly. Mr. O'Reilly smiled victoriously, clapping his hands together and opening his eyes; he jumped up from his seat, walking across the silver flooring, an evil smile playing his mouth.

"We're going to kidnap Kevin Jonas!" He muttered under his breath; as Cexid scurried behind him.

jonasbroswitchfoot productions

"Thank you, New York!" Kevin Jonas screamed as he and his brother's walked of the stage of there concert. Once out of view of there fans, Joe began to jump up and down, punching the air with his fists.

"That was awesome!" He screamed loudly, running around like a lunatic. "The best show ever!" Kevin rolled his eyes, as he and Nick collapsed onto the backstage sofa.

"Joe, you're over exaggerating!" Nick told him, causing Joe to stop in his run, and turn to his younger brother. Crossing his arms, he smiled.

"You're just jealous because there were more 'I love Joe' signs than 'I love Nicky' signs!" Joe shouted at him jokingly. Nick's jaw clenched slightly, as he gave his brother and evil glare.

"Shut up!" He shouted; his hands in fists. Joe looked at him, throwing his hands up in the air, he stepped backwards two steps.

"Jeez, Nick! It was just a joke!" Joe told him sternly. Kevin looked at Nick, crossing his arms and turning to look at Joe. Leaning in slightly, he whispered to Joe.

"Don't worry, Joe, it's just his hormones playing up on him…" Clearly, Kevin needed to whisper quieter, as Nick suddenly pounced at Kevin, crossing his arms.

"Shut up, the pair of you!" He shouted, walking away from them quickly. Joe and Kevin both looked at each other, before bursting out and laughing. Nick turned around on his heel, glaring at the two. "What's so funny?" The two carried on laughing, as Nick stood silently, watching them. "Tell me!" Joe waved his hand, trying to compose himself.

"Nothing!" Joe told him, sending a look of confusion across Nick's face. Crossing his arms and looking at his eldest brothers, he shook his head.

"So why are you laugh-" Nick was cut off quickly, as the lights suddenly turned off backstage. The three brothers looked around slowly, a look of confusion on there faces. "What the fu-"

"Nicholas!" Kevin shouted, covering Nick's mouth and rolling his eyes. "Language!" Joe and Nick both rolled there eyes, too, as Joe opened his mouth to speak.

"Kevin! This isn't the best time to be thinking about Nick's frickin' language!" Joe shouted, running a hand through his hair. "Where are mom, and dad…and Frankie?" Kevin removed his hand from Nick's mouth, shrugging his shoulders and looking around himself.

"Dunno…" He answered. The three looked around slowly, before they heard a bang come from one of the entrances.

"Hello Jonas Brothers." A male's dry voice said, his voice echoing throughout the room. Kevin gulped several times, bending down slightly with his brother's.

"Who are you?" Kevin asked, worry in his voice. There were footsteps heard throughout the room, as the three brothers's felt whatever it was come closer.

"Is that Kevin Jonas who just spoke?" The voice asked, sending chills down Kevin's spine. Kevin nodded slowly, as Nick and Joe looked at each other.

"Y-Yes…W-Why?" Kevin stuttered out, making the man laugh.

"Oh! No reason!" He exclaimed, walking over to the three boys. "I just wanted to say hello!" Nick began to stand up slowly; pushing his shoulders back he held his head high.

"Stay away from my brothers!" He told him in fake courage. The man laughed, pushing Nick's shoulder, sending him into a heap on the floor.

"You're a scrawny kid for your age, you know Nick!" The man told him, causing Nick's jaw to clench tightly.

"Hey! Man!" Joe shouted in anger, rising upwards. "Leave my little brother alone!" Nick stood up again, crossing his arms and sending a death glare at Joe.

"I'm not little!" Nick shouted, stomping his foot. Joe rolled his eyes; crossing his own arms.

"Well you act it!" Joe retorted. Nick gasped in horror, a reflection of anger on his face.

"You did not just say that to me!" He shouted. Joe laughed carelessly, everything around the two brothers seeming to disappearing.

"Well I just did!" The lights suddenly flickered on again, and the two brothers looked around. "Where'd that weird man go?" There came no response from anyone, and Joe began to look around again.

"Where'd Kevin go?" Nick replied after several minutes. The two brothers were silent, before looking at each other, horror on the faces.

Kevin's gone.

Such an original title! Anyway, I don't know how this came out, but, you know...

Actually you probably don't, and neither do I...

P.S. I'm going to update everything else ASAP, for anyone who reads my other stories, lifes just gotten in the way, but I've got two weeks- and one day- off now, seeing as it's halfterm...So...YAY!