I know,you probably want to threw some Kunais at me yelling:"Finish your other damn fictions already!".But I can't help it.This is another one of my favorite ideas and I just have to write it down.Tell me what you think,ne:D

This chapter is now edited by my wonderful new beta, iindecisive, who totally rocks!

Speaking "…"

Thoughts '…'

Author's/Editor's Note ( …)

Chapter one: Red light City

The streets were filled with the cheers of many people, who were yelling and shouting at the top of their lungs in an over-joyous rage to welcome back their army. Flags flapped violently around in the wild wind. Meanwhile, the blonde haired queen was laughing ecstatically, enjoying all the vibrant flowers that were thrown at them.

Even his little brother, thoughusually silent, graced people with a faint smile every now and again. 'After all, they're only trying to welcome back our victorious army, after a whole year of bloody battles.' he thought. However, even though he understood, he had to admit: this whole thing was giving him a very painful headache.

Itachi, his older brother irritatingly murmured into Sasuke's ear, while trotting on his own black horse beside him ."Smile, little brother. We are almost at the castle's gate."

Sasuke glared at his brother "I AM!" he aggravatingly replied, while rubbing his temples and closing his eyes.

"What's this? Is my brave little Knight in pain?" mocked the blond haired queen.

Itachi turned to her " It's only his usual headache, my lady. He will be fine." he reassured.

"Please don't mind me Tsunade-sama. I will be fine." Sasuke growled.

"Hmm…We must really find a cure for these frequent migraines of yours. It's a pain in the ass, to have it ruin a day like this!"

The Queen was distracted by a little girl who ran towards her with a bouquet of flowers. Meanwhile, Sasuke was also trying very hard to ignore all the giggles and batting eyelashes that followed each rose thrown his way, when Itachi decided to croak into his ear again: "Sure you want to ignore them? Take a look, you may like one" he murmured.

Sasuke glared back "How many times do I have to tell you?! Leave me alone at a time like this!" he replied, growing more and more agitated by every idiotic question.

"I 'm saying this for your own sake Sasuke, in a week you will be 20 years old. Better find someone you like as soon as possible." And with that he simply rode away, leaving his brother completely dumbfounded.


At the Uchiha mansion:

"I can't believe I have to go through this shit!"

"You have to little brother!"

"You didn't!"

"Yes, I did."

Sasuke stared at his brother. "I don't remember such a thing. You just had a normal birthday and-"

"You weren't invited remember? You were still small and didn't have to know about this rule."

Sasuke gawked at his brother's blank face. "You mean…Where is the girl then?"

Itachi shrugged "Back in her kingdom I presume. Look, I didn't want to go through this either Sasuke, but the elders of our clan are very strict in this matter. At least you have a choice, it can be a one night stand, or it can be for the rest of your life. The point is to lose your virginity on that very night. It has always been like this."

Sasuke threw himself on a coach. "This is ridiculous. Even the girls won't go through this kind of humiliation. Knowing that this party is for me to find someone to …Fuck?!"

Itachi casually sipped his wine, "Actually they do, especially when it's with a handsome and rich Warlord."

Sasuke snorted. "Yeah? Only for one night?"

"Well, there is a possibility that they will end up being your lifelong partner. Even if that won't be the case, I'm sure many girls dream of spending one night with you." Itachi said without trying to hide his smirk, His little brother was scowling and scuffing at the same time.

"Why? Tell me why we have this god damn rule again?" Sasuke growled in anger.

"Perhaps because most Uchiha members are gloomy anti-socials like you, and we don't want our clan to face extinction. Experiencing the pleasure for at least one night is to encourage further intimate relationships."

Sasuke scoffed: "You still look like a gloomy anti-social to me!"

Itachi calmly sipped his wine again. "Dad met Mom during his 20th birthday too."



"I still think this is ridiculous." Sasuke restated.

"What you think doesn't matter little brother."

Sasuke glanced at the glass in his hand, staring at its contents, "I know…" he sighed sounding defeated.

"Don't worry I will try to find you the most attractive ones, since you are Queen's favorite Knight, I'm sure she has plans too."

"Yeah, that's… what scares me the most."

Both brothers sipped their wines again, and then sat still in silence.


Sasuke spent the rest of the week in his room. He really wasn't in the mood. He was tired of all the glances, seductive smiles, fluttering eyelashes, and continuous flirts geared his way. He knew everyone was busy preparing for his birthday. It was the talk of the town. Knowing that the whole world knew he was going to screw someone that night wasn't giving him a pleasant feeling. Actually, it was disgusting.

'Pleasure my ass!' Sasuke thought to himself. The Queen lived up to her reputation and scared the shit out of him.


"You know Sasuke. I'm inviting many beautiful nobles and royalties from everywhere, including both boys and girls."

Sasuke had stared at her in disbelief. " Boys?"

She smirked evilly in return. " Yeah my pretty boy, you don't know your real taste , do you now?"


Sasuke stared at the ceiling. Tomorrow night, at a time like this…

"What have I done to deserve this?" he sighed while hopelessly glancing at the tens of rose bouquets in his room – many of which were accompanied by love letters.

"Seriously, what have I done?"


His headache was growing, worsening by the second. The entire Hall was too shiny, the aroma of the food was too pungent, and the clothes were outrageously elaborate. Everything was just too much. Even the music was getting on his nerves.

An old man on his right murmured into his ear . "See that beautiful lady with the pink hair and green eyes? That's princess Sakura.

Many dream of holding her hand, but few have actually succeeded. In my opinion, she would be the best choice!"

'How about you fuck her in my place then? Honestly, be my guest!' Sasuke spat in his mind.

Another man pulled on his left arm.

"That's lady Ino, one of the most beautiful ladies of our kingdom-"

Sasuke wriggled out of their hold and growled."Yes, thank you…Now if you don't mind, I will take a look personally."

Glancing around the hall, he noticed the Queen waving her glass of wine at him. He smiled courteously and gave a slight bow.

"Are you enjoying yourself brat?" she belted out loud.

"Very much!" Sasuke answered sarcastically.

"I'm glad..I'm glad…"

"Tsunade-sama please this is so-" a dark haired girl intervened.

"Ahhh…shut up Shizune…not…tonight" the queen replied, sounding a little drunk.

Sasuke turned the other way – where his brother was politely chatting away with an old general.

Noticing the gaze of his little brother, Itachi turned to face the little one.

"I'm going insane!" Sasuke mouthed.

Itachi lifted his eyebrows. "Get over it already!" came the silent reply.

"Great… He is so helpful!" Sasuke sighed.



That was it… Sasuke whirled around and rapidly walked towards the balcony – dodging the greedy crowd skillfully. Reaching his destination, he pushed the doors open and stepped out into the embrace of a clear blue sky, and closing the doors he sighed heavily once again.

'Was it so wrong to jump down?' Sasuke pondered while peering over the edge of the balcony banister. The sun was about to set, and party was just beginning, but he was already at his limit. ' Maybe I could make a quick escape..' he thought. 'No, though sounding pleasant, it'd be stupid!' his conscience argued.

Suddenly, Sasuke felt a hand fall on his shoulder. It made him jump in surprise. Cursing inside at the fool who interrupted his train of thought, he turned to shun at the individual.

"Jiraiya-sama!" Sasuke exclaimed..

"Hehe…scared you brat, right?" the senile old man chuckled.

Sasuke glowered at him. "Please in the name of your stupid Icha Icha series leave me alone!" he stated bitterly.

The white haired man drank his whole glass in one go, and let out a groggy laugh. "Heh…that was a good one but sooo mean…especially when I'm here to help!"

Sasuke let out a long sigh, "You? Help me? How is that possible?"

Jiraiya chuckled, "Don't underestimate me boy. I know what exactly is going through your pretty little head…"

"And that is?"

"Hmm… let me see. You don't have anyone you like in that hall; in fact you hate them for putting you here – in this position – and you want to get this over with as soon as possible?"

Sasuke stared at him blankly.

The man was dead on.

"Hehehe… I was right, wasn't I? And that's why you need the help of The Great Jiraiya-sama!"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow and continued to stare at the man with questioning eyes.

"The answers to all of your problems lie within the one and only Red Light City!" Jiraiya howled happily.

Sasuke gawked at him. "The Red Light City?" he repeated ominously.

"Yupp!" the pervert chirped.

"You mean that Red light City?" Sasuke asked, putting heavy stress on the 'that.'

"The one and only!"

Sasuke immediately shook his head disapprovingly. "You…are…insane!" he sighed and dropped his weight on the balcony's banister.

Jiraiya scratched his chin perplexed by Sasuke's utter disapproval. "Why not?" he asked.

"Why not? …because the Red Light City is a giant brothel!" Sasuke stated blatantly.

"Exactly!" came the instant retort.

Once again Sasuke gawked at him.

"Don't you get it? We are so lucky that the Red Light City is within our kingdom. Truly a paradise on earth! You can simply go there and choose a beautiful partner from an assortment of beauties, both male and female, spend one night with them and that's it! You're free!"

"But I'm a Noble and-" Sasuke tried to reject the proposition.

"Pleeeease Sasuke, why do you think I call it paradise? No one cares who you are when you're there, as long as you have the money to back yourself up. This city is constructed inside of a huge bubble. Why? To show that it is simply a world of its own! It has no connections to any country, and no country would even dare to think of taking over it! It's like a silent agreement! No words get out of there. You can spend one night there without having to worry about seeing them again elsewhere. After all, those beauties can't even leave their brothels….So…sad!" Jiraiya sighed like a broken hearted lover.

Sasuke stared at the settling night sky. 'This was actually…a very good idea. Jiraiya was right! This was the best way! The best way!' He grabbed Jiraiya's hands gratefully, "I'm in your debt forever! Just take me there so I can get this shit over with, and tomorrow I will do anything you want!"

Jiraiya laughed, "Don't worry kiddo! It's your birthday after all! Just follow me!"

"How do we get out of here?"

"Just follow my lead kid."

Jiraiya grabbed Sasuke's arm and yelled gleefully, "Off we go!"Jumping down from the balcony, pulling the poor boy with him.


"O…k, I'm having second thoughts!" Sasuke said while gawking at the gigantic bubble ornamented with twinkling red lights. "Jiraiya…are you sure we can…Jiraiya?"

He turned around to find that the old man was already approaching the gate.

"Come on kid! Where are your guts?" the old man teased.

"Don't just go off on your own! Or I swear to god, I will kill you!" the boy threatened.

Jiraiya laughed and passed through the gate. Sasuke sighed and followed in after him.

For a moment he thought that he had gone deaf. Laughter, howling, screams….the city was bustling.

" Paradise? This is hell!" he yelled at the old pervert.

" Follow me kid, and try not to lose yourself. We just need to get to the higher parts of the city." Jiraiya smirked.

Sasuke growled and focused on Jiraiya, trying hard to ignore all the …obscene images surrounding him.

Turning from one street onto another again and again, 'where the heck are we going?' Sasuke spat. Then they abruptly stopped, Jiraiya had bumped into a bunch of his old drunk buddies. 'Greaaat… this just keeps getting better and better' he thought sourly.

Noticing the kid's impatience Jiraiya smiled and decided to rent a carriage. "Go to Golden Gate!" he commanded.

"Golden Gate?" Sasuke quizzically repeated.

"Yeah! …it's the highest elevation in this city. Beyond Golden Gates are the most expensive and luxurious brothels. Some of them are VIP only, but don't worry I'm a member of the best one."

Soon Sasuke was looking at a huge golden gate. Jiraiya showed something to the guards, and they opened the gate with a loud squeak

The moment the gate was closed all the disruptive noise disappeared; the two were suddenly enveloped in silence. All Sasuke could see were beautiful Japanese style houses. Once in a while, a gentle laugh could be heard.

"Go to the Alluring Roses." Jiraiya instructed the coachman.

Then briskly turning to Sasuke he reassured "Believe me. The best one!"

Sasuke just sighed and closed his eyes. His stamina was draining by the second.


He strained to open his eyes, feeling the urgency in the shaking of his shoulder by Jiraiya.

"Wake up you lazy ass. Honestly, how the hell could you sleep like this? You should have been burning with excitement. Youngsters these days are so hopeless!"

Sasuke didn't even realize he had fallen asleep. But accepting the fact that he had, he desperately fought to open his eyes completely. Looking around, he noticed a beautiful red and white mansion, surrounded by a large garden. A red dragon statue was situated at the top of the building's roof, holding a red rose in his mouth.

An elderly woman chirped: "Welcome to our humble hut Jiraiya-sama! ... Oh my! What a beautiful young man is accompanying you! Please grace us with your presence."

Sasuke just glared at the old woman but Jiraiya hugged her like an old friend, "Aya my dear, long time no see!" he chided.

"This is a surprise Jiraiya. Who is this young man?"

Sasuke stepped out of the carriage. Two girls standing behind the old woman blushed from head to toe, and quickly approached him to guide him.

Jiraiya chuckled: "Aya, give me your best, of the best. It's his first time, and he's here as my guest!"

Aya smiled: "I see, then he is at right place. This way please!"

The girls smiled at Sasuke, offering to guide him. He just nodded and followed.

The inside of the mansion was just as breath-taking. There was a beautifully sculpted white fountain in the middle of the main hall; red wine poured from the top of it, trickling downstream artistically into a basin, where rose petals danced gracefully with it. Around the fountain, guests were being serviced while waiting for their chosen partner to get ready. The walls were heavily draped with colored fabrics. 'Probably trying to keep secret halls and rooms secret' Sasuke suspected.

The old woman called Aya, turned to Sasuke and asked "Does my lord wish for a ripened fruit or a blooming flower?"

Sasuke opened his mouth to answer but Jiraiya beat him to it. "Do you really need to ask Aya? A blooming flower of course!"

Aya smiled and bowed:"This way please!"

They followed her through a red silk curtain. Which lead into another hall, where the most beautiful girls and boys Sasuke had ever seen, were lining the sidelines of its interior behind a wooden bar. Each and every one of them was wrapped up in an elaborately designed Kimono, befitting of their most attractive features.

Aya smiled. "Welcome to the hall of blooming flowers. Girls are on the right side and boys on the left. All virgins!" she dictated. "These two girls will follow you until you make your choice. Take your time my lord." she stated.

"Yeah, take your time brat." a grinning Jiraiya added while patting his shoulder, then turning away to exit with Aya, leaving a very nervous Sasuke behind .

"What type do you prefer, my lord?" the older-looking girl politely asked.

"I have no idea." Sasuke growled.

The girl smiled. "This way please." she stated while leading Sasuke down the hall.


Sasuke glanced from one figure to another. Every face was masked in a thick heavy layer of make up, large glistening eyes, and alluring smiles plastered on their luscious lips. They all looked the same to him. 'Like expensive porcelain dolls.'

Under his monitoring gaze, some were blushing, some were smiling and some were winking.

As they approached the end of the hall 'I've seen enough' Sasuke internally sighed. He vaguely recalled the face of a little pale girl in a white Kimono who, according to him, stood out from crowd. He opened his mouth to announce his choice but closed it again.

Turning his head to look back at the entrance, he caught the sight of a tiny-looking room, accompanied by a set of metal bars, shrouded in the darkness. 'No wonder I missed it'

"What's that?" he asked, pointing at the mysterious room.

The girl looked in the direction of Sasuke's pale slender finger. "Oh, that's the confinement compound, my lord. Those who don't obey the rules or serve our customers properly, spend their detention time in there."

Sasuke raised an eyebrow quizzically, and slowly approached the room curiously.

"I can't see anything, bring a torch!" he growled.

The girl clapped her hands, and a young man in guard-like clothing appeared with a torch in hand. His face was as pale as Sasuke's, and he wore an obviously fake smile.

"Thank you Sai." the girl said while taking the torch, and handing it to Sasuke.

Sasuke observed the room carefully. There in the corner of the cell, a figure shifted uncomfortably.

"Open this door. I can't see!"

"Um, my lord there are better ones…this one is not even prepared…"

Sasuke glared at her dangerously. Now convinced to do as she was told, she quickly grabbed the keys from Sai and opened the door.

Sasuke was about to enter the room, when the guard called Sai, intervened. "There is nothng special here. You are wasting your time." he whispered, in a voice loud enough for only Sasuke's ear to hear.

Sasuke ignored the man and stepped in.

As he approached, the figure quickly crawled into a corner and curled.

Sasuke stared at the figure speechless. It was the most beautiful creature Sasuke had ever seen. Long blonde silky hair framed his face. Puffy cheeks marked by three distracting, yet somehow still attractive, whisker marks on each one. And his eyes…they were captivating. Big round Cerulean orbs were glaring at him but a glint of fear was hidden in their depth. He was wearing a yellow Kimono decorated with orange flowers falling from trees. It was torn but suited the boy perfectly.

He glared at Sasuke with full force, while hugging his knees to his chest. Shifting with Sasuke's every movement, in an attempt to create as much distance as possible between himself and the proud Uchiha. It felt like he was wanted to pounce, and gouge the invader's eyes out of their sockets. But Sasuke wasn't fooled by the threatening aura the boy radiated, because he was sure that his body was quivering.

He simply looked pure and wild.

Untamed, and untouched.

Sasuke let go of the breath he was holding and smirked.

"This one!"


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