AN Because there isn't enough Y/S... As always if you don't recognize someone or something it's probably because they belonge to me. MUAHAHAHA! Have fun and here we go...k Main parings: OC/OC, Y/S

1. Guardians?

Silvery laughter filled the sweet air like a balm to her soul. When was the last time she had heard her mother laugh with such abandonment…such joy? Tears clung to her dark lashes as she resisted the urge to wipe them away. Smiles played on the teen girls' faces as they watched their parents kiss amid the magic of cherry blossoms that danced in the warm breeze. Emerald green eyes sparkled when the other girl sighed. "Anyo, so kawaii!"

Sleek russet hair shone in the sun as she tipped her head as if to appraise a work of art. "You're right, Sakura, very kawaii. I'm just glad Mom found someone she can be happy with even if she did elope and wait to tell me after they got back."

"You must have been as surprised as we were, Kaede. Demo, Touya-san almost had a coronary or something." Sakura chuckled at the memory of her gaping brother. "In the end he realized that Tou-san wasn't replacing Mom and instead was just moving on. Best thing is now I get a sister."

"And another big brother…well, actually two since Skye is more like a brother or a friend rather than a cousin." Kaede couldn't resist the urge to tease her golden haired guardian. "In fact he gets more protective sometimes than even Sei does."

The teen boy huffed then folded his tanned arms with a mock glare, but his indigo eyes defied his expression with that of care. "Well if you wouldn't get lost in the airport or get into trouble so much then I wouldn't have to."

She rolled her eyes. "Oh please it wasn't my fault that some idiot tried to snatch my purse. At least he got what he deserved even if I did get turned around. Sides it was a big airport and New York is a confusing place."

He smirked with an amused glint in his eyes. "Then what was your excuse in Tokyo?"

Her face reddened and she would of come up with something good if she hadn't been distracted by a familiar face. "Seijin!"

"Where has my 'little' sister gone? You've grown, Kae." Her taller brother laughed as he picked her up and swung her around like he had done since she was little. Kaede nuzzled into the comfort of the soft dark hair on his neck as an unexpected lump settled in her throat. I wish I could tell him. "Kae, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing just glad you're back, Sei." She covered her emotions then shot him an overly bright smile. "What I can't miss my big brother that I hadn't seen for a few months?"

Seijin was unconvinced, but decided to let it go…for now. "Hey I missed you too, kiddo. Touya, I'll help you and Yuki bring in their bags."

An indignant yowl interrupted whatever Touya was about say when a silvery streak shot past the boys and into Kaede's arms. The girls laughed at their startled expressions as Touya sputtered about evil cats and annoying sisters. Said feline's blue eyes gleamed; satisfied at their reaction. "Sorry bout that, Touya. Dusk enjoys messing with people and I would of warned you except for the fact that Dusk knows too many payback options."

"Whatever." Touya huffed and tried not to glare at Yuki, who still laughed quietly at his expression.

Sakura tugged at her new sister's arm. "C'mon, Kaede, time for the grand tour and then you can meet Yue. I didn't quite succeed in dragging him out since he decided to make dinner for Tou-san tonight with June-san being here and all. We all thought he deserved a break since he has been working very hard lately."

"Sounds good to me."

Skye followed the girls and their parents inside the yellow house to be greeted with a nice savory scent from the kitchen. Kaede was immediately struck with the cozy feeling of homecoming as she changed from her shoes into the lilac slippers that had been laid out for her. A tall man with collar-length silver hair stepped through the door with several serving dishes in his hands. He bowed formally to them once he set them on the table when Sakura introduced him. "This is our artist friend, Tsuki Yue. He lives in Oni-chan's old room since we're the only family he really has."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Yue. I am June and this is my daughter, Kaede, and her cousin, Skye." June smiled warmly.

"Likewise, Miha-san."

Kaede couldn't help but wince at the formality yet she felt a thrill as her eyes met his lilac ones. She felt the cool presence of his magic like the bright aura that surrounded Sakura. The headiness of it caused her to sway slightly as it seemed to chase away the dark magic she had felt with her other step family while she had stayed with her father. Skye place a warm hand on her shoulder to steady his mistress as he lent her his strength. "Are you alright?"

"Un, just felt dizzy for a moment."

"Maybe you should sit down then and finish the tour later." Fujitaka suggested.

"Nah I'm okay now." She smiled convincingly. The guardians shook their heads as her mother sighed, but the tour continued.

"And this is my room." Sakura announced then nibbled her lip nervously. "I hope you don't mind sharing it with me. I already made room in the closet and…"

"No prob, Sakura, it's great." Kaede cut in to reassure her before she stepped into the room. With an interested mewl, the silver hopped onto Sakura's bed and made a beeline for a certain golden stuffed animal. Kaede barely maintained a straight face at Sakura's expression when Dusk rubbed against the plush toy. "I think Dusk likes your collection."

"Thank you, that's Kero." She managed to say as Kaede walked over to the shelf and saved said 'toy' with a warning glance at her guardian. 'Behave, Dusk.'

Dusk frowned at her then stalked off with head and tail lifted high. Kaede chuckled then looked the tiny guardian in the eye as she sensed his nervousness. A light blush gave him away under the intensity of her golden brown eyes. She smiled then said softly. "I can see why she likes you, Kero. Then again, I always did like cats."

Kero breathed a sigh of relief when the girls finally left. He scratched his head wearily and contemplated the possibility of staying with his brother from now on. Two teenaged girls and that cat would definitely liven things up around if things weren't interesting enough at times. A slight frown chased away the remains of the blush. There was just something strangely familiar about both the girl and her cat. After a cautious glance at the door, he flew over to the desk and called upon the Sakura cards. "Cards created by Clow, answer my question. Show me the true form of the one who opposes me."


"Arigato, Yue-san. That was a wonderful meal."

"You are welcome, June-san."

"Mom, may I be excused? I'd like to unpack a few things and have more sister bonding time if Sakura would come with me."

"Of course." Their parents agreed.

Seijin stood as well. "I need to get going myself, Mom. Work starts early tomorrow and I'm sure that Skye would like to get settled as well."

"Will I see you tomorrow?" Kaede asked when she hugged her brother.

"You bet though it'd be later."

"And I'll meet you here for school." Skye added as he squeezed her shoulder reassured once he felt her uneasiness. 'You'll be fine, but you should tell them soon.'

'I will.' "Sounds good see you tomorrow."

Kaede sighed once they returned to Sakura's…their room. The sky had turned a nice color with the setting sun while Dusk snoozed contentedly on the window sill. "You've missed him a lot huh."

"Yeah I have. It's not easy to grow up away from your brother on a completely different continent. What helped though was having Skye be there for me." She sighed again. "In fact this will be the first night we've been apart."

"What about sleepovers?"

"What about them?" Kaede shrugged. "We moved around a lot so I've never really had any friends before my guardians."

"Guardians?" Sakura exclaimed which caused her step-sister to turn with a sheepish expression as she pulled out a crystal rose pendent.

"Ah, Skye and Dusk. From the moment I met you I felt your magic." She answered then pulled out an elaborately carved cherry wood box. A golden brown glow appeared beneath her hand as she touched the seamless lid to open it. Many tarot-type cards with varied shades of blue shot out of the box to surround the two girls.

"The Rose Cards are the legacy of my ancestor, Rose. They hold the essence of her power which were sealed away to keep them from those who would use them for evil. As keeper, my natural powers were awakened to make sure that never happens. At that time my guardians also were unsealed to protect and train me in magic."

At that moment the girls were startled when Yue and Cerberus burst into the room in their true forms. "Mistress!"

"We felt a presence and we…" Cerberus' voice trailed off when a pure white lioness suddenly pounced onto him from seemingly nowhere.

Blue eyes sparkled from under a teardrop sapphire that was attached to a simple silver tiara. They searched his topaz ones for any sign of recognition until realization dulled their brilliancy. Hurt glazed them once she stumbled backwards at what she had saw and sat down on her haunches in dejection. "You don't remember me. I-I mean I suspected, demo--"

"Oh, Twilight." Kaede sighed as she knelt beside her guardian to wrap her arms around her neck. The lioness closed her eyes as she nuzzled her mistresses' rich hair. 'It'll all turn out okay, you'll see.'

"Gomen, but I don't understand how--" Cerberus broke off helplessly.

"I'm not surprised that you don't. Clow must have sealed your memories after--"

Yue interrupted, "Why? Clow would never…"

"To protect you from the memories of heartbreak or his just hurt too much to bear you pain as well." Twilight surmised.

"Tell us." He demanded.

Kaede shook her head wearily. "Another time for such a long story. Besides, we have school in the morning and I don't wish to fall asleep during the telling."

"Funny, that's what we came up to suggest." June chuckled from the doorway at the guardians' sudden attempts to become inconspicuous.

"Relax, you two, my mother knows about you and the cards." She lifted an eyebrow at their quiet surprise. "Who do you think told me the story in the first place?"

"Just not the part of Sakura being their new mistress."

"Hoe." Sakura blushed under her appraisal which prompted Cerberus to nuzzle her hand comfortingly.

June turned to her husband with a soft smile. "You have a special daughter, my love."

"As do you." He grinned back then glanced at the girls. "Lights out, girls, and it might be a good idea for Cerberus to sleep in Yue's room if he remains in his large form."

"Ah that's what I was going to ask Yue." Cerberus sweat-dropped.

Yue sighed, "Come on, Cerberus. Goodnight, Mistress."

It was interesting to watch Sakura's face turn red. "Sa-ku-ra, not mistress!"

He merely chuckled as he turned to leave. Kaede sighed when she caught the affection in his cat-like eyes for his mistress before he transformed back into the human she had met. Kawaii! Her mother walked in and kissed them both on the forehead. "Sleep tight, my girls."