I got bored and decided to make another Inuyasha/Yuyu Hakusho fanfic. This one might have Kagome with a bit of everyone, then she'll finally choose just one of them.

Kagome sighed as she fell onto her bed. It had been an extremely long night. The men had all annoyed her, but at least she was paid well, extremely well. Of course, she'd have to deal with it again... tonight. Sometimes she could really hate her life.

She sometimes wished that things could just go back to the way they were two years ago. That was truly a happy time. Her travels were over, Inuyasha finally chose between her and Kikyo, she had adopted Shippo, and she knew that Sango and Miroku married. But now, now she had very little family left, she had to work at a deplorable job, and she had two boys to take care of.

There was also the fact she had to take care of the shrine. Souta and Shippo were pretty well behaved, and Shippo now attended school. She herself was attending college, while working at the club. She truly hated that place. Working there made her feel dirty and filthy, but it also was the only way to make enough money to pay the bills.

With that thought in mind, she quickly fell asleep. When her alarm began buzzing maybe four hours later, she groaned. After throwing the annoying appliance into the wall, she headed to the bathroom for a shower. The steaming hot water ran down her body, soothing her sore muscles.

Soon after dressing, she fixed breakfast and woke the boys. Next she took them to school and headed into her college courses. She knew she was running late, and cursed under her breath when she ran into someone. She looked up to see an extremely gorgeous male staring at her with a raised eyebrow. He had red hair, a nice toned body, and emerald eyes that seemed to twinkle in amusement. "Are you alright miss?"

"Hai. I suppose I should pay more attention to where I'm going." With that, she took off headed for class.

Kurama had been heading to his own classes when the girl rushed into him. He was to busy thinking about Yusuke's plans for tonight to even notice her. Yusuke wanted them all to go out to a strip club, he was celebrating his engagement to Keiko. He himself, thought it an odd way to celebrate that, but Youko demanded he agree to go. So now he, Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei were all going out tonight.

"Alright boys, you're going to behave, right?"

"Hai momma/Kagome!"

"You better!" She yelled as she rushed out the door.

It was an hour later that she ran though the door to work. Now you're probably wondering what exactly Kagome does. Well, she works at a brothel, you could say. It's a strip club that endorses prostitution. But Kagome doesn't sell herself, she only dances. Ok fine, she strips.

Her boss yells at her to hurry up and get ready, so she throws on outfit and runs toward the stage. "All right gentlemen, it's time for our next dancer. Come out Miko!"

Kagome slowly sauntered onto the stage as music began to play. It was "Genie in a Bottle" by Christina Aguilera. As she began dancing, all of the guys eyes were drawn to her body. Her jacket was the first thing to go, followed by her pants, then her shirt. Her dance was slow and sexy, yet fast and enticing at the same time. Tapping into her miko abilities, she caused her skin to start glowing.

That's when she felt it, there were demons there! Looking towards a booth in the corner, she almost gasped. The demons looked hot! One had slicked back black hair, a great body, and honey brown eyes. It was the other demon that took her breath away though.

Stunning crimson eyes made her breath hitch as his black covered muscled body made her arousal sky rocket, his black hair stood on end defying gravity, and there was a white star-burst on it too. Unclasping her bra, she turns her back to the crowd and slowly slides it down her shoulders. She turns as she tosses it to the bartender. Dancing even slower, she uses the pole, but leaves the stage when the song is done.

The three demons and their one human companion were left quite aroused from her striptease. She was a very beautiful ningen, and her body was extremely appealing. Shortly after she walked off stage, a few of the 'dancers' walked up to their table and asked if they'd like to have some private fun.

The girls smelled horrid so they all declined. Kuwabara was about to go on a tirade about how wrong that was when all three others hit him to shut him up. They all noticed the girl come out of the back and were wondering if she too, was a prostitute. However, when all she did was grab her clothing from the bartender before returning to the changing rooms, that idea was shot down.

It was an hour after that that a few other girls came out and she was with them. They were offering lap dances. Kurama asked Kagome for a lap dance and she blushed a little. Hiei heard her thoughts and almost fell over. I can do this, there's a first time for everything. That crimson eyed demon is hot... I wonder if he'd go into the back room with me... WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING! She smacked herself mentally. I've never done anything like that, and now I wanna drag a demon into the back and practically rape him! I'm such a hentai!

Kagome lead Kurama into the back and she teased him mercilessly. She didn't realize she was doing it, but she did. By the end of the night, she had stripped twice more and given Yusuke a lap dance. She was practically bursting with happiness.

The guys were leaving when they bumped into her. She of course fell onto her butt... she's always doing that. Looking up, she sees the two demons and the human. She greets them with a huge smile. "Hello!"

Yusuke smirks at her and helps her up. "Yo."

Kagome looks down at her watch real quick and blanches. "Ahhh!! Shippo's gonna kill me! Souta too!" With a quick bye she takes off.

The group of boys split up and go their separate ways. Unknown to the other boys, Hiei's way is following the girl. He follows as she rushes into a shrine and starts making food. "Dammit!" Came a scream as she burned herself.

He also noticed a small boy walk into the kitchen rubbing his eyes. "Are you ok momma?"

Kagome was looking at her burnt hand, but smiled over at the boy. "I'm fine sweetie, go wake Souta."

"Hai momma!" He ran off and returned a few minutes later with another boy. "What's for breakfast?" Noticing that she still held her hand he asked a different question. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"What happened Kagome?" Exclaimed the other boy noticing her hand.

"I'm fine, really. Don't worry about it." She turned back to the food and served them.

"Aren't you eating momma?"

"No, I'm gonna get a shower and pass out."

"But Kagome, what about college?"

"I'm skipping." She sighed. "It's just for today."

"Hai, I'm glad you're skipping. You need to sleep sometime sis."

"I sleep!"

Shippo looked at her with a bored expression. "When?" He got up and put his dishes in the sink. "I'll do these after school momma."

"Ok Shippo." Souta also put his dishes up and they both headed out the door. "Bye! Have fun at school!" She sighed as she dropped her head to the table. "Why does life have to hate me?"

Jumping up, she ran upstairs into the bathroom. She filled the tub with scalding hot water and slowly lowered herself into after it was filled. Sighing in contentment she soaked for an hour before she started scrubbing. She really wanted the smells from the club off of her.

When she finally got out she fell onto the bed, that's when she felt it. A youkai! After a minute, she recognized the aura. Sighing she walked over to the window and opened it. "Why do demons always like to stalk people?" She asked to the open air. "You might as well come in."

Walking away from the window, she fell onto the bed. A small sound was all that she heard, letting her know that the demon came in. "Why invite a demon in who could kill you?"

"Why put off what would eventually happen anyways? Besides, I don't think you want to kill me." She giggled.

He smirked at her. "Is that an invitation?" He asked as he walked over to her and kissed her passionately. The kiss left her in a lust induced stupor, and Hiei moved on. Soon they were both naked and Hiei was on top of her, positioning himself at her entrance.

He pushed in quickly, taking Kagome's mouth with his to stifle her whimper of pain. But damn was she tight. He knew she was innocent, but he never expected her to be this tight. He moaned into her mouth as her inner muscles clenched around his aching member.

After a few minutes Kagome moved and moaned deeply, so Hiei started to move. He started out slow but soon was using his demon speed. "Gods... Oh gods!" She screamed as she came. Hiei came with a deep growl.

Hiei rolled them over and Kagome curled up on top of him. She was tired. Hiei was in a state of complete bliss. That was the best fuck he had ever had. She was very tight, she did smell nice, and she was good looking for a ningen.

It was an hour later that Kagome woke up, and she started nuzzling his neck, causing him to moan. She licked the shell of his ear and started nibbling on it. "Tell me your name, and you can come back tonight."

He was not expecting her to say that. "Hiei." But how could he refuse that offer? He'd have to be an idiot.

The strange dark haired demon returned that night, and Kagome and he had fun. He was an amazing lover, and his thoughts were the same about her. True she wasn't very experienced, but she did seem to know what to do. She had work the next night though, and invited him over in the early evening.

This affair continued for about a month, before Hiei had more missions to go on. Kagome got the picture and no longer expected him to come visit her. Of course, she had figured it'd only be for a night anyways. She had actually been somewhat falling for him.

She sighed at her own thoughts. He was an extremely powerful demon that had actually wanted to be with her. It had been four months since she had seen him, of course calling him Spikey to make him mad probably didn't help their fight.

Now she had had a secret, and she knew she'd have to tell the boys soon. The doctors knew, but the club didn't. She could hide the most of it for another month or two. With a determination she didn't want to need, she walked into the shrine and called her boys into the living room.