HI! Alright, this chapter has been revised. Im currently writing the sequel, and wanted to read the entire series I wrote to make sure it made sense, and I saw A LOT of mistakes in this story. Those were the old days. Hope you all enjoy the new and IMPROVED chapters of, "The Fighter," !!!!

So....hey. My name's Keira. Keira Kerrington. I go to a school in California called Ocean Veiw Acadamy for Children. Its a boarding school, since I live all the way across the county in upstate New York.

I guess im pretty enough, with red hair and green eyes. Since I spend ten months out of twelve in California, Im lucky enough to have a tan, unlike most redheads.

Im twelve and in the sixth grade with my friend Cyndie Surf. Which is pretty ironic, because she wants to be a famous surfer when she gets older. We have two other friends, Max and Luke.

It was currently lunch, and Cyndie and I were in our favorite Cafe on campus, eating salads and drinking coffee.

"You know, most normal twelve year olds dont drink coffee." Cyndie said after taking a sip of hers. I was having to much fun drawing a smily face with the ranch bottle on my salad to pay to much attention to her random fact.

"Yeah yeah yeah, were not normal," I smirked, looking at my finished masterpiece. "Look!" I said over-excitedly, and pointed at the smily face. "Its so pretty!"

Cyndie looked at the salad, the turned her eyes to my face. "Im questioning you sanity here, Keira," she said honestly.

"Cant I have a little fun without somone thinking im crazy?" I muttered, stabbing the smily face's nose, a baby carrot, and ate it.

"What, sleeping in class isn't fun enough?" Cyndie teased.

"Mr. Meyer is so boring! And acts like a frog! He jumps all over the place, its crazy," I said in a defensive tone.

Our importent discussion was interuppted when Max and Luke walked in the Cafe, punching each other and acting pretty much like doofus's.

"Over here!" Cyndie called over the noisy Cafe. Luke and Max walked over, and Luke slid in my seat while Max slid in Cyndie's.

"So, as my duty of helping to run the talent show, im supposed to get everybody who is doing an act to sign this peice of paper," Luke said, pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and putting it on the table. "Anyone want to sign up?"

It was deathly quiet in our booth.

"Keira, did I hear you say somthing?" Luke asked, faking suprise. "I thought you had stage fright." He shook his head and brought a pen out of his pocket and started to write my name down.

"Oh no you dont!" I said, and grabbed the pen out of his name before he could write down the I in my name. "Its not stage fright, and I did not say anything about joining the talent show."

"It is stage fright, and you're being a big crybaby. You'll do fine," he said, and with lightning speed, grabbed the pen out of my hand. He finished writing down my name and moved on to the talent section. There he put, "Singing,".


Now, dont get me wrong. I like to sing. Just not in front of people. Or, to be spicific, any living, breathing thing on this planet. So while Cyndie was back stage with me, I started to hyperventilate.

"Chill, frady-cat. You're gonna do fine. You're also next so get a grip," She said.

After I controlled my breathing, I glared at her and said, "This should be illegal. Forcing somone to do somthing they dont want to."

"Actully, I think that is illegal in some states. Here," Cyndie said, handing me my acustic guitar. "Do a twirl," she said.

I rolled my eyes and muttered somthing about alien abductions, but twirled anyway, praying that there would be some unfortunte event and the talent show would be canceled because of a giant hot dog or somthing.

"Totally counry-chic. I should be a clothes designer when I get older!" Cyndie clapped her hands. I didnt point out that it was just a pair of gold flip flops, black jeans, and a flowy purple top that actully looked kind of cute. It didnt look country to me, but since I didnt want to burst Cyndie's bubble, I didnt say anything.

Finally, my name was called. Before I could do anything, Cyndie pushed me on the stage and whispered, "Good luck!" And ran away to get her seat in the front row with Luke and Max. Luke was video taping the entire thing.

I felt my face burning as I walked over to the stool on the stage and sat on it in front of a microphone, then cleared my throat twice. "Um..." I said, looking at the crowd. People were waiting patiently.

"Im going to play a song. Its called, "Leave The Pieces" and...uh...I'll just start now," I said, and cleared my throat again. I was acting like such an idiot!

I took the guitar pick and started stumming the chords to the song. When the time came, I started to sing. No one laughed, and I went on.

At the end, everyone clapped. Max and Cyndie and Luke gave me a standing ovation and started whistling really loudly, which made me blush again.

Back stage, every one of the contestents were holding each others hands. Some grabbed my hand and I didnt do anything. I just closed my eyes and listened to the last of the remaining acts.

Then came the announcments. "Hello," Our principle, Professor Robin squawked. She was exactly like a bird.

"Since you young people are very impatient these days, I'll just tell you who won." She paused for dramatic effect. Max and a few other people from the crowd started yelling at Robin to get on with it, and I could imagine Luke grinning.

"The winner is....Keira Kerrington!" Robin stated loudly into the microphone. I could hear Max and Luke shouting and clapping really hard while Cyndie whistled.

"Oh my gosh!" I said, my mouth dropping open. I had won. Me! I won!