General Wicked Disclaimer: I do not own Wicked or any of it's characters.

Rating is T: This story contains content that is not suitable for young readers. (There is some mild language and some mild violence.)

Author Note: This story is the sequel to the story, "The Heart Must Decide."

I recommend you read that story before you read this story. You don't have to, but this story will make more sense if you do. Sorry, I haven't had a new story sooner, but school has been really stressful. As always feedback is welcome and enjoy!

A Family Affair

"Glinda? Glinda, my sweet, where are you?" Elphaba called as she checked the many rooms in the vast mansion. "You can't hide. I will find you."

Just then the green witch heard a distinct sound of a giggle not too far away. With a sigh Elphaba grabbed the doorknob, turned it, and peeked inside the room. After giving the room a quick scan, and closing the door, she saw the curtain was moving slightly. With careful steps Elphaba made it over to the curtain and pulled the material away to reveal the bubbly blonde witch that was her wife.

"Found you." Elphaba said, just as Glinda went to dart away, but the green witch grabbed her tightly and pulled her close. "You're not getting away that easily."

"Let go you mean green thing." Glinda replied playfully.

"So you can escape again? Not likely." Elphaba answered, as she lifted the blonde up into her green arms only for a moment or two, so she could dump her onto their bed.

"Oh, Elphie, I love it when you're in this playful mood." Glinda exclaimed, as she felt the green witch nuzzle her neck.

"I guess it's newly wed energy." Elphaba replied, as she kissed her wife's throat.

"Well we have me to thank for finding that blind priest who wed us those many months ago." The blonde answered, between moans, as she pulled the green witch closer. Her eyes were shut tightly as she focused on her love's actions.

"We we're lucky he was practically deaf too." Elphaba said, as her gently began to tug on the blonde woman's dress. "I'm going to ravish you." Glinda felt a shiver pass over her once those words were spoken by her green wife. Suddenly however, they were interrupted as a knock came from behind their door.

"Lady Glinda? Are you in here?" It was the voice of their hired maid, Clara. Clara was a nice young woman. Not to mention she was only one besides the two witches, and of course Fiyero, who knew that the Witch of the West was really alive. Clara welcomed the green witch and wasn't scared of her in the least. It was actually an accident that Elphaba was revealed to Clara, but everything worked out in the end so there was no worries for the two witches. The last thing they needed was Clara running off to tell the Gale Force that the Wicked Witch of the West wasn't dead after all.

"So much for the ravishing." Elphaba replied, with a sigh, as she stood up and pulled Glinda towards her.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Then we can get back to what we started." Glinda answered, as she opened her door to see Clara's shining green eyes staring back at her. She held out a letter out for the blonde woman to take.

"A letter has just come for you Lady Glinda."

"Thank you Clara." The blonde answered, with that the young maid bowed and left.

"Don't tell me this is your bill from when you went shopping last week." Elphaba asked, as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"No, it's not that. This envelope is far to light for it to be that." Glinda answered, with a giggle as she ripped open the side and pulled out the letter and began to read it.

Elphaba watched Glinda and noticed how her wife's face began to turn white as she read on. After the blonde witch finished reading her eyes were wide like she was frightened of something.

"What is it my sweet?"

"This letter is from my mother. She is coming to visit" Glinda said, her voice soft, as her bottom lip trembled slightly.

"Okay and how am I suppose to feel about that?" Elphaba asked, as she stroked one of the blonde woman's hands. She knew something wasn't right just how her wife was acting.

"Terrified. Elphie, my mother thinks I'm married to Fiyero." Glinda replied.

"Okay, no big deal, when she comes over we can just have her meet me. Your new spouse. Is she opened minded?"

"I'm afraid not, my green love. If she was too see you she would send the Gale Force after you." After taking a deep breath she continued, "My mother has very strict standards for me. I'm suppose to marry a well off man and have lots of children." Glinda answered with a sigh.

"Hmm, that could be a problem considering I'm not a man...or am I?" Elphaba said, jokingly, as she pulled her black pants out so she could look down them. "Nope, I'm still female."

"Elphie, this is no time for jokes. As far as my mother knows I am married to Fiyero. There is no doubt she's going to wonder why I have no children." Glinda replied, as she bit her finger nail in a nervous fashion.

"Glinda, she's going to suspect something more when she sees no Fiyero here." Elphaba answered.

"Oh, Elphaba, what are we going to do? As much as I love you I don't think even you can woo my mother. Melinda Upland is not impressed easily. We have to think of something. There is no way we can let her see you. There's got to be a way to pull the wool over my mother's eyes." Elphaba thought for a moment or so before an idea came to mind.

"I might have an idea."


"I can't believe you are suggesting we ask Fiyero to pretend to be my husband," Glinda said with a huff.

"Well if you have any better ideas I would love to hear them," Elphaba answered, her voice carrying a bit of annoyance.

"Elphie, he's never going to agree to it."

"Sure he will. I mean, come on, he shot me in the leg. He can do a favor for us." Elphaba said, as she gently gripped her wife by the shoulders to comfort her.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask him." Glinda answered.

"That's the spirit." Elphaba said, as she kissed the blonde witch on the lips. "I'll leave tonight for Fiyero's home. Luckily he lives close."

"Just be careful flying about." Glinda replied, as she cupped the green witch's face and stroked a cheek.

"I will." Elphaba answered, with a grin, and with that she kissed her wife again.


When night had finally come Elphaba took off on her broomstick towards Fiyero's home. After a few minutes of fast flight she gently landed onto the ground. After making sure there were no other people around she walked up to the door and knocked. When there was no answer she knocked again. She had to knock a third time before the door was opened a crack.

"Who's there?" A voice asked.

"Fiyero it's me, Elphaba, I need to talk to you." The green witch answered, her voice in a whisper.

"Fae?" Fiyero questioned, as he opened the door so she could get inside. "What are you doing here?"

"As much as I would like to say I'm here for a visit... I'm really here to ask a favor of you." Elphaba replied, as she turned around to face him.

"All right ask away," Fiyero said, his voice sounded he was a bit unsure.

"Okay, well, Glinda's mother is going to pay a visit in the next few days. She wants to see Glinda of course. But she still thinks Glinda is married to you. So what Glinda and I was thinking was you come back and pretend that you and are married to Glinda. Just until Glinda's mother leaves."

"Elphaba are you serious?" Fiyero asked.

"Of course, I'm serious," Elphaba answered, trying to keep her anger at bay. "So what say you?"

"I don't...know," Fiyero replied. "This is all kind of sudden."

"Must I remind you that you shot me in the leg," Elphaba said, as she pointed to the leg that had the scar on it. "Besides it would hopefully be only for a few days, and you know as well as I do that Glinda can't exactly introduce me to her mother," Fiyero gave our a sigh but saw the desperation in the green witch's eyes.

"All right. I'll help out. You two mean a lot to me and I know you would help me if I needed it. I mean how hard will it be to trick Glinda's mother?"

"Hopefully not long," Elphaba answered. "Come to the house first thing in the morning so we can prepare."

"Prepare?" Fiyero questioned, but Elphaba had already left out the door and taken off into the night sky.