A/N: I am glad a lot of people noticed the Breaking Dawn quote at the end of the last chapter, haha. I thought it would be cute :) And actually, a story might just happen to pop-up that revolves around another one of the quotes. I am not saying which one though! Enjoy!

Bella POV:

As Edward and I stepped out from the closet, still laughing, we heard someone bolting up the stairs. Alice was suddenly in the doorway with her hand clapped over her eyes.

"I am not going to look at it! I refuse! I caught you in the act, though! You deserve what you got!" she shrieked. Edward's lips were pressed tight together to suppress his laughter. And then I had an idea. A split decision.

Alice would never see it coming.

Casually, I walked over to the windowsill and picked Barney up by one furry leg. It swung freely as I carried it over to where Alice was standing, her hand still over her eyes. Edward's eyes widened as he saw what I was doing. He coughed to hide a laugh.

"I'm sorry, Alice. I really am. I got you a . . . present to make it up to you," I said, a sly smile spreading across my face.

Alice held out her free hand. "It better be good."

"Oh, it is," I muttered before I set the tarantula gently down onto her palm. Alice peeked through her fingers, revealing one little eye. It was hilarious to watch it widen as she saw what my 'present' was. She screamed and threw her hands up into the air, knocking poor Barney into Emmett and Rosalie's bedroom door with a thud.

Alice shuddered and jumped up and down, mumbling what sounded like a string of profanities under her breath. Edward and I exchanged brief glances before bursting into a huge fit of uncontrollable laughter. I was bent over, clutching my sides for support. Alice, looking even more furious, ran down the stairs, most likely to tell Jasper. But that was as safe as kittens compared to what happened next.

I heard Emmett's doorknob turn and he suddenly appeared in the doorway with Rosalie standing behind him. They both looked down, searching for whatever had hit their door, and I am positive they immediately regretted it.

Rosalie jumped up onto Emmett's back, eyes wide, and began pointing and screaming at Barney. Like that was going to do any good. Emmett had the same reaction. Hopping up and down and yelling at it, even though it was dead and couldn't possibly do any harm to a large and brawny vampire.

Surprisingly, Rosalie was the one to take action. She dropped down onto the floor and, so quickly that I almost missed it, she snatched Barney up and threw it across the hall. It was just a black blur as it flew over my head and out of Alice's window. And then they both disappeared behind the bedroom door.

I turned around, feeling slightly sad, and picked up my hand to wave. "Bye, Barney."

Edward laughed quietly and put his arm around my waist. "He lived a good life," he said, but his tone was mocking.

I rolled my eyes. "Oh, yeah. Constantly flying through the air and being tossed from room to room. His untimely death was caused because Emmett squished him. How nice." I sniffed. "Oh well. He was a good pet tarantula. Can I have another one?" I joked.

Edward's eyed widened. "No way, Bella."

I smiled innocently. "Do you think that we should go downstairs to apologize for scaring Esme. I feel kind of bad about it."

He sighed. "I do, too. How about we cool it with the pranks for a while?"

A loud 'HA!' came from Emmett's bedroom. I blushed and laughed. Edward rolled his eyes before we proceeded down the stairs.

In the living room, Alice, who was on the couch with a very amused Jasper, noticed us. She immediately slapped her hands over her eyes. "You better not have that hairy, eight-legged, monster, with you! Or so help me I will put every single prank video of you on Youtube! Even the ones you don't even know that I have!" she threatened.

Edward's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't dare!"

"I did it to Bella and I'll do it to you! So, do you have Beany with you?"

I looked at Edward, feeling confused, before answering. "It's Barney! And no. Rosalie threw it out the window. It's gone for good," I explained sadly.

Alice removed her hands reluctantly away from her face and let out a long and relieved sigh. Jasper was still extremely amused with the situation. He kept looking between Edward and Alice, pressing his lips tight together to suppress his laughter.

"Where is Esme?" I asked.

Alice rolled her eyes and looked at me like the answer was childishly obvious. "You scared her so bad, she ran upstairs into her room. Carlisle is trying to calm her down. Good going, you two" she answered sarcastically.

Feeling even more guilty about scaring Esme, I trudged back up the stairs with Edward, thinking about what I was going to say to apologize. I hoped that whatever I said would be good enough for her to forgive me.

Before I knocked on her door, I turned to Edward. "What did Alice mean when she said that she would put the videos of pranks that you didn't even know she had on Youtube?"

Edward look ambivalent. "Let's just say that this isn't the only time we have all pranked each other." He shuddered at the memory. "This is just the first time a human was involved," he said with my favorite crooked smile. Not really wanting to know the details of the last 'Cullen Prank War', I knocked lightly on Esme's door. No answer. I knocked again and the door opened by itself. I froze. Edward pushed me lightly on the small of my back to go in first. I threw him a suspiscious look. He walked in hesitantly behind me.

"Esme?" I called softly. Edward walked up beside me and we both looked around the huge room. Carlisle and Esme were absent. I took another step forward with Edward still by my side.

What happened next was extremely unexpected.

Edward and I were both thrown backwards and up into the air. We had stepped into a thin, but very sturdy, net. It had pulled us upwards and we were now swinging freely from their ceiling.

Edward frowned. "Esme is really good."

"Thank you," a soft voice said from below us. Esme and Carlisle had stepped out from behind their window curtains. Esme was no doubt the one who had spoken. I looked down at her in shock.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't rein her in," Carlisle apologized. I crossed my arms over my chest as we still swung back and forth in the air in this uncomfortable net.

"This is what you both get. No more pranking," Esme scolded. "I might just leave you two up here as your punishment." Carlisle started laughing, but as Edward shot him a very unhappy look, he pressed his lips tight together.

"Please let us down. This isn't the most comfortable place to be during a 'time-out'," Edward said, his tone bitterly sarcastic. I coughed to hide a laugh.

"Too bad," Esme said. "I'll be back in five minutes, kids." She over-emphasized her last word. She smiled, and then walked out of the room. Carlisle stayed behind as we still swung from the ceiling. He shook his head in disbelief.

"Don't mess with Esme. I'll let you down, but don't say anything to her about it." I watched as he walked around his bed and pulled a piece of thin rope, releasing us immediately. I fell down, hard, on my backside while Edward landed lithely on his feet.

I looked up at Carlisle, frowning. "Ouch," I muttered.

"Sorry about that," he said before leaving the room. Edward looked down at me and then immediately started laughing. Embarrassed, I blushed, but maintained my unimpressed look. He held out a hand for me to take, still laughing. I ignored it and got up without his help. Without looking at him, I turned my nose up in the air, which was the most childish thing I could have done, and stalked out of the room with him still laughing behind me.

"You can't blame me for laughing. That was pretty funny," he said. I frowned and didn't answer. He glanced at the clock in the hallway and back to me. "I should probably take you home now." My frown deepened and Edward chuckled. We walked downstairs together and into the living room where Esme, Carlisle, Alice and Jasper were sitting and chatting animatedly. Esme was no doubt jumping into a second by second description of her prank.

Alice looked up at us and began pointing and laughing. "Esme pranked you! Ha! That's hilarious!" Then she suddenly looked disappointed. "Too bad you didn't get it on tape."

Just then, Esme winked at Alice. I would have thought I imagined it if it wasn't for Edward's reaction.

His jaw dropped. "I'll burn the tape when I get back home," he muttered. I giggled.

"Bye, Bella! I already called Charlie for you to let him know that you were going to be late getting home," Alice explained.

I nodded. "Thanks." There was a chorus of 'Bye, Bella' and I waved. I guessed that Emmett and Rosalie were either too embarrassed about the spider incident to too preoccupied to come downstairs, but I understood either way.

Edward led me out to his Volvo through the sheeting rain. He joked with me through the whole ride home. We joked and picked on each other right up until he pulled into the driveway. He leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.

"I'll be back when Charlie is asleep," he said. I sighed and nodded sadly. He chuckled at my reaction. He watched me as I stepped up onto the porch and then drove off when I was inside.

Charlie was sprawled out on the couch watching a baseball game. "Hey there, Bells. How was the day of pranks over at the Cullen's?" he asked.

I stared at him confused. "You know about that?"

"Alice told me. She even told me that Esme pranked you," he explained, laughing. I frowned, feeling my cheeks heat up with the embarrassment.

"Yes, and Alice even felt the need to prank me, as well. That's how Esme got started." Thanks to little Alice, Edward and I were probably the laughing-stock of the whole Cullen family. And now Charlie. I took a deep breath to calm myself down before I got too frustrated.

"Good for Alice!" Charlie joked. My frown deepened. "I'm just kidding, Bells. Did you get anything on tape?" His tone was too hopeful for my liking.

"Some of it. Alice put one of mine on Youtube." His face was blank as he processed that last bit. Then he burst into laughter.

"That's hilarious!" he said, between his booming laughs. One blush blended into the next as my embarrassment grew more intense.

"It sure is." My tone was sarcastic.

Charlie got up with a grunt. "Well, I am bushed. I just wanted to rub that in your face a little." He laughed again.

"Thanks, Dad," I grumbled. I trudged up the stairs behind him, suddenly feeling exhausted. I said a quick good night to Charlie before disappearing behind my bedroom door. As I had somewhat expected, Edward was just climbing in through the window.

"I heard his thoughts. I knew he was going to go to bed soon. I made it quick," he said with a smirk. He took in the unimpressed look on my face and chuckled. I plopped down onto my bed and buried my face into the pillow.

"This whole thing is your fault, you know," I mumbled.

His laughter stopped short and he stared at me, astonished. "My fault?"

I nodded, feeling confident. I looked up so that he could catch the mischievous smile that was spreading across my face. "All of this never would have happened if you didn't get scared from that stupid movie."

Edward rolled his eyes as he pulled the covers over top of me. "Edward Cullen? Scared?" he said. I laughed once before drifting off into a dreamless and prankless sleep.

A/N: The End! I hope you liked it! I spent at least five hours planning the ending out in my head, so I hope that it was good. Review and tell me how it was for you!

UPDATE: Since this story is over, I put up another humor fanfic. It will most likely be short, but it is now up. It's called Edward's Bachelor Party. Check it out if you want!