A/N: Okay, here it is. lol.

Disclaimer: Don't own HSM...yet. It will be mine (insert evil laugh here)

Chapter 6 – I'm terrified

Gabriella rested her head on Troy's shoulder as he put his arm around her as they walked into the mall with Taylor and Chad. "So why are we actually here?" Gabriella asked. She had left her jacket in the car with her bag but Troy still had his jacket on his shoulders.

Chad smirked, his hand wrapped around Taylor's. "We just wanted to buy CDs and stuff."

Troy stared at his best friend. "Why? You've got a billion CDs!"

"You can't have too many CDs!" He defended.

Troy shook his head and pulled Gabriella closer. "Whatever, dude."

Chad took his wallet out and groaned slightly. "Dude, I need some more cash. I'll just go to the ATM with Taylor. Why don't you guys meet us in the food court?"

Gabriella nodded. "Okay. Sounds cool. See you in a few, guys." She walked away with Troy to the elevators. She pushed the button and they waited patiently. The elevator came and the doors opened. They let a couple of people out before stepping in themselves and she pushed the button for the third floor.

"Brie, did you notice that Chad had a wad of cash in his wallet?" Troy asked curiously.

Gabriella thought back and nodded slightly. "Yeah. He did. But, it's Chad. He's probably up to something."

He sighed and nodded his head. "You're probably right."

"I am the girl who skipped two grades, is in every AP class and got a straight A average." She shot back.

"I'm in your chemistry class!" He defended.

"How did you get-" She got interrupted when the elevator jolted and they fell to the ground. "Troy, what happened?"

"I am sorry. We are experiencing some technical difficulties. Please stay where you are until we fix the problem." A voice instructed through the intercom.

"Where are we going to go? We're stuck in an elevator!" Troy exclaimed sarcastically.

Gabriella giggled and looked at him from their sitting positions on the floor of the elevator. "Think this is Chad?"

Troy nodded and pulled her over to his side of the elevator and kissed the top of her head. "I'm guessing it's a good shot."

She rested her head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. "I think I know why they trapped us in an elevator."

"They…They want us together, don't they?" Troy asked quietly, stroking her hair.

Gabriella nodded. "Did Taylor tell you anything?"

"Only that I should be quick because you won't wait forever." He whispered.

"Because I won't. It's now or never, Troy." She said softly.

Troy frowned for a second. "Why can't you ask me?"

Gabriella pulled back and raised her eyebrows. "Me?"

"I'm sorry." He apologised. "But, will you be my girlfriend and go to the prom with me?"

"Yes and no. I'll be your girlfriend but I can't go to the prom with you or anyone else. It's at the country club, remember? I need to work that night." Gabriella explained sadly.

Troy cupped her cheek gently. "Then we'll have our own prom. Just us."

Gabriella smiled weakly. "I'd like that."

Troy withdrew his hand and pulled her onto his lap. "Brie, this might scare you and it surely scared me a heck of a lot. But, I love you."

She smiled and a tear leaked from her eye and she grinned. "I love you too, Troy. I fell for you since I nearly fell for you."

He chuckled slightly. "Ironic or what?"

She giggled slightly, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I know." She whispered, brushing her lips against his before pushing her mouth firmly onto his in a passionate kiss. His arms tightened around her waist and he lined her bottom lip with his tongue, requesting permission. She shyly parted her lips and he slowly explored her mouth.

He pulled back breathlessly. "It's so much easier when we're at the same height."

She giggled. "I know. You're nearly a foot taller."

"A foot you'll never see." He joked.

She poked him in the arm. "Stop being mean." She whined.

He smiled to himself and pulled her closer as she rested her head on his chest. "You know you love me."

She pulled back slightly and smiled softly. "That I do."

"Thank you for your patience. Chad and Taylor's plan has worked!" A voice hollered through the intercom.

Troy and Gabriella glanced at each other and burst out laughing. "I guess I was right."

Gabriella hit him over the head as she stood up, hearing the gentle hum of the elevator and smiled as he got to his feet. "I can't believe they trapped us in an elevator!"

Troy wrapped his arms around her waist and smirked down at her. "I got a girlfriend out of it." He then lifted her up, pinned her against the opposite wall and kissed her sweetly. "At least you're light. I can lift you up."

She smiled at him. "That's great. But if you don't let me down now, I'm going to kick you where the sun don't shine."

Troy quickly set her on the floor just as the doors opened, revealing a grinning Chad and Taylor. "Hey guys."

Chad and Taylor smiled at each other. "Anything exciting happen?"

"Chad, you came over the intercom." Gabriella explained, pulling Troy out of the elevator.

Sharpay pulled up in the school parking lot in her pink convertible and looked on in disgust as Ryan walked into the school with Martha. She was a fat geek! How could her own twin brother stoop so low? He knew about her expectations. Her gaze then moved to Taylor who was walking into the building…holding hands with Chad Danforth! A jock? Taylor McKessie and a jock? Wait a minute. He's best friends with Troy Bolton!

She was snapped out of her thoughts when an old truck pulled up beside her car. Troy hopped out and Sharpay smiled. "Hi Troy."

Troy looked over his shoulder slightly and spoke absent-mindedly. "Hi Sharpay." He continued walking round to the bonnet and stood there.

Sharpay got out of her car excitedly and around to him. "Hey. I'm so sorry about my sister."

A soft smile spread across his face and he stepped behind her. "Hey Brie."

Sharpay turned around and felt her jaw drop open when Troy placed his arm around Gabriella's shoulders. "Gabriella. What are you doing?"

Gabriella rolled her eyes and slipped her arms around Troy's waist. "Troy drove me to school."

"Why?" Sharpay asked.

Troy pulled Gabriella closer to himself in a protective manner. "I wanted to drive my girlfriend to school. Now, excuse us. We need to go."

Sharpay glared at their retreating backs as they entered the building. She groaned in frustration. Her sister got Troy Bolton? If any Montez girl was going to have a chance with Troy Bolton, it would be her! She'd make sure of it.

She marched into the school and headed towards the computer lab. She had a plan she needed to start.

"Sharpay hates me. She's planning something." Gabriella said worriedly to Troy during their lunch period on the rooftop garden.

"I won't let her hurt you." Troy promised, kissing her forehead. "What's the worst she could do?"

Gabriella raised her eyebrows. "Troy, she's the captain of the cheerleading squad. She could turn the whole school against me."

He kissed her gently. "Don't worry about it. She might be a cheerleader but I'm the basketball captain."

She raised her eyebrows.

"It comes in handy." He defended.

She giggled and leaned in to place a soft kiss on his neck before nuzzling her nose into his skin. "I love you, Troy."

He wrapped his arm tightly around her shoulders, pulling her closer, before kissing her hair over and over again. "I love you too."

"Don't leave me." She whispered, her breath tickling his skin.

He pulled back suddenly, placing his hands firmly on her shoulders. "What in the world gave you the idea I'd leave you?"

She shrugged vaguely. "I don't know. It's just I keep wondering why you like me. You said it yourself, you didn't even know my name until last week."

Troy cupped her face. "I know. But, I love you. I fell for you that day on the rooftop garden. I'm not leaving you."

Gabriella nodded. "Okay." She said softly.

Taylor frowned at Chad. "How did you get basketball from parking ticket?"

Chad shrugged. "I went to the mall, bought a basketball and got a parking ticket."

Gabriella and Troy was trying hard not to laugh at the couple. They were playing charades and Troy and Gabriella were stood up. They were in four teams: Troy and Gabriella, Chad and Taylor, Ryan and Martha and Jason and Kelsi. Zeke had said he had some baking to do and they weren't going to decline Zeke's cooking.

"Back to the game." Ryan declared, turning his attention back to his sister.

Gabriella and Troy started to make actions and stared in disbelief at the responses they were getting.

"Guys, stop." Gabriella suddenly said quietly, knowing that she needed to say this.

"What's up?" Ryan asked.

"Sharpay is going to kill me. I don't know what she's planning but I'm not going to lie. I'm terrified. I know her better than any of you guys. Even you, Ryan. I don't know what to do, okay?" She cried as she covered her eyes as the tears leaked and she sobbed quietly.

Everyone glanced wearily at each other as Troy quickly stepped forward and embraced her as she wept. "Shh….Come on, baby. Come with me." He took her hand and gently led her into her bathroom.

Chad sighed and turned to Taylor. "I feel so sorry for you guys."

"You should." Ryan moaned.

"You know, we work every day of the week to earn money for college and she's already got money to design her own clothing line after graduation." Taylor explained.

"She is bang out of order." Jason exclaimed.

"You try telling that to our Dad." Ryan raised his eyebrows.

The door burst open and Sharpay strutted in. She sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Where's the brat?"

"I don't know but there's one standing right in front of me." Ryan answered as he got to his feet.

"Where's Gabriella?" She snapped. "You know, the geeky boyfriend-stealing bookworm!" She stomped her foot for emphasis.

"In the bathroom." Martha replied.

"And Troy?"

"Bathroom too. Now go away." Ryan ordered.

"Fine." Sharpay said calmly as she turned around and made her way out of the room. An evil grin pulled at the corners of her mouth. This should be fun.