Overall Statistics:

Story: Scarlet

Pairing: SubaruXKamui (Because Kamui deserves to be cuddled too)

Rating: PG-13 (that's the highest rating for now)

Disclaimer: I do not own the vampire twins from Tsubasa Chronicles, their voice actors, or anything similar to that. I am, however, taking creative liscense and making them do something since CLAMP hasn't added onto their story much yet. Alas, I am making no profit from this and do not wish to. I simply want to fulfil my (and hopefully some of the readers') twincest needs.

A/N: So, after taking down my story, I have decided to move in a different direction. Vampire twins, to be exact. And, rather than making long, multi-chapter fics, like everyone else, I have decided to make short drabbles that will slowly form a story. I'll do double releases, so as to give you all something to gnaw on. Remember, reviews and rating are appreciated. These drabbles will only be one hundred words long, by the way. They will switch back and forth between the twins, and there will be yaoi...later on.



We've been traveling for so long now. It frightens me, whenever Subaru calls out that man's name at night. What did he give to my twin?

What makes Subaru toss and turn in his sleep, a hand clutching at whatever material is beneath him at the time, trying to stay in that stillness but ends up being drawn down into a feverish dream, one where I do not exist?

I want to help him, hold him tightly and tell him to forget of that man. But every time I move to do so…

He mumbles. "I love you."

I crash.


