I apologise in advance for this tiny chapter, it's so short I'm not even sure it deserves to be called a chapter. Please read A/N at the end!


If I could have anything in the world, anything at all, it would be to see Bella's beautiful face. I hated not seeing her. Usually I didn't mind my loss of sight, I couldn't do anything about it. But, right now, I hated it. Why couldn't I have been a normal kid? Who could do normal things and have a normal life. Who could enjoy the gift of sight. I heard Alice's phone ring, I held my hand out, ready for her to pass it to me.

"Hello?" I said glumly into the phone.

"Hello Edward!"

"Oh, hey Emmett."

"Edward! You'll never guess, you know mum and dad?" he said, excitedly. I stiffened, we hardly ever mentioned them.


"Well, I got a call from the hospital and the nurse said they could be waking up any time now!" he practically yelled down the phone.

"What???" I gasped, disbelievingly.

"They said almost for definite!"


"Yes! You have to come to hospital now, bring Bella and Alice if you must!"

"Ok, we'll be there as soon as we can" I promised.

"What was that about?" asked Alice. I grinned stupidly.

"We need to go to the hospital, now!"

The feeling I was feeling now, was the happiest I had been in years, my whole life probably. I felt like throwing my fist in the air and yelling. I jumped in my seat impatiently. I quickly repeated the conversation to Alice. My heart felt like it was going to explode.

When we arrived at the hospital I jumped out the car, eagerly.

"Come on Alice!" I was literally bouncing as I said this. My raised voice caused Bella to wake up.

"Wha's happenin'?" she mumbled. I felt around for her hand, grabbed it then pulled her out the car. I walked towards where I knew the hospital entrance was. Alice grabbed my elbow, whilst filling Bella in (who gasped and gripped my hand tighter). Once we were inside Alice pulled us up to the receptionist.

"We're here to see Mr. and Mrs. Cullen in room 1765 please." Alice said.

"Do you know where it is?" said the bored voice of the receptionist.

"Yes" I replied quickly. Come on, hurry up. I thought.

"Go ahead then" she droned.

Alice let go of my elbow and I trailed my hand along the wall, still pulling Bella along and counting the doors we passed. I turned left then hurried up a set of stairs. 1762, 1763, 1764...1765! I knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard Emmett's voice. I pushed the door open, tripping over in my eagerness. Bella's hand I was still holding onto helped me up.

"Emmett?" I asked.

"Edward, come over here" I felt his hands pull me into a seat. I let go of Bella's hand. "Can you believe it Edward? Mum's making great progress! She could open her eyes any day, any minute, any second! And Dad's slowly getting there!" Emmett gushed out, while I felt around me. There was a bed in front of me. I traced my hands across it until I met a hand. It was cold, but felt very familiar.

"Mum?" I whispered. I held tightly onto her hand. I never wanted to let go, I would do anything to make her better. "Come back to me" I whispered even quieter so no one could hear.

I'm sooooo sorry for the incredibly short chapter, but I just needed to get this up so you all would know what was going on. I am really stuck, I'm thinking about putting the next bit in Edward and Emmett's mum's point of view...but please bare with me, this is really hard for me to fit in with all my GCSE coursework. If anyone has any ideas then pleeeaaase tell me! Again, I'm sooo sorry for the miniscule chapter! Please oh please forgive me! I will write more tonight in one of my many many many notebooks and hopefully have it up soon!!! I'm so sorry!
