Disclaimer: none of the characters used in this story belong to me, sadly I am not the very rich J.K. Rowling

Hi Guys, this is my first story i have EVER written, so please keep an open mind. And review with your opinions and constructive help! It's an Oliver/Katie fic, so im sure you know the eneviatble events. I hope you enjoy the first chapter, more up soon. And sooner if you review.


There's always the exact same smell in the air at Platform 9 ¾ whenever the Hogwarts Express is at the station. It's hard to describe, it's a combination of scents, smoke, new books, old wood, the first years' sweat borne out of nervousness and embarrassment that their mothers are kissing them in front of everyone. Whatever the smell is, I can't help myself but take in a huge lungful as I remember that this the last time I'm going to be boarding the train to Hogwarts, the last year of my schooling and my last chance to win the Quidditch Cup. I know everyone gives me shit all the time about my obsessiveness over Quidditch, but being Captain really does put a huge amount of pressure on me to make my team perform. Plus I really love Quidditch. Speaking of my team, where are they?

Here I am, standing at the platform, my trunk long since stowed away and I have yet to see a single one them. I'm actually feeling kind of stupid… I'm surrounded by first and second years (no one else bothers to show up early… its kind of lame actually) Goddamn. Now I look lame. Well… I could try and play it cool, there is a certain status that being a Quidditch Captain gives me after all. I'll just loiter somewhere and look sexily aloof. I can manage that right? Can't be that hard, the girls are always going on about how Diggory does it. What they don't realise is that he looks so aloof because the Hufflepuff git doesn't have a bloody clue what's going on half the time. Anyway, must find loitering spot. I look around the crowded platform and navigate my way to an empty bench. Turning my back to it, my idea is that I will casually slouch on the bench and just try to look too cool and unfriendly for anyone to talk to me. I don't really want any overeager mothers foisting their kids on me. Running my hands through my messy brown hair and putting my hands in the pockets of my jeans, I sit down.

'Oof! Oliver! Get off me you prat!'

Looks like I took too long trying to look effortlessly cool. Someone else had occupied the bench while I was taking my sweetass time. I'm quickly shoved off someone's lap and onto the ground. It's from here (in a very awkward and stupid looking sprawl) that I look up and see that I sat on Katie Bell's lap. And she's giggling at me. Great.

'Oliver, you are honestly hopeless. I have no idea how you have so much grace flying, because you sure as hell don't have any down here on the ground' Katie says, extending her hand to help me up, which I gratefully take and sit beside her.

I turn to Katie 'Hey, I'm not the one stealing benches here. You came out of nowhere, it's like you've been taking lessons from Fred and George or something. Anyway, what did you get up to over the holidays?" Apart from doing some serious growing up, I add silently. Seriously, when did Katie Bell get so pretty? What happened to the sloppy ponytails and scuffed up jeans? Today she was wearing her longish blonde hair down with a tight purple scoop necked tee and a longish silky green gypsy skirt that matched her eyes. Since when do I notice what colour her eyes are? Shit, she's talking to me, and looking at me with those very same green eyes… Stop staring Wood! Now! Snap out of it! The girl is talking to you!

'…and then I just spent the last week at Lee's house" Katie finished. 'So what did you do Wood?'

'Wait, you went to Lee's? 'I'm a bit surprised. I mean, sure we all hang out together, like the team and a couple of others like Lee, and Percy if we're feeling charitable, but I've never really seen them hang out together by themselves. 'Since when do you go to Lee's?

'Since he became my boyfriend, weren't you listening to anything I just said?' Katie is looking at me with the biggest DUH expression, but I'm not really paying attention. I'm too bust thinking about how I'm going to rip Lee Jordan's arms off next time I see him and shove them both up his-woah…woah… why am I getting so mad? Why do I care who Katie Bell dates? Relax, Wood. You're just worried about it affecting the team. And winning the Cup. That's what's important here.

'Just don't let it impact on your Quidditch performance, Bell' I tell her. Because that is the reason I care. Really it is. 'We have a lot of work to do this wee-'

'This week!' Katie cuts in. 'Oliver, I know you're obsessed, but come on! At least give us some time to get into routine and catch up with everyone.'

'Routine! Exactly! Starting a routine is completely the idea, so we'll have to start off now. Actually right now would be good, did you by any chance go to see Puddlemere United at all during the summer? I was thinking that we could try and use their new play, the one where the chasers-'


A wall of noise knocks me off my feet for the second time that day, when I realise it isn't just noise, it's the Weasley twins, Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson and Alicia Spinnet.

'Hey team' I manage to squeeze out from under the pile of bodies. 'Good attack strategy, we'll have to work on a flying version on that, providing we manage to avoid causing a penalty anyway… you know, what if we try it again, only this time, Bell, you join in too and then George, I want you to-'

'Jesus, Wood, you haven't changed a bit. Just give it a rest for five seconds. It's only bloody Quidditch' Lee tells me while rolling his eyes. Grr… Chickenfucker. Wait, since when do I call my friends chickenfuckers?? Since they insulted Quidditch. Of course. That's why I'm mad. Quidditch. I. Love. Quidditch. And Jordan just insulted it.

As they all pile off me, groaning about my lack of ability to focus on anything other than Quidditch, I realise the platform is emptying and the train is whistling for the stragglers (that would be us) to hurry up and get on. That's not all I notice, as we race to board the train and make sure no one snagged our favourite compartment, I notice Katie and Lee share a quick kiss and have their arms wrapped around each others' waists as we push our way through all the uncertain first years and into our compartment. We all sit in our usual seats, me next to the window on the right, then George, Fred and Angelina, Katie opposite me next to the other window, then Alicia, then Lee. No wait, somehow that's not right. Now Katie is sitting on Lee's lap, right across from me. Great. For some reason the thought of watching the two of them together makes me want to throw up. I mean, I really feel sick at the idea. I've never been really big on PDAs, especially by other people (well, only be other people actually, if I'm getting a little something then I'm not too fussed) but I decide that I'm not going to be able to hack it.

'I'm off to see if they're serving snacks yet, see you guys later' I tell everyone as I duck out the compartment door. I look back no one seems to have even noticed I left, let alone acknowledge it. Actually, I'm really glad I left, Katie and Lee were already snogging each others' faces off, and from all the sexual tension that had been surrounding the twins and my two other chasers last year, it was a pretty safe bet that I'd definitely be the seventh wheel in there.
