Disclaimer: Me no own Dragonball Z. Me named Thog. Me no Akira Toriyama. Grunt.

Brenman: Well, it feels like just yesterday I was updating this story. Well, no. Actually it feels like it's been several months. Because it has. All hail the great and terrible power of the Update God.

Chapter 7: Gohan's Joining the Circus

Chi Chi found herself sitting in front of a plump psychiatrist on a red leather couch. Chi Chi breathed in a sigh of relief at finally getting to cross something off her to do list. "Doctor, my cloud has gone crazy I think. He keeps changing into different objects. First he just started with acting like an airplane, then he got progressively worse. Like turning into a monster truck, or when he was wearing a tuxedo. Can you help me?"

The psychiatrist nodded while looking at her clip board. "Well Mrs. Son. Could you describe this cloud to me. It seems like this may have stemmed from some childhood trauma."

Chi Chi frowned, "I don't know anything about the nimbus' childhood, but it's small and yellow. That about sums it up."

Dr. Quackenburger frowned back at the black haired woman, "No Mrs. Son, you misunderstood me. I think these delusions of a 'pet' cloud stem from something in your own childhood, and I would like to get to the bottom of this."

Chi Chi was about to retort when the aforementioned cloud, in the shape of a hot dog, decided to float in through the door. The psychiatrist promptly fainted and Chi Chi decided it would be a better use of her time if she were to leave and never come back. It was a stupid idea anyway. Nimbus is a cloud, what was she expecting?

-- Orange Star High School --

Videl stood at the front entrance of the school with her arms crossed thinking to herself. 'Finally this stupid author wrote me into this god awful story. What kind of plot is this anyway? Woman wants sex. Let's all watch her fail miserably, and where the hell is that stupid flying dork of a boyfriend? When he gets here, he is in so much trouble.'

Videl stood up straighter as the previously mentioned dorky boyfriend landed right in front of her. "Hi Videl. How are you?" Gohan asked politely.

Videl scowled, "You've got some major explaining to do."

Gohan backed up a step as Videl advanced on him. "Explaining about what?" He asked. He was really at a loss as to what Videl was talking about.

Videl shoved a piece of paper under his nose. "This Gohan." Videl huffed and turned away from the tall demi Saiyan.

Gohan looked down at the piece of paper in his hands and his face paled. He stared at the picture of himself and his mother tying his father to the bed underneath the headline, 'Son Gohan preparing to enjoy one of his family bondage sessions'. Gohan only had enough presence of mind to mouth one word as he noticed hundreds of similar posters around the school, "Vegeta".

Videl placed her hands on her hips, "What was that Gohan?"

-- Over the Ocean --

Chi Chi found herself and her psychotic yellow cloud blasting across the ocean in search of Kame house. Today nimbus was sporting a very cheap looking superman costume. 'I can't believe I'm actually stooping so low as to go ask that old pervert for advice.' Chi Chi was so deep in thought that she barely noticed that they had arrived at the island.

Chi Chi hopped off the cloud and walked around the house in search of the lecherous master of martial arts, and if she were to be lucky, marital arts as well. The sunbathing chair caught Chi Chi's attention as she walked around the house. Unfortunately all she found in it was a sleeping Oolong. Shaking him awake with probably more force then necessary, Chi Chi quickly asked the dumbfounded pig where Master Roshi was.

"Last I saw," Oolong said groggily, "he was trying to race turtle around the house to see who would get the last pancake from breakfast. Of course, I had already ate it by the time he got back in the house, and turtles more then likely not even finished yet."

Chi Chi gave up getting an answer out of the pig and went inside the house. She found the old master sitting on the sofa watching an aerobics show. With practiced ease she switched the television off and began staring down at the geezer.

Master Roshi looked up at what could only be described as a beautiful young woman and his perpetual nose bleed started up again. "Well, hello there gorgeous."

Chi Chi frowned, "Save it Roshi. I need your help. Goku refuses to have sex with me, and I wanted to..."

Master Roshi perks up and cuts the woman off, "Have sex with me? I am one sexy stud..."

The old master never got to finish his sentence as he suddenly found himself imbedded in the drywall with a frying pan sticking out of his gut. Chi Chi stomped over to him and viscously ripped the offending cooking implement from his midsection. "The only studs you'll find in here are helping hold your house up." Chi Chi said and promptly walked away without a second glance.

Master Roshi tried to stand up, but just succeeded in getting more stuck in the wall. "Oh well." he said to no one in particular, "I guess that's about as much action as I'll ever see."

Chi Chi hopped back onto the waiting nimbus cloud, which was mysteriously pulling a camper trailer behind it now. The woman was in a bad mood for most of the way home, 'I can't believe it. That was a complete waste of time.' she thought to herself, 'The only thing I learned was that my frying pan still works.'

Chi Chi climbed down off the cloud as it stopped in front of Capsule Corp. 'hang on a second,' Chi Chi though as an epiphany came out of nowhere and smacked her in the face, 'My frying pan. Why didn't I think of it before? I just have to threaten Goku with it and he'll be like putty in my hands. It's so simple.'

-- Inside Capsule Corp. --

Bulma was busy sitting at her computer trying to figure out how come Namekians have such sharp teeth if they only drank water. She was currently deep in thought when her black haired friend rushed through the door and jarred her from her thoughts with a loud and well placed, "BULMA, DO YOU KNOW WHERE GOKU IS?"

Bulma took a couple of seconds to stop her ears from ringing and then asked Chi Chi if she would mind dearly repeating the question at a more friendly volume. Chi Chi took a few calming breaths, "Bulma, do you know where Goku is?"

Bulma shook her head, "No I don't, but Gohan's in the living room. You could ask him."

Chi Chi frowned, "What's Gohan doing here? He should be at school right now."

Bulma shrugged, "I'm not sure, but he looks upset." Bulma turned back to the computer screen as soon as she saw Chi Chi twirl around and leave the room.

Upon hearing that her eldest son was in trouble Chi Chi had instantly forgotten about her libido lacking husband and had instead switched into full mother mode. Moments after leaving Bulma's lab Chi Chi found herself hurrying into the living room. a cursory glance determined that the room was empty. The housewife was about to head towards the kitchen, which was the most likely place in the house to find a demi Saiyan, but stopped when she noticed a note on the coffee table. Chi Chi picked up the scrap of paper and began reading. 'Dear everyone. I am so embarrassed, I can never return to school and Videl's going to dump me for sure. I'm running away and I just want everyone to know that I found a good job with a traveling circus, but I do wish the lion had fresher breath. Love The Greatsai... I mean Gohan.'

Bulma cringed in her lab as every window within a twenty mile radius was no doubt shattered by the deafening shout of, "WHAT?" coming from Chi Chi, along with a few less savory words. After recovering from her shell shock, Bulma rushed upstairs to see what the problem was. The blue haired woman found Chi Chi passed out on the floor of the living room. She picked up the note that Chi Chi had in her hand and unfurled it from it's crumpled up ball. Bulma's eyes quickly scanned over the paper and she frowned. "For some reason, I have a feeling that this is Vegeta's fault." Bulma said to no one in particular.

-- A While Later --

Chi Chi groggily opened one eye and peered around the room. She had somehow ended up lying on the king sized bed in her room at Capsule corp. She sat up and stretched. The door to the on suite bathroom opened up at that moment and out stepped a juicy piece of meat wrapped in a white towel, with water dripping from his hair and not a speck of chocolate left on his body. Goku smiled, "I see your awake." He began riffling through his wardrobe for something to where. Chi Chi could hear him muttering to himself about his choice in clothes, "No that one's to orange, that's not orange enough, this orange has too much red in it..." Chi Chi shook her head, they all looked the same to her.

Chi Chi watched Goku's towel clad posterior for a couple of seconds before smiling devilishly, "Hey Goku." She moaned, "While your not wearing anything other than a towel, why don't you come over here and we can have some fun."

Goku shook his head and pulled one of his Gi's on quickly, "Sorry Chi Chi, I have somewhere I have to be." Goku quickly rushed out of the room with out another word.

Chi Chi frowned, 'What was that about? Goku isn't exactly a person who works off a schedule.' The house wife racked her brain trying to figure out what Goku could be doing, and one thing kept sticking in the back of her head. 'Oh no, what if he's going to meet another woman. He could be cheating on me?' Chi Chi hurried out of the house quickly and called on the flying nimbus. The little yellow cloud dropped out of the sky and landed in front of her quickly. The woman climbed onto it, barely noticing it looked like a pogo stick today. Chi Chi pointed at Goku's retreating figure flying away, "Follow that man," she shouted, "and step on it."

-- Satan City --

Chi Chi landed on the roof of a building. She would remember to never ride on a pogo stick again. The nimbus had hopped her all the way from west city to satan city with several enormous leaps. After quickly pulling herself together, Chi Chi looked over the edge of the building into an alleyway below. She could see Goku standing in the alley waiting for something. A couple minutes later a man in a trench coat walked around the corner and stopped in front of Goku. After looking around for witnesses the two started a hushed conversation that Chi Chi could just barely hear.

"So did you bring the money?" Mr. Trench coat asked in a weasel like voice.

"Yes, did you bring the stuff?" Goku answered and asked back.

'Oh my god,' Chi Chi thought, 'is my Goku buying drugs?'

"Let's make the trade then." Mr. Trench coat said. Goku nodded and handed the man an envelope. The man opened the envelope and pulled a wad of cash out, quickly counted it, and through it back in the envelope before pulling a chocolate cake out of his trench coat. Somehow. The two men nodded at each other and walked out of the alley in different directions.

Chi Chi smacked herself in the head. She should have known Goku would pull something like this. Buying cakes over the black market. Chi Chi called the flying nimbus back. When it stopped in front of her she sighed in relief at the reclining sofa shaped cloud. 'Good,' she thought, 'I really need to relax.'

-- Elsewhere in Lala Land --

Gohan looked sheepishly at the lion in front of him, and then at the pieces of chipped lion tooth lying on the ground, "Sorry Mr. Lion, but you really shouldn't have tried to bite my head off." Gohan laughed nervously, "Do you want to try doing rehearsing again?"

Brenman: Finally, an update. Hope you enjoyed it.