Hinata, you're hot!

By: Shikami-chan

Disclaimer: Oh come on!! Do you think a teenage girl like me would own Naruto-kun?! I didn't think so. So get those damn lawyers AWAY FROM MEEEEE!! (Fends off haters that are messed up in the mind)... on with the chappy.

'Blah'- thinking

"Blah"- talking

"Blah"- important stuff like jutsus, summoning, or demon talking

(Hinata's pov)

It will be five years of Naruto's five-year training under Jiraiya. Five long years I will wait for Naruto-kun's return.

"I'll see ya in five years, Hinata!!" Naruto said before he left with Jiraiya-sama.

"I-I'll miss you Narut-to-kun" I blushed immediately after saying that. To my surprise, he did a small, sad smile.

"Thanks, Hinata, it means a lot that somebody will miss me," My heart sank after seeing his sad eyes remembering Sakura-teme's harsh words when Naruto-kun came back heavily wounded and unconcious with Sasuke-san barely wounded and annoyed as Kakashi-sensei carried both of them.


"I HATE YOU NARUTO!! HOW DARE YOU HURT SASUKE-KUN!! WHY CAN'T DIE, YOU MONSTER!?" screech the banshee pinkette, before slapping Naruto-kun's cheek, leaving a hand imprint. Me, along the rest of the Rookie 10 we're shock at her words. I was shaking in rage.

"What is wrong with you, Haruno?" yelled Tsunade-sama, radiating with killer-intent, "If it wasn't for Naruto, you wouldn't get your Sasuke-kun back. You even made him promise to do it!!"

"You made him promise?" Ino asked incredulously, "All for a guy who didn't give a damn about us? Now that's low, billboard-brows."


"TSH, troublesome" Shikamaru said, "Sasuke was about to betray us to Orochimaru. He wanted to leave. Think about it."


"HOW DARE YOUUU!!" I cried before tackling her to the ground. "Naruto-kun risked his life to get what you made him to do!! " I've never been angrier in my life! I wasn't done yelling at the pinkette, but Tsunade-sama stopped me.

"That's enough, Hinata, let go of pink- I mean Haruno." Tsunade-sama was reluctant to say that, but the pinkette was gasping for air. I notice my hands were around her neck, so I let go. Everyone, genin and jounin alike, glared after her as she bolted to the room where Sasuke-freaking-san was in. Then everyone looked at me.

"You…you really care for Naruto, don't you Hinata?" Kakashi-sensei asked, gently.

"H-hai Kakashi-sensei" I replied, blushing.

"So… you believe to protect those who are precious to you and to never give up, like Naruto?" Tsunade interjected.

"Hai," I said, without stuttering and more confident.

"Then I want you to be my apprentice…"

Five years later…

(Regular pov)

Hinata Hyunga is 17-years old, buxom as she is strong and confident. This is thanks to her master, none other than the Slug Sannin herself-Tsunade-sama. Over the years, Hinata learned to be medic-nin, gather chakra in various parts of her body like her fists to give lethal blows, and an art that every young woman as gorgeous as her needs- seduction. Hinata one day ask the Sannin about that.

"Oh, I just think that would come handy one day…" Said person replied dreamily.

"Heh, y-yeah it would," said Hinata, though she is confident, her stuttering always happens to think about a certain person (ahem-Na-cough-ruto-coughcough), "but I only have one person in my heart…?!" 'Whoa, did I just said that out loud?!' Hinata thought.

Tsunade smirked, and looked out of her high window. Hokage Mountain in full glory, busy- but peaceful-streets, blue skies…

'Which reminds me…' Tsunade turned around, and looked at her apprentice—pale lavender eyes, beautifully-carved heart-shaped head, and a killer body with 

just enough curves… 'Naruto, you lucky gaki, you got yourself a beautiful girl waiting for you…'

"Hinata, I want you to the rest of the day off and go to the hot springs today," Tsunade announce.

"Hai, Tsunade-sama, but isn't something going to happen today?" ask the indigo-haired beauty.

"You'll see tomorrow, Hinata. Dismiss." The blonde Sannin said.

"Good-bye, Tsunade-sama," Hinata bowed her head respectfully, before leaving the Hokage Tower.

Two hours later…

A soft but sharp knocking was at the door of Tsunade's office. Before the said person could answer, Shizune came in, a bit angry/ confuse, with a tall, incredibly gorgeous young man. 'That blonde hair…'

"Tsunade-sama," she said, a bit breathlessly, "this man is trying to impersonate the Fourth!! Please check if he's either a spy or just hit his head somewhe—"

"Hey baa-chan how's my favorite adopted mother?" the Fourth look-alike said.

'Nobody has called me that since…" Tsunade thought, before her eyes widen with recognition. She couldn't decide whether to pummel the younger blonde or go to mom-mode…

"NARUTOOOO!!" Tsunade cried, as she squeeze the air the said person held.

Naruto Uzumaki was barely recognizable—gone with the painfully bright orange, he wore black ninja pants that reach to above his ankles, which one of them were covered with bandages; skin-tight, mesh shirt (similar to Shikamaru's) under a blood-red and dark orange, tiger-striped t-shirt. Over the whole outfit, he wore a 

white trench coat with what look like red-orange flames, licking his sides. Overall, Naruto was pretty hot.

"I-wheeze-miss you too-wheeze-kaa-chan!" Naruto gasped out, before he fell to the ground, unconcious because of lack of air. As soon as he did, Jiraiya came in-out of breath and yet look amuse when he saw Naruto on the ground.

"So…Tsunade, did you go mom-mode on him or you showed him you're your famous curves?" Jiraiya chuckled, before he got hit with a giant scroll, causing a comical lump on his head.

"Damn perverted baka," Tsunade muttered as she took care of Naruto.

'The gaki is not responding, I what will…' Tsunade thought before an idea came and raped her mind. Five minutes later, Naruto woke up to a heavenly scent. He ran to the source, and found none other than the first love in his life…

"RAMEN!!" he bellowed before he took on five bowls in 3.5 seconds. Tsunade and Shizune watch from a safe distance, having a sweat-dropped or two.

"Some habits only die hard…" Shizune said, smiling and shaking her head.

"Five years away from Kohana and you still can't change him…" Tsunade said to Jiraiya.

"Hey," Jiraiya said defensively," it was either the jumpsuit or ramen! Besides, that jumpsuit was just a target waiting to be attack. What kind of ninja wore bright orange when they have an assassinating mission, anyway? Bright blonde hair is enough!"

"Hey, ero-sennin,"Naruto said after completing an impressive 25 bowls, "don't hate me 'cuz you ain't me!"

"Damn westernized language…"Jiraiya muttered," Well, here are his tests and skills. His chakra level is off the charts!" he said loudly as he handed the elder blonde a scroll.

"Hmm… interesting," the Hokage said, looking in it. Then her eyes widen."Y-you taught him the hirashin (A.N. I think that's how you spell it)?!"

"(sigh) Yes, Tsunade-hime, and don't worry, Naruto is perfectly capable of it. He's even better than his father—"

"He knows about his f-father?" Tsunade sputtered, clearly shocked.

"Yes, 'he' knows, kaa-chan," Naruto answered," I just wanted to make sure two years ago."

"Well then," Tsunade said, straightening up, "then you officially have the keys to the estate now."

"I h-have an estate n-now?!" Naruto stammered. Tsunade smirked, reach for her drawer, and threw him his keys. The key glowed and started humming.

"Uh, is it suppose to do that?" Naruto asked.
"Yes, and when you let go of the key, it will guide you to your new home." Tsunade said," You'll need to rest up for tomorrow for your jounin test."

"O.K., but I'm not even a chunnin yet, how can I be a jounin?"

"Simple, your statuses shows me that you're capable to be a jounin."

"Oh…" was the intelligent answer. The key started to burn in Naruto's hand, causing him to let go. Then the key started to move to a direction- the estates.

"Uh, bye kaa-chan! Later ero-sennin!" Naruto cried before he sprinted to catch up with the key.

A.N., yeah it's chapter two, BELIEVE IT!!(couldn't help it). In the next chapter, I am going to have Naruto and some kunoichis "bump" into each other. I know, CLICHÉ!! But how else are they going to meet Naruto-kun? And remember, reviews are colors, GIVE ME A RAINBOW!!
