Well heres the last Chapter. I just want to thank My-Little-Emmilette and Robin-Marian-fan for helping me with the ideas. Also to all my reviewers who have also helped me. I really enjoyed writing this story. It was meant to be a one off, but here we are tweleve chapters later. Thank you to everyone for reading it.

It was as though the entire scene was in slow motion. There was no noise that could be heard as they all witnessed the sight before them

'NO!.' Marian's shout seemed to echo through the courtyard as she watched a man she loved fall to the ground.

'Marian.' He gasped as the blade protruded from his stomach.

'What have you done?' She gasped as tears left her eyes. 'Why did you do that, the blade was meant for me not you.'

'I love you. I would protect you even to death.' He breathed as the pain took control of his body.

'I love yout to.' Marian cried as she kissed his brow.

Djaq kneeled down next to him and inspected the wound. 'I am afraid it is serious. Once the blade is removed he will not live long.' She said sadly as she looked to Marian.

'I told you you would pay the price Marian. You should have married me when you had the chance.' Guy spat from behind Marian.

'You are a monster and I will be in ground before I would even consider marrying you.' Marian spat as she turned quickly and kneed him in the groin. 'Crawl back to your master like the dog you are.' She spat.

'Lass.' John said as he pulled her to him into a tight bear hug. 'He needs you now.' He whispered indicating the wounded and dying man on the ground.

Marian wiped more tears from her eyes as she kneeled on the ground. 'I don't know what to do without you.' She sniffed. 'I'll be so lost.'

'You're a strong woman. You can never be lost.' He smiled to her as he wiped a tear from her cheek.

'I love you so much. Why did you do it?' She cried.

'In a way I am nothing to you. You have found that out today.' He said sadly. 'But I am the proudness man in the world to know you.'

'No. You are not nothing to me. You are my father.' Marian cried.

Edward hissed as the pain worsened.

'We have to take the blade out now Marian.' Robin whispered as he placed a hand on Marian's shoulder.

'No! I don't want him to go!' Marian shouted as she placed her body over her fathers.

'Marian he is in pain. It will end if we remove the blade.' Robin said softly as he knelt next to her.

The gang had all gathered around sheilding Marian and her father in a circle. But no guards dared to come near. Gisbourne had returned to the Sheriff's side, who had the largest smile on his face.

'Marian are you sure that you want him? After all he is only an Lord.' Edward asked breathlessly nodding to Robin.

'No.' Marian smiled as she wrapped her arms around Robin's neck and he wrapped his around her waist. 'He's an outlaw.' She sniffed as the tears could not be stopped.

'Then I shall die a happy man to know that you have chosen the path you wished.' Edward sighed. 'Now Marian it is time to say goodbye.'

'No.' She wept as Robin supported her shaking body.

'I love you...My daughter.'

'I love you...father.'

Edward pulled the blade from him as Marian cried hysterically and hugged his body as he slowly slipped away.

'Marian.' Robin whispered as he rubbed his back. She did not answer, and he did not expect her to. He stood and turned to his men. 'John can you carry Edward.' Robin asked whispering, he did not want Marian to hear. John nodded. 'Good. Will, Allan, Much and Djaq. You cover us. I will have to help Marian out. Fire warning arrows and we leave.' Robin instructed as they all nodded.

'Marian. Come we are taking your father to bury him.' Robin whispered as she sobbed onto his chest.

Marian turned with her wet tear stained face and turned to look at Robin as she took his hand and stood to her feet looking down to her father.

'Little John.' Robin whispered as the giant man stepped froward and lifted Edward into his arms.

'Gang.' He motioned to the others as they readied their arrows and turned on the guards. 'Another time Sheriff.' Robin shouted.

'Oh I don't think today could have gone any better.' The Sheriff smirked as he clapped his hands.

Robin supported Marian as they ran behind little John out of the castle gates and towards the safety of the forest.

Robin held Marian close to his chest as they buried Edward just outside Knighton on the hill where his wife had been burried. He would be with her now, forever, looking down on their brave and strong daughter.

'I miss him.' Marian whispered into Robin's chest.

'Why? He is not gone. You will always have him here.' Robin said indicating to her heart.

'Where would I be without you?' Marian smiled as she hugged him close.

'In a nunnery I would think.' Robin smirked as Marian hit his chest.

The other outlaws left the couple alone and headed back to camp giving them their privacy. Robin sat on the grass and pulled Marian down to sit between his knee's as they looked to her father grave.

She would never be alone. Marian thought as she played with Robin's hand.

Well this went a completely different way than what I had planned, but thats it finished now. Although I am getting ideas for a sequel. :):). However, I was going to have Marian shoot an arrow and kill the Sheriff so Edward could get free, but the I decided to kill him. I was also going to have King Richard come back and send the Prince and all that away and give Robin his lands back, and thats where the no he's an outlaw bit would come in. But again I decided to change it. Hope you like this version.

Also I just want to say sorry to Emma and everyone else who I made believe that it was Robin that had died...SORRY.

So sequel?

LMM xx