Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight & its characters. I own the plot of this, though. :)

First-time fan-fiction writer here. This idea just popped out of nowhere when I was thinking about where I'd put all those fluffy scenes I can't squeeze into my other stories. Haha. So here. :D Rate & Review, PLEASE. :D Especially if you enjoyed reading. Thanks! :D This is just the Prologue so it's kind of short. The succeeding chapters will be a bit longer. :)



It was another day spent according to my liking. I was seated on one of the cold steel chairs in the busy food court. It wasn't as comfortable as a cushiony couch inside a relaxing coffee shop, but this would have to do. I picked up a ketchup-covered fry & nibbled on it as my eyes scanned the lines of the book I had in my hand.

For the fourth time since I bought the book, I found myself racing through the pages of Twilight. It was like an incurable addiction. Twilight was my brand of heroin. No matter how many times I've read & reread this, I never get tired of it.

"Excuse me. Is this seat taken?" I heard a deep, smooth voice say.

"No, go ahead," I said, without taking my eyes off my book.

I was so engrossed in what I was reading that I barely noticed a guy sit across me. I was glad that he ate quietly leaving me to read in peace. After a few minutes of silence, I inserted my bookmark & set the book on the table. As much as I wanted to go on reading, I couldn't ignore my stomach's rumbling. I stared at my calorie-rich fast-food meal before I finally bit into my pizza. My eyes wandered around the food court, watching people go on with their lives, until my gaze fell on the man in front of me.

I gasped and choked a bit. I reached out for the water bottle in front of me and drank gulps at a time. The curious stranger who sat across me stared at me with wide eyes filled with concern & surprise.

"Are you okay, miss?" he inquired, half-standing as he handed me a handful of tissue.

"Quite," I managed to blurt out. I smiled tentatively & he smiled back.

He hesitantly looked down & tried to continue eating. I inconspicuously stared at him. This strikingly beautiful man in front of me looked all too familiar. He was lanky, not too bulky, with untidy bronze-colored hair. Then it hit me. I gasped, though a tad more subtly now. I had just quoted Stephenie Meyer & I was sitting in front of the closest real thing there is to Edward Cullen.