My Last installment :)

Cole eyes opened wide, he looked down at he stared now in confusion, was that his life the source thought and then it faded and he looked down at the brown highlighted blonde hair , she licked her lips and searched his eyes for something.
"What the hell is going on" he asked her quickly, very unsure of his situation he was in right now.

"Whats my favorite type of film" she asked quickly

"Horror, what is going on" he asked just as quickly, and was answered with a very passionate kiss. Even though he knew the answer he felt very strange, very strange.

"Phoebe" he asked breaking the kiss

"Omg it worked" Prue exclaimed

"It really worked, this is just" Piper was in disbelief that something very basic, if she could call it that worked. Cole still looking confused as ever and not getting any answers out of the shocked sisters waited to be answered.

"Do you remember anything" Prue asked him now, he searched his thoughts for a bit

"You vanquished me…again" he replied flatly

"Is that like your new hobby, target practice with Cole" he asked afterwards not impressed.

"I remember the underworld, bits of it anyway things what happened why aren't I dead" he asked her now

Phoebe was shocked but happy who said love couldn't concur all she smiled. He looked like Cole and sounded like Cole. She exhaled in relief

"Im so glad your back" she said out loud

"What worked" he now asked still being unanswered, Piper and Prue didn't know what to say they looked on at the couple not knowing if this was just another obstacle or he was back for good. Piper sighed as she saw they needed some space nudging Prue gently who had taken the hint.

"I'm gonna go check on the kids and I guess I'll leave you to fill in the blanks huh Pheebs" Piper now announced, Phoebe half smiled and Prue smirked

"Soo how's the evil half holding up" Prue asked, he was so bewildered

"Prue" she glared lightly at her older sister she held up her hand in defence

"Look I've faced the Source 3 too many times in the last 6 months I need some insurance" Prue now told her, she sighed

"Would someone at least answer me" Cole tried again

The seer looked angrily at her glow ball

"This isn't over"
"Yes it is…finally" Elizabeth flamed into the room fireballing the seer and surrounding demons. She looked around the dingy cave and took a deep breath at least he was free she thought.

"I was the source" he asked in disbelief

"Yeah a scary one too" she replied as Cole tried to wrap his head around the events Phoebe was relaying back to him
"You went undercover" he now asked her

"Yeah I really don't know how you did it, it's not as glamorous as it looks" she replied to his question.
"Hmm I know, that's just I can't believe this" he told her, then looked at her

"What" she asked him now seeing something playing on his mind
"Phoebe what if this isn't the end of all this madness I mean I don't know how many times I can loose my memory, mind, demonic half or whatever is next"
"Maybe 5 or so" she now offered lightly

"Phoebe I don't like the odds of everyone trying to turn me evil again and" he stopped thinking about some things
"Honey it doesn't matter honestly all I really care about is that you're here right now, I really thought I would have to go through this alone" she now told him he took her hand and kissed it softly

"I'm sorry I had to do what was best for you and your sisters" he explained sadly
"I know, it just hurt sooo much not seeing you not" she felt the emotions coming back up, he moved closer and hugged her kissing the top of her head

"Im sorry, but I did keep my promise"
"What" she questioned
"I'm not going anywhere I'll never leave you death doesn't even seem to be an obstacle for me these days" he now assured her she hugged him tighter

"I can't believe you're here" she told him honestly.

"What about the underworld, what are they going to do now im not ruling over them" he asked her

"I don't know, attack us some more look for a new leader we'll worry about that later" she told him softly

"Yeah, I can't imagine what you've been through" he stroked her back she smiled up at him
"Got a little insight into your past" she told him he seemed to cringe at the thought of his past.
"Demons are something else" she now added

"Im surprised you even passed as one" he told her honestly how could they ever think someone so beautiful and sweet could be a product of evil, then she remembered something and hit him.
"OW what the hell" he now said rubbing his cheek
"You slept with women/demons whatever you slept with loads" she told him now finding her inner jealously

"Oh…sorry" he now said embarrassed by his actions

"It wasn't me anyway" he quickly defended
"Part of you" she quipped

"What else did I do" he asked her slightly fearful

"You didn't kill any innocents, a few demons though" she told him now he sighed in relief
"So nothing you can't forgive me for" he now concluded happily
"Basically" she confirmed he smiled taking her face into his hands he planted a loving kiss on her lips. The she took his hand leading him out of her room.

"Come on, time you and your son got acquainted" she informed him he grinned and she smiled as they went into the next room to see a sleeping Ben along with Wyatt

"He's amazing", Cole stood in awe of his son looking at him sleeping peacefully.

"I've missed too much" he now said regretfully
"its ok, your gonna be here for the rest of it and that's what matters" she told him he hugged her waist. They stayed a while watching him before going back to her room.
"As long as I don't get killed or"

"Wipe all of that from your mind, we'll deal with it when the time comes but for now you just need to keep a low profile here with me" she now said the last part happily

"Yeah I like the sound of that" he replied into her

"Me too" she replied happily

"Do you really believe it's over" Piper asked Prue carefully, Prue looked up from the TV and shrugged

"I hope so even if its just for a while I would be glad Coles drama is too much I mean trust Phoebe to bag the guy with the most baggage and evil you can muster"
"Hmmm that's our lovable sister for you"
"Yeah, what do you think gonna happen now hes back" Piper asked her sister again
"What do you mean" she asked looking at the middle sister expectantly

"I mean Ben, Phoebe living arrangements do you think"
"They may have a baby but their not ready to live together I doubt that's on Phoebes mind anyway" Prue quickly dismissed
"Do you think the elder" Piper posed another
"Piper stop worrying, she got what she want and you know Phoebe nothing else will even come into view for a little while, just leave her for a bit or at least until we actually have to worry"
"Sounds like you trust Cole" Piper now dropped with a smirk

"Look I never said that I just said until we have to worry, and well he hasn't hurt her yet so you know" Prue avoided the question Piper smiled

"Phoebe would revel in this conversation" Piper added.

Phoebe walked downstairs she allowed Cole to sleep because he had been through a lot, it couldn't have been easy absorbing the last 24 hours he mentioned his memories of being the source were becoming clearer now and he remembered what had happened. He was racked with guilt that he would allow himself to take his fathers title after swearing he loved her and that to her showed that Cole was a better man today than he may have been a year ago he had changed and grown and she was happy that he was embracing the part of him she loved so much.

Cole woke up a bit having processed what he could about his life he remained shocked and humbled there was no way he would ever let magic get in the way of his love for Phoebe, he prayed that he would never have to put her through something like this again
"Hey look who's up" he heard Phoebes voice he turned and sat up slowly looking at the small baby in her arms, he couldn't help the overwhelming happiness that took over his being seeing his son happy and healthy and he didn't really need to know why the elders didn't follow through with their threat. They were way passed that now,

"How you feeling" she asked caringly as she passed Ben over into his arms and to hold something so small was an surreal experience to know that he was responsible for this life and everything that made it. He looked at Phoebe who smiled and may have known what he was thinking

"I feel good, I feel happy I love you" he told her truthfully she smiled happily her brown eyes dancing over his in joy

"Good, lots of night duty and presents" she now announced

"Your son, not a walk in the park especially at night I've done my part It's definitely your turn"
"Ok I can't wait" he told her honestly she smiled and kissed him and then kissed Ben

"I'm not gonna let anything come between us" he now promised her

"I know…I'm just so tired we deserve a little break" she told him he nodded and kissed her forehead. A Break was definitely what they needed but soon enough he thought he kissed his sons forehead. he would never repeat the mistakes of his father he would love his son regardless because that was part of being a good man and good father. The mission of his life he thought, the mission of his life had only just begun in this moment, the moment he held his son his real purpose began. He smiled and they kissed passionately in anticipation of their bright future together