sigh no I don't own twilight but by the time I rule the world I will own this story muh hahahaha … wait!

Ok so this is placed between New Moon and Eclipse, one month before grad. Tell me what you think, if I should continue it, if I should shut up and get to the story … whatever just tell me have fun.

Edward's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but smile as she speared her shrimp in frustration. Her hair was tucked behind her ear and her full lips were in a pout. She was the most beautiful creature on the planet. And she was mine.

Well, soon she would be at least. She had told him before that she would not marry me, but I was hoping it was just the anger, confusion, and fear she had held for me at the time. They had just come home from a stressful encounter with the Voultury, and then there was the ludicrous notion that I would leave her. I shook my head sadly. How I could hurt something so precious was beyond me. There was hardly a trace of the dark circles that had marred her eyes just months before. I didn't blame her for turning me down at the time. But maybe things had changed.

I watched as the candle light lit up her brown eyes and made the red in her hair more evident. No, there was not way that I could ever leave her side.

'Jez, when is this guy going to make his move and ask her already? I have better things to do,' the waiter standing off to the side gave Bella—His Bella, the once over, 'Well, even if she does turn him down it may not be a complete waste, she may like to spend the rest of the night—' I cut off his thoughts as they became images.

Taking a deep breath, trying to block the man's mind I watched Bella eat her main course with the salad fork. I should have told her long ago but it was endearing. I loved it.
I loved her.

"Aren't you enjoying yourself at all?" I asked trying to get her attention.

"What?" she looked up surprised. Had she been so focused on her thoughts that she had forgotten I was here?
"Oh, umm, yea I guess, "she mumbled letting the hair fall over her face, "just feeling a little out of my element." She smiled sheepishly. "This is all just so...Strange…so new. I never went anywhere like this with Charlie or Renee. And I don't even want to think about how much this will all cost."

This was completely unfair. I reached out and pulled away the hair hiding her face, putting it behind her ear.

She looked at me questioningly.

"It is completely maddening that I am restricted from your mind and cautioned from your body, but if you do not allow my being able to see your face, I will go completely insane." I could feel the intensity coming out of my eyes, and knew that glassy eyed look on her face. God, how I loved to dazzle her.

The waiter's thoughts were beginning to drive me completely crazy. Stealing a little of my sanity with every thought. In fact he would be lucky to be able to walk after this if he didn't stop right now.

I put my hand under the table and out of Bella's sight, and then motioned for the waiter to walk over with the tray he held.

On the silver tray was one single rose, with an engagement ring nestled between two leaves. As the waiter came closer, Bella gave him a polite smile.

Then her eyes caught what was on the tray and her smile faded into a look of shock. I took a deep breath, then grabbed the rose—dethorned of course—and knelt in front of her.

"Bella, you are everything I will ever need. With every breath you take you remind me why I breath, with ever beat of your heart you remind me why I hear, with every steep you take you remind me why I move, with ever laugh that leaves your mouth you remind me of why I speak, and with ever kiss, touch, and embrace, you remind me of why I live. So I ask you this, Isabella Marie Swan, will you marry me?"

Two girls that had herd my little speech had begun to cry while another looked pointedly at her boyfriend. They didn't matter at the moment though because Bella's face had taken on a look of horror.

Oh… that's never good

"Edward," she choked, "I'm sorry, but…" she shook her head.

Was the pain of rejection always this strong—this painful? I felt sorry suddenly for every girl I had turned down. My situation though was so much worse. Not only did I have my rejection to deal with, but the humiliation of having the up class restaurant seeing my rejection.

I got up off the floor and back into my seat, determined to make it look like nothing, that my heat was still in place and not crushed on the floor.

"You're eating the shrimp with your salad fork." I snapped, leaning the side of my head on the palm of my hand, looking away from her.

She turned red, put her fork down, and turned away.

What was wrong with me? I brought this all down on myself. She had told me that she didn't want marriage.

She looked up, glaring, "Is that why you brought me here?" she hissed, "to propose?" she spit the word out like a fowl curse.

I had to calm down. Making a scene would not help anything.
"Well I couldn't get down on one knee at a MacDonald's drive through, now could I?"

She cracked a smile but there was a pain in her eyes.

"Edward," she whispered shaking her head sadly, "I'm—"

I cut her off. my pain was bearable, hers…not so much. Humour worked last time, perhaps it would again.

"Don't worry love I'll get the ring on your finger soon enough." I forced a laugh. Three girls turned towards the sound.

"Will you now?" she said, a smile playing at the sides of her mouth. "Are sure are you of this?"

"Yes." I replied smiling in return. Truly though, I wasn't sure at all.

Her look was calculating. "Sure enough to make a bet?"

My smile faltered, "That depends on the conditions…" NO! My mind screamed.

Her look was intense. It was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time.
"I bet that no matter how hard you try, my finger will be bare by the end of the month." She showed her ring finger to me as she said this.

"And if it is?"

"Then you have to change me."

Ahhhh, I see…

"No." I had not realised we were leaning into each other until I righted myself.

She huffed, "come on, Carlisle is going to change me anyways so why not make it a little interesting?"

Did she just say 'interesting'?
Then a plan occurred to me.

"OK, but one month is not enough time. Give me…7 months?" Time. That's all I needed. Just a little more time to hear her heart beat, to feel her warmth, to see her blush…
she pulled me out of his thoughts, "No, way!" she hissed.

"Then no deal."

She contemplated it for a minute. "You have until one month before my birthday."

OK, that gave me time, and if I could get her to marry me then I could put the change off even longer with excuses of 'Hunny Moon' arrangements, touring Europe, setting up a new place to live, and maybe by then she may realize what humanity is worth.

Then the irony struck me, the angel making a deal with a demon. I almost laughed at the thought.

I let out a long breath. "Ok, but on one condition…you can't go to Carlisle to change you anytime before august 13."

She glared at me for a while thinking. And in a way I could understand, I was forcing her to wait for what she wants—thinks she wants. Then finally she nodded.

"Do you swear to keep your word?" she questioned me. The fierceness in her look was captivating, and soon I found myself slipping into that same familiar sleep like state. Peace enveloped me until she shifted uncomfortably under his gaze.

"I swear upon my soul." I almost laughed at the absurdity of the statement.

I flinched back at the rage in her eyes. "That's not good enough; I know how you feel about your soul. Swear on mine."

I would never swear on her soul! She was the most important thing to me. It would be like spitting on a rare and beautiful gem, like stomping on the most beautiful of flowers, I would die in the most painful of ways before I would commit such a crime.

So I improvised, "I swear upon my love for you, I will not break my word."

She melted in my gaze. And then the table put too much distance between us. I wanted to touch her, feel her warmth, and smell the perfume of her blood—her skin. But most of all I needed to feel her safe in my arms, and though she was within arms reach I still felt a tugging sensation, like a part of me was sitting across the table with her.

"It's getting late, we should go home." I tried to keep the desperation out of my voice. The need for her was…staggering to say the least. And maybe I could leave with a little of my pride in tact.

She only nodded, still trapped in my gaze. I shook his head smiling, when she looked at me that way, it made me feel powerful, and worth something.