Padme stared out into the sunset, her hair blowing gently in the sea breeze. Then, suddenly a sleek grey cruiser slid into view, heading towards the island. She watched it as it landed on a nearby stretch of beach and out stepped…

"Anakin!" she cried and began to run down the steps of the palace towards the shoreline. The dark figure began to run towards her, his cloak billowing behind him. The two met halfway and he scooped her up into his arms, whirling her around and around on the beach.

"Anakin," she laughed, clinging tightly to his neck, "you came back!"

"I told you I would, Padme my love, my beautiful wife."

They kissed on the beach. They kissed in the surf when Anakin ran down, Padme still in his arms and they fell into the sun warmed water. They kissed their children goodnight as the two little ones lay down to sleep. They kissed each other later that night as they lay down in bed amongst soft sheets.

Much talk was needed but that night would be purely theirs to treasure and keep forever. A night of healing, of love, of whispering of sweet nothings as they lay together, once again as husband and wife. It was that night that Darth Vader disappeared completely, forced back to the realm of shadows. It was that night the Anakin Skywalker fully emerged like the phoenix from the ashes- glorious, magnificent and beautiful.

Well, that's it! Darth Vader vs. Anakin Skywalker is over. Hope you liked the ending. It's not exactly how I planned it but close enough! Please review cause I love hearing from everyone and I'm going to start writing a new Star Wars fic sometime soon. However, next time it will probably be slash so stay tuned! Again please review and thanks for reading my story! It's what makes it all worthwhile!

Limea Delta