A/N: This story takes place in no particular time in the Srarfox time line, only after a solo duel between Fox and Wolf. That should clear up any confusion.

I do not own Starfox or any related material.

Chapter 1

"How can this be?!" Wolf thinks to himself, "He's out maneuvering me, out-pacing me, HIS OUT DOING ME!"

There is nothing Wolf hates more than being out done, epically by Fox McCloud. "Give it up Wolf," Came McCloud's voice over the com system, "You'll never win."

He would never admit it out loud, but Wolf knew Fox was right, this time. "Fox, I'll never give up, we have a score to settle, and I'll be the one to take you down!"

"You'll never learn..." said Fox, in a sad tone.

Wolf roared in anger and jammed the controls to the right, hopping to catch the annoying vulpine off guard, but fox kept is cool and nimbly dogged down and hit the thrusters to shoot ahead of Wolf's red and white ship, aptly named Wolfen. "I'll say it one more time, Wolf, break off!"

This caused wolf's blood to boil even hotter, he punched the thrusters to close the gap between him and Fox's Arwing.

"Suit yourself..." said Fox, and he quickly pulled up and over Wolf in a half circle-like move and fired his laser into Wolf's lower left wing, ripping it off the craft and taking to of his engines with it. The sudden change in propulsion caused the Wolfen to spin away from the battle.

"FOOOOOOOOOX!!" Wolf screamed as his ship spun off into the distance, Fox just shook his head and headed back to the Great Fox.

Wolf struggled with his controls, he had to stop this spinning or he might be caught in the plaint's gravity and crash. He shut off two of the remaining four engines and diverted there fuel to the remaining one on the left side. The spinning slowed and eventually stopped.

Wolf slammed his fist in the controls in front of him, "Damn him, damn him to hell!" he shouted to himself. He checked the gages and instruments on the dashboard, he was almost out of fuel and the electrical system was down, only life support was functional. After fiddling with the electrical system for some time, wolf got the com system and navigation online, but he dare not activate his engines for fear of using the last of his fuel.

Against his pride and better judgment, Wolf sent a distress signal, "Mayday, mayday, this is Wolf O'Donnell in the fighter vessel Wolfen, repeat this is Wolf O'Donnell. My ship is heavily damaged and I'm almost out of fuel, requesting assistance, repeat, requesting assistance."

He set the distress signal to repeat every thirty minuets, and settled in for a long wait.

Four hours latter, Wolf was fighting to keep the systems on his ship going, first the navigation would go out, then life sport, then something else, things didn't look good. When he finally got all of the systems working, the com went off line. He couldn't reactivate it.

"So, this is how it ends for the great Wolf O'Donnell..." he thought, "Drifting into the endless void of outer space, I always figured I would go down in the middle of a dogfight, or in a bar brawl some where." His thoughts shifted when he caught sight of a piece of paper sticking out from between his seat and the bulkhead, he picked it up, "How could I be so careless, I never let you fall off the dash before, Lora." he said to the picture in his hand. He studied the picture for the thousandth time, it was a picture of him, Wolf, and a female wolf with tan fur and a black stripe running from just above her eyes, up and behind her ears. The female wolf was Lora O'Donnell, Wolf's sister.

"You are the one who keeps me going, I'll never forget what you did for me." He taped the picture to an empty place on the dash and started to drift off into sleep.

Twenty-five years before...

" Mommy, mommy wake up!" cries a young wolf over the droning of a flat lined hospital heart EEG machine, "Mommy! Please wake up!" Another young wolf was sobbing in to corner, unable to stand or speak while a doctor pronounces the time of death, " I'm calling it, 8:47 PM, April 29, 2078. Mr. O'Donnell, I'm sorry..." Gregory O'Donnell looked at the crow who had just pronounced his wifes death.

"No your not," he spat, acid in his words, "at the end of the day, you still get paid, you get to go home to a loving wife, kids, no , I know your not sorry Jacob."

"Thats not fair Greg, you kn-"

"Get out of here..."

"But, I-"


Dr. Jacob Lokie saw that there was no point in arguing with this man, he walked out of the room.

"Mommy, wake up!" cried the young wolf again.


"Bu- but, daddy, I-" his words were cut off by a viscous back and from his father.


The other wolf in the corner stopped crying, "Stop daddy, thats not fair."

"Not fair?" asked Gregory, evilly eying his daughter, "Do you want to know whats not fair, my wife is dead, shes gone and shes not coming back, and do you want to know why?" The girl was to scared to speak, Gregory took another step towards her. "It's because this sniveling worm," He pointed at Wolf, "Wanted a candy bar! She was a good woman, she didn't deserve to be shot, especially not by a cop!" He was standing right in front of her now. Gregory was a tall man, towering over his 10 year old daughter. Years ago, he was a body builder, and although that was a long time ago, he was still buff. He grabbed his daughter's shirt and lifted her to eye level, "This was all your brothers fault, and I'll make him pay, for as long as I live, he'll pay."

A/N: Yes, this story will be dark, very dark. Those of you with a weak stomach, don't bother with the rest of this, you have been warned.