This is the ending. I skipped all the boring stuff.
I even skipped prom. So Yeah, its sad... enjoy though.


We left prom and headed for the hotel we planned to stay at. It was high in the hills and over looked the entire forest. The rain was falling heavier than usual but it didn't kill the fun we were having. The music was pumping from my jeep and Aurora looked radiant, as usual.

I drove slowly that night, which was unusual for any Cullen, even Carlisle. A few cars whizzed by but nothing out of the ordinary. I remembered what Esme said. "Emmett, drive carefully. There are some people who drive like mindless monsters. I don't want you to be another person in my emergency room."

The smile on Aurora's face turned to horror as the speeding car rammed into her side of the car; I heard her scream and the sound of glass flying everywhere. My jeep flipped a few times before we stopped. I felt the blood drip down my face and arms. The cuts weren't that serious, nothing a stitch or two couldn't fix.

Aurora moaned next to me. I unbuckled and jumped out of the car as fast as I could. When I got to her side of the car she was gasping for air. I had to rip the door off to get to her. Her arm was crushed and blood was coming out fast.

The man in the other car was calling for help but I ignored him. I scrambled around for my phone so I could call for help. "Emmett?" Aurora reached her hand out to touch my face. "Emmett?" I felt the warm touch of her hand on my face and she gasped for more air. "I love you." I looked at her and she was crying.

"9-1-1, please state your emergency."

"There was a car accident, on the road up to the Generation Lodge."

"How many cars were involved, sir?"


"How many people, sir?"

"A man, my girlfriend and myself. We need an ambulance, she is seriously injured."

"We will send one to your location."

I tossed my phone as she squeezed my hand. "Aurora, you'll be okay, an ambulance is coming." Her arm was torn apart, luckily it was still attached. The cuts were deep and it seemed to be broken in many pieces. She had a large gash on her face from the glass shards.

"Emmett, did you hear me?" She groped for my hand.

"Yes I did. I love you, too." She smiled as she closed her eyes. "Aurora, please, stay with me. I can't lose you." I put her hand back on my cheek. I still felt the warmth in her hand. The lights of the ambulance lit up her face.

"Sir, are you okay?" The man came running over. "We need a stretcher over here!" He yelled out to the others in the ambulance. More came along with police and fire trucks.

They took her out of my jeep and I followed. The man in the other car was fine, drunk but fine. They asked me to ride in the front because they had to tend to Aurora.

The ride was fast. My mind was in all over the place. I hoped they would bring us to Carlisle's hospital.

Luckily, we were. Everyone sprang into action once we reached the back doors. I was ushered in after them. I saw Esme standing at the Nurse's Station. "Emmett!" She ran to me. "What have you done?" I was always irresponsible in her eyes.

"I didn't do anything Esme. We were hit by a drunk driver." Her face sank down.

"I'll see if your uncle can tend to her. He's got the magic touch." I hoped he would live up to his reputation.


I felt a numbing pain in my arm and head. My vision was blurry and fading. I heard doctors calling my name. "Charge it to 300! 1...2…3…Clear!" The electric surge did nothing to me.

I saw everything fading. When people say, "You see your life flash before your eyes." It's true to some extent. You see all the happy memories you have for a brief second then, it's all gone. The last memory I saw was Emmett. He said, "I love you, too."

"Áurora, darling, come with me." I saw my grandmother and I was gone.


The night Aurora passed, I received a phone call from Charlie. I heard the broken sobs of Marie in the background. I knew something was wrong. When he told me, I broke down. It hit me so hard. My entire body went numb. I nearly collapsed in the parking lot but Edward caught me.

I wasn't one of those pretty criers. Whenever I cried, my eyes were puffy, my face contorted, and my make-up always ran even if it was waterproof. This was one of those times where I really didn't care how I looked; actually I never really cared except for when I was with Edward.

I got to the hospital and saw Emmett. He was a wreck. I sucked up all my tears and sat by him. Esme and Carlisle soon came followed by Charlie and Marie.

"I am so sorry." Emmett stood up and looked at the floor as he spoke to Marie. She was in tears like everyone else. Her long delicate fingers were trembling as they rose. Emmett flinched as she touched his face. "I would NEVER blame you for this. It was that man's fault." Emmett sobbed harder. I never saw Emmett cry. He was such a tough guy, too see him cry humbled him.

The wake was the day after she was killed. Most of the people from the first day were locals. The Newton's came along with most of the faculty. I never realized how many people knew Aurora.

Edward stood by my side the whole time.


I spent years trying to forgive myself for what happened that night. I lost the one girl who really loved me. She only said it once but I knew that she always loved me. Since I first saw her at the airport till that day I saw her ascend from those stairs like an angel, I felt as if I was the luckiest man alive. She graced me with her love. I will never forget what she gave to me.