OK! Please note...this chapter like desperately sucks ._. sorry for the late update! I uhh kinda uhh...lost my interest in prideshipping for a bit...yeah...sorry for this...I know this chapter sucks ass...and it's already been posted on fragile balance (I just forgot to upload it on here until just now...sorry!)

The Son Of A Priest

Chapter 3

Flickering flames danced within his line of vision. Everything else was enveloped within a dark blanket that matched the night sky. Warmth engulfing his entire being.

What happened?

Where am I?

Hundreds of blank questions aroused within his head. As he attempted to raise his hand to rub his eyes of the blurriness they had acquired, he found he was bound to something. A dull ache arose in his chest. Almost like the accurate blade of a knife. Pressing against his chest dully. Cutting into the soft tissue protecting his heart.

The candle light grew brighter, destroying the fairies of darkness that concealed the area. A cloaked figure stood over him. Rosy lips moving enchantingly in a silent sequence of tidings unbeknown to him.

A chime of bells echoed throughout the room. A small click seemed to sound within his mind. The candle light. The dull ache in his chest. The chanting. The bells.

Human Sacrifice…

"Make sure you also wash my clothes! I need the perfect outfit for tomorrows festival!" Command after command after command spilled from Isis' lips. Engulfing her younger brothers entire day in complete work. More then part of her list of commands would go undone and unnoticed. All commands concerning the ceremony were attended to before the happiness of the Chosen Priestess. Atem leaned against the wall. His head was spinning and he was sure he could feel the rising heat of his body temperature as the day went by without it having the proper rest it deserved at a critical time such as this.

"Are you listening to me? At all?" Atem blinked and stood properly, mentally preparing himself for the backlash of vulgarity she was to speak to him after his inability to listen to her.

"Well!" Isis spat, her clenched fist trembling with anger.

"I think there's one near the school courtyard." He spoke softly. Unaware of what he himself spoke until moments after it had left his delicate lips. To say that Isis was angered with her brothers response would be the understatement of the century. She raised her hand and quickly brought it down on her brothers cheek. Atem's head was turned to the side, his eyes wide and unfocused. A stinging contusion beginning to form on his left cheek. Isis' eyes narrowed dangerously. Her cheeks flushed with anger.

"Let that be a small taste of what you'll get shall you choose to ignore my demands." With that said, Isis crossed her arms over chest and left hurriedly to her bedroom. Atem blinked a few times. Placing a hand gently on his cheek.

A burning sensation started in Atem's stomach. Slowly raising up into the very tips of his fingers. His vision was blurring, head spinning. He swayed slightly in his spot before leaning against the wall.

What's happening to me? Why do I feel so…weak.

Seto arrived in the den at that moment. Stepping forward toward Atem and supporting him.

"What's wrong with you?" Seto spoke casually. His simple sentence laced with bitterness. Atem blinked, unknowingly leaning against Seto. Shutting his eyes gently. Seto smirked, lifting Atem up and laying him on the couch. Atem opened his eyes gently.

Who is that? What is he or she doing? Atem though. Blinking a few more times, attempting to clear the blurred vision of Seto's image.

Seto's smirk widened.

Maybe I won't have to wait until his duties are finished... Seto leaned down slowly, his lips inches from Atem's own...

AN: xD and thats where I leave it. Sucky ending no? I can't think of anything else! I'm sorry! I know it's short too...I'm sorry for that too...please forgive me! I'll try and update faster I promise! School is just a killer though.