Hey guys! Another long-awaited update. It's very short, but necessary so we can get to some more sexy times. ;) Matt's POV if you lost track. Usual disclaimer as always.


I could feel every vibration from every moan as I licked and sucked at his neck. My hands glided over his stomach, his thighs, his ass-everywhere but the one place he wanted the most. "Maaatt..." he whined impatiently.

My mouth was immediately on his, ready to swallow the small gasp he let out when I finally wrapped a hand around his shaft. He grabbed onto my shirt, his slender fingers twisting and bunching the material as I teased his head with my thumb. I formed a ring with two fingers on my other hand and slid it up and down the base, making him shiver with pleasure and arch into the touch. "Nnngh! Ohh..." I could tell he was getting close.

I woke up to find myself-for the fifth time-as erect as in my dream. Ever since that night at the strip club, I've been having those kinds of dreams. Today would mark the fifth day of waking up hard, taking an icy shower, and getting off on thoughts of Mello anyway.

Shaking my head, I wandered to the fridge instead, where I found a case of beer. Deciding that some alcohol and mindless television might keep my mind off the current situation, I grabbed the beer and plopped onto the couch. Popping open one of them, I flipped on the TV and started watching whatever was on. Several empty cans later, I found a scantily clad blond trying to sell me an electric razor, and decided to skip the shower today.

Two seconds later, my boxers were down by my ankles. "Mello..." I moaned as I tortured myself pleasurably, touching myself the way I thought he might, "Don't be such a tease...!" My head hit the wall with a loud thud. I couldn't take it anymore. I fucked my hand fast, calling out his name breathlessly until I came. My eyes fluttered closed as I came down from my climax, my head flooded with images of Mello.

"Ah, fuck it."

Reviews appreciated as always! :)