A/N My last chapter. Here it is. *tear tear*. I hope you like it. Also I have another story coming out soon after this one. It will be called Once Upon A Time. Please read it when I get it up. I'm really sorry it took so long.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Twilight saga.



I walked over to Gabriella and gave her a huge bone crushing hug and lifted her off her feet. When I sat her back down and let go of her I said "Thank you."

She looked at me and I think she could see the happiness in my eyes "I guess that means everything went well."

"Yes, thank you so much. You gave me back my life. You gave me back my Bella."

"Well I'm glad I could help. It was my fault in the first place that Bella got in the car accident. I'm sorry Edward." She looked very sympathetic. I didn't blame Gabriella for Bella's death. I blamed her for making Bella mad at me, but she wasn't the one in the truck that crashed into her.

"It wasn't your fault. It was the guy driving the semi truck. It was your fault for making Bella upset though." She looked up at me and she knew I wasn't mad at her. "Beside you gave her back to me."

Well now that you have finish what you can here to do it's time for us to go back to the present. Bella will be alive now and she will have never died in the first place." She explained.

I took a deep breath "Ok,"

She took a hold of my hand and the room started to spin and then everything went black like before.




I walked up to the Cullen's front door and knocked.

I was trying to find Edward. I had woken up this morning to find him not in his usual spot next to me in bed, or in the chair, or anywhere else in the room. I looked to see if he had left a note or something only to find nothing.

I was kind of worried. He had never left my room without telling me or leaving a note. I know I was probably just being paranoid, but I was worried. I decide that maybe he went home, so now here I am.

Esme opened the door both surprise and happy to see me.

"Hello, Bella. Please come in." She opened the door wider and gestured for me to come in the house.

I stepped into the house and walked into the living room "Thank you." I said. I looked at her and asked "Have you seen Edward recently?"

"Not since last night when he went to your house. Why?" She questioned. I thought I heard a hint of worry in her voice.

"Well he was there last night when I went to bed, but when I woke this morning he wasn't there. He didn't leave a note or anything." I was starting to get a little more worried now.

I heard someone descend the stairs and turned around hoping to see Edward only to find it was Alice.

"To answer your question no, I don't know where Edward is and haven't seen him." Alice answered my unasked question before she had even reached the last step. "Why can't I see Edward?" She looked at me as if I would know the answer.

"I don't know. I couldn't find him when I woke up this morning." Now I was very worried. If Alice couldn't see Edward something had to be wrong.

I heard someone else descend the stairs but didn't turn around. I figured it was probably just Rosalie or Emmett or someone.




When I opened my eyes I was back in my bedroom. I turned to face Gabriella "Thanks again. For everything," I said to her. I gave her another hug but this time not as tight.

When I let her go she said "You're welcome. Take care of her now and yourself. You wouldn't always get a second chance," with that she left, out my bedroom window.

I looked at the clock on my nightstand and saw that it was 8:00 am. I decided I should head to Bella's house and get there before she woke up and found me gone. I didn't want her to worry.

I walked down the stairs and when I got near the bottom I could hear Bella's voice "I don't know. I couldn't find him when I woke up this morning."

"Bella?" Why was she here? She wasn't suppose to be up yet.

She turned around and as soon as I saw her face I ran to her and she ran to me. We closed the little space between us. I held her tight but not enough to hurt her and she held me close to her.

"Where were you this morning? I was starting to get worried." She questioned. I could hear in her voice how worried she really was.

I pulled away enough so I could see her face "I'm sorry, I went hunting this morning. I was just about to come back. You weren't supposed to be up yet." I lied. I wasn't going to tell her the truth. That I time traveled back in time to save her from a car accident that she got into because she was upset by seeing me kiss another girl. Then was in a coma and then she died.

"Why didn't you tell me before you left?"

"I did. You must have been half asleep." I lied again.

She seemed to except that answer. "Fine but next time make sure I'm fully awake."

"I will. I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." I apologized.

I noticed Alice and Esme had left the room, most likely to give us some privacy.

"Come with me."

I led her by the hand over to my piano and I sat down on the bench. I patted the spot next to me and she smiled her beautiful and sat down. I started to play her, her lullaby. She laid her head on my shoulder as I continued to play.

The last time I played Bella's lullaby I was depressed and hurting. Now I was happy because I had my love, my life, my Bella back. No matter what happened in the future I was never going to let anything bad happen to her again.

I would keep her safe.

I would be forever grateful to Gabriella for helping me get my Bella back, for a second chance.

A/N Well that's the end. I hope you liked it. My story called Once Upon A Time will be up soon. Please read it. Please R&R.