Hi again! I got a request to do an epilogue on Starfire's reaction when Robin told her about his trip to the future so here it is! I'm sorry, it's really short. I'll do the best I can since I'm feeling sort of sad that this story is over but anyways here it is!

The other three Titans immediately went to watch the rest of the movie, but Robin and Starfire pulled away and went to talk about Robin's trip to the future.

"Tell me Robin, how far into the future did you go?" Starfire asked. Last time she went into the future (You know, in 'How Long Is Forever') she had vanished and the Titans had split apart. Robin smiled. "20 years, same as you. But the future I saw was different then the one you did."

He told Starfire everything, right from the moment he landed on the sidewalk in a 20 years updated version of Jump City. He told her about running into a girl named Jenna, the fight with Warp, how he discovered who Jenna really was (which Starfire was as shocked and bewildered by the fact that Jenna was their future daughter as he had been), Slade kidnapping Jenna, meeting the older Titans, finding out that Jenna was Slade's newest apprentice, changing Jenna's mind, the fight with Slade, and coming back.

Afterwards, he stopped and glanced at Starfire, who was staring at him with wide eyes. "So… Jenna is our daughter?" she asked slowly. Robin nodded. "Technically, yeah." He wasn't sure how Starfire would react to the shocking news. She nodded as though thinking it over, and then smiled. "So what happened then?" Starfire asked. "Did you defeat Slade?" Robin shook his head. "He got away." he told her.

Starfire nodded again. Robin waited for her to say something anxiously. "I'm glad everything worked out in the end." She glanced at him and smiled. "From what you have told me, the future seems, much better then the one I saw."

Robin looked at her. On one hand he was glad that she wasn't overreacting to the news, but on the other hand, he still didn't know what she thought of it. "Aren't you a bit… surprised?" Robin asked. Starfire nodded. "Very." she admitted. "It is no small news after all, but I do not think that having a daughter will be so bad." She looked at him. "Do you?" she asked. Robin shook his head. "No." He leaned over to kiss her but at that moment they heard someone yelling.

"Hey, lovebirds!" Cyborg shouted. "You coming down here or what?" "Yeah," Beast Boy added. " You better get down here before we start without you!" Robin and Starfire merely looked at one another. Then, with a shrug, they went downstairs, they're hands entwined with one another's.

Sorry for the lack of Jenna in the very end but anyways, that's the best I could come up with so if you have any suggestions then please let me know and meanwhile, please review!!