A/N: A short little something, to try to get the creative juices flowing. I'm insane for starting a new story when I have so many works in progress!

She couldn't stop watching him. She simply adored him and his personality, but even more than that, she adored his agility. She loved to watch the way he moved. His movements were so smooth, and she felt like maybe, just maybe, he could be that smooth in the bedroom. Oh, and she knew he had to be good. His body was lean and muscular, and his style of dressing did nothing to hide it.

The way his black slacks hugged his butt made her mouth water. They weren't too tight, but they weren't too loose, and they displayed what she knew had to be a nice, firm ass...

If I could only touch it...

The way his dress shirt clung to the well-sculpted muscles of his upper body made her want to rip it off and kiss (or lick) a path from his neck to his waist...

He looks edible... Will I ever find out?

The way his blonde hair tumbled down to his shoulders made her want to tangle her fingers in it and pull him closer.

You wouldn't mind, would you?

The way he licked his lips without even knowing what he was doing made her want to feel his tongue against hers, engaged in the most passionate of kisses...

You know you want to...

And who could forget about those piercing blue eyes?

The 18-year-old girl sat in her desk in the back row of the classroom, staring lustfully at her hot, young stud of a Creative Writing teacher. At the moment, he was writing something on the board, but she was too wrapped up in staring at his gorgeous male form that she wasn't really paying much attention to anything else. All she could think about was his awesome physique, that body that, combined with his wonderful personality, made him what she believed to be the perfect man.

She did this every day, watch him and fantasize about him. She could almost feel his undoubtedly soft lips kissing every inch of her skin, could feel his body moving against hers, could even almost feel him slipping inside of her, deliciously hard and ready...

Hell, if she listened hard enough, she could even hear him calling out her name...

"Miss McMahon, are you ok?" the teacher asked, squatting down in the aisle next to her desk and speaking to her in a low voice.

"I'm... I'm fine, Mr. Irvine," Stephanie replied, nervously tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear. "Why do you ask?"

"First off, we can drop the formalities. When you call me Mr. Irvine, it makes me think of my dad, and I'm definitely not ready to be my dad," he said with a chuckle, standing up straight again. "Call me Chris. And, as to why I asked... Well, look around." He paused, gesturing around the room with one hand at the now-empty classroom before speaking again. "The bell rang two minutes ago, and you're still here..."

"Oh, that's because I love your class so much that I just hate leaving," she answered quickly. Or maybe I love your body so much that I can't bring myself to leave...

"As much as I'd like to believe that, I know that you've been kind of distracted in my class as of late," he said, sitting backwards on the top of the desk in front of hers so that he could be facing her. "You want to tell me what's been up with you lately?"

"Um..." Her voice trailed off as her eyes were immediately drawn to the front of his pants. Hell, it was eye-level with her! Did he really expect for her to be able to look away? I wonder what he would do if I just leaned forward and undid his pants with my teeth? she wondered.

"See, there you go again. What's going on in that brilliant mind of yours?" he asked, cocking his head sideways as he observed her keenly.

"Brilliant mind? I have a brilliant mind?" she repeated. "Yeah, right."

"Yes, brilliant. You're one of my best students, but for the past few weeks, you've been really distracted...unfocused, even," he said, leaning his elbows and forearms on his knees and clasping his hands together. "So the question is, what's distracting you?"

"You really want to know?" she asked, one eyebrow raised.

"I wouldn't ask you if I didn't want to know. That would be a waste of your time and mine," he replied, giving her a crooked smile. "So what is it?"

She stood up, deliberately taking her time to gather her books and her purse up. He sat there with an expectant look on his face, and she leaned in a little so she could whisper to him. "Take a look in the mirror and maybe you'll see."

"What will I see?" he whispered back, his voice unintenionally low and breathy. His eyes burned into hers as he waited for her to answer his question...

She didn't say anything else. Instead, she just walked out of the room without looking back once. She could feel his eyes burning a hole through her, and she couldn't stop the smile that began to spread across her face.

And that was how it all started.