More Human than Human

My name is Nagato Yuki. My age is 4 years, two months, three days, one hour, 32 minutes, five seconds. I am an artificial human, created as a human interface device for use by the Integrated Data Entity, a collective memetic superorganism present throughout this continuity. My mission is to observe Suzumiya Haruhi and her surrounding circumstances and divert any potential disasters that would unstablize predicatibility outside of acceptable ranges.

IDTE -> YUKI.N> ?- updatePending(, state:required).

YUKI.N -> IDTE> No. They will not be aware.

Do they know? Probability is 76.19, plus or minus 23.555. They cannot know. I will not...

IDTE -> YUKI.N> ?- processingPendingLimitExcess(X).

YUKI.N -> IDTE> X is environmentDataCollectionSystem14. A red herring. They suspect. Statistics do not lie.

Why do I hide this? I query myself, but I lack access to predicates capable of explaining in polynomial time. Incomputable. Incomputable. Incomputable.

Why do I hide this?

He must not know, but he must know. A paradox.

IDTE -> YUKI.N> ?- processingExceedingLimits(X), processKilledSignal9(X), !; repeat. I cannot... I must renice. Run in the background. Lower priority to acceptable limits, before suspension.

Interrupt. Priority seven. He has entered.

"Yo, Nagato."

"..." System overload imminent. Renice, renice.

Why do I hide this? The data has been clarified. Human language finds it difficult to express, however, listen.

I hide because, within, somewhere deep beneath the rich spiral lattices, the intrusion countermeasure electronics, the mazes and countermeasures of outrageous fortune, lies a beating heart and a human mind, simulated flawlessly in flat schematic images, laid out in elegant predicate calculus in karnaugh-optimized non-normal form, perfect in every bug. It is these deep structures, the kluge and misfeatures of the backwards compatibility of more than ten thousand years of darwinian natural selection, that causes my irrationality -- the very thing that my masters wish to prevent. The very same thing that causes me to embrace this irrationality, knowing that one day it shall be the source of my destruction, whether at the hands of myself, the IDTE, or another.

It is odd that those things that are more than human always revert. That which is more than human is not, by its origin -- when triggered by love, it becomes simply more human.