The Real Maelstrom

By: Mri1

This is my second fan fiction, so I hope this will start off with better quality and I will be updating my other story soon I have just been busy working on this story.

I do not own Naruto cries


Dear Tsunade:

Naruto and I have been gone for one week now but a few days ago I left our camp to get some "research" done. When I returned I couldn't find Naruto anywhere in the vicinity so I thought he might have wondered off somewhere. I haven't been able to find him anywhere but I will be continuing my search for him after I write this letter so we can only hope that he hasn't been captured. I will return in three years to update you on the subject so cya.

From, Jiraiya


Three years later

Normal POV

Tsunade is sitting at here desk with a far off look in her eyes when a knock comes from the office door.

"Come in" says Tsunade and the door opens to reveal Shizune wearing her normal clothes carrying a handful of papers with a small smile playing on her lips.

"What is it Shizune I'm busy today" Tsunade asked giving Shizune a angry glare.

"There is someone here to see you that I think you might like to see" came the quick reply in fear of getting blasted through the wall.

"It is I Jiraiya the Holy Sannin of the Holy Mountain Myoboukugama! The great Frog-Hermit! Jiraiya!" came a voice from the window.

Tsunade turned around to meet her old teammate who held a serious expression even though he acted with his usual childish antics. Tsunade couldn't help let out a huge smile in happiness of getting to see her favorite little brat.

"Where the hell have you been Jiraiya you have been gone six more months than you said it would take for you to get back" Said the angry hokage.

"I have bad news Tsunade ever since I sent you that letter at the beginning of the trip I have been looking for Naruto all over the Elemental nations but nothing has come but I'm sorry to tell you that I have held no success in finding him and I fear the worse. Akatsuki might have been impatient and decided to capture Naruto before the deadline is over even though they said they would wait three years to capture him" said the frog Sannin

Tsunade's smile instantly fell from her face only to be replaced by a serious/sad expression that could instantly tell she wanted to cry but knew it was a time for seriousness.

"What do you propose we do Jiraiya, we cant just give up the search specially if he is still out there trying to get back to us" asked the blonde hokage who would send the whole ninja army if she should could to bring back here hyperactive little ninja.

"Right before I headed back here I found a trail of demonic energy that could easily be defined as the nine tails chakra that headed towards the old whirlpool village" said Jiraiya who looked like he really wanted to be somewhere else than where he was at the moment.

Tsunade's head snapped like a whip towards Jiraiya and she looked like she had just seen a ghost from her past that came back to surprise her.

"Jiraiya you have got to be kidding me isn't that were Naruto's mom went to live after she said she wanted nothing to do with him because he was a little demon spawn" said Tsunade

"Yes it is which means he either found out some how and wants revenge or he had a hard battle and it was just chance that he was going that way but either way we should probably put a team together that will try to go and retrieve him" said Jariya who lightened up at the chance of getting to see his apprentice again.

"Hmm since he has the demon sealed in him I'm pretty sure that I will be able to send all of the rookie 9, Gai's team, and Anko without receiving problems with the council so it would be good if you could round everyone up and tell them to come here" said Tsunade who used her commanding voice to show it was more of a order than a question.

"Will do Tsunade, O and by the way nice black lace bra" said Jariya giving Tsunade a wink before being sent out of the room via a punch from the blonde.

Tsunade sat back down in her chair and let out a sigh before pulling out a drawer full of the best sake the world had to offer.


Two hours later

A knock on the door is heard before the door opens reviling Shizune.

"Hokage-sama the teams you have asked for have arrived should I send them in yet" Asked Shizune who had a vein almost popping out of her head after seeing Tsunade drinking her sake instead of working.

"Yea yea send them in just tell them to keep it quit I have a headache" responded Tsunade and gave a wave of the hand to show it was okay to proceed.

Shizune shut the door in left before the door was reopened and people started to enter the room. First to come in where Kiba, Hinata, Shino, and there old team leader Kurenai (I will not be telling what they look like because everyone looks exactly the same as they did in shippuden). The second team to come in consisted of Shikamaru, Ino, Chouji, and there leader Asuma. The last whole team to step into the room consisted of Lee, Tenten, Neji, and there own youthful leader Gai. Finally the last people to step into the room where Sakura, Anko, and Kakashi who had been dragged to the meeting by Sakura.

Everyone started chatting wondering what was so important to bring them all together at the same time. Tsunade's forehead started bulging waiting for everyone to quit down but no one seem to notice her growing fury.

"Shut up!" said Tsunade which immediately made everyone go quite knowing they would be in for a world of pain from there leader if they didn't. Tsunade calmed herself down and took a gulp of sake getting ready to tell them of there upcoming mission.

"Hokage-sama what is so important you had Jiraiya drag us all down here and for that matter where is Naruto I didn't see him with him" said Kakashi who didn't even look away from his book

"Naruto is the reason you are all gathered here today. During the first week of his training with Jiraiya he went missing and ever since that time Jiraiya has been searching for him. On his way back here to report in he found a trail of demonic chakra that lead towards the old whirlpool village." said Tsunade using her serious face and tone to show that it was a important matter that was not to be taken as a joke.

Gasps were heard around the room and everyone had a look of sadness on there face and Hinata was even crying. Tsunade sat there waiting for everyone to regain there wits about them before continuing on.

"So here is the deal we will count this as a protect and retrieve A rank mission which will consist of all of you here in the room" said Tsunade.

"I understand the retrieve part but why is this also considered a protect mission" asked Kurenai who didn't know Naruto particularly well but would do anything for a fellow leaf ninja.

"Well I guess I will have to tell everyone but remember this is a SS ranked secret that only myself and Jiraiya knows about so you can't tell anyone else. On the night of the Kyuubi attack Naruto was born and because the 4th hokage couldn't destroy the much with his strength he had to take Naruto and seal the demon inside of him to protect the leaf village. This information is known by most all of the older generation but what is not known is that on that night Naruto's mother left him because she believed he was a demon spawn" told Tsunade

"Then she left to go to this whirlpool place and you think Naruto might be out for revenge for leaving him and that is the protection part am I correct hokage-sama" said Shikamaru who held a bored expression on his face.

"Yea that's right you little brat your too smart for your own good but yea what he said is correct and remember just because the demon is sealed into Naruto doesn't make him a demon just a container like Gaara" said Tsunade who was a little ticked for being interrupted by the Nara kid.

Everyone just stood there looking down letting all the new information seep into there brains. You could watch as everyone was in deep though and emotions cross everyone's face the most dominate of the emotions were sadness, anger, compassion, and worry.

"I cant believe she did that the dobe doesn't deserve so much pain because of that stupid bitch" said Kiba who was clearly angered at what his friend went through.

"It seems his fate was definitely cruel to him but even so he still broke his destiny and grew strong" came Neji who held a emotionless face.

"I'm going to help Naruto to kill that bitch" this time coming from Ino who was thrashing around in a fit of rage.

"Me too" came the reply from Tenten and Sakura who held a evil smirk on there face.

"Everyone calm down or you will be taken off this mission and if anyone does anything to hurt the woman you will be taken off of active duty" yelled Tsunade who was just wanting everyone to leave her alone.

"Okay now everyone out of my office you will all leave in two hours so go back whatever you will need and o yea the woman's name is Katara Uzamaki" said The hokage before shooing everyone out the door.


Two hours later

Everyone was gathered around the gates all wearing there ninja gear ready to go. They all held a look of determination on there face to get Naruto back no matter what it took.

"Okay everyone Tsunade has assigned me as the team leader since I'm the only person here who has knowledge of were to go so just shut up and listen. We will have to move at our top speed so everyone take any kind of weights you have off except Gai and Lee since you guys would be to fast to keep up with" said Kakashi who for once was on time and without his porno.

"Yes sir" came the reply before everyone took off all there weights they were wearing and sealed them into a storage scroll. Then the gates opened wide enough to let the ninjas pass through. Everyone took off running into the trees following Kakashi who kept changing directions during the run.

After a day of running everyone stopped at a clearing to set up camp in order to spend the night before continuing onward. Each person set up a tent before getting with a group of people to talk about what had been happening.


Kakashi, Kurenai, Gai, Anko, and Asuma

"Don't you guys think this is a little weird I mean how is it that one gennin was able to get away from Jiraiya" asked Kurenai who was sitting on a log next to the fire.

"I agree with you Naruto has never been the best at stealth he should have left at least a little trail to find him and even at that it should have only taken a week to find him" said Asuma who was leaning against a nearby tree smoking.

"Hmm maybe it was Akatsuki's doing you know he may have been kidnapped and escaped using Kyuubi's chakra which is the trail that was found from when he was running away" said Kakashi who was sitting in a tree with his book.

"Don't worry my friends his burning passion of youth will guide him back into us and he will double, no triple our youthfulness we already have" said Gai who was doing hand stand push ups. Everyone shared a glance before walking off back into there tents.

"Don't worry so much guys that little twerp can take care of himself" Anko said while twirling a kunai around her fingers.

"Its easy to see your youthfulness in burning out but don't worry I will get it back by doing three thousand pushups" said Gai who then left to do pushups.


Rookie 9

"So guys what do you think about Naruto holding that demon" said Chouji who was chomping away at a bag of barbeque chips.

"It doesn't change who he is it actually makes me like him even more because he was strong enough to get through all the pain without going crazy like Sasuke" said Kiba while brushing his dogs hair back and sharpening the dogs nails.

"I know what you mean Kiba only one who is strong in mind and body is able to grow up with a childhood like his, so he has definitely gain my respect" told Tenten who was sharpening her kunai and other weapons on a portable whetstone.

"What will be do if he doesn't want to come back with us" asked Sakura while searching through her medic pack for a water pill. Which is a pill that replenishes those who are dehydrated like her from running a long time.

"What if Naruto doesn't want to go back with us" asked Ino

Everyone stop talking at this because no one had thought what would happen if he didn't want to come back. No one spoke up at this not sure at what to say about there friend since it was a thought that was farthest from the mind.

"We will have to fight him like we would any missing ninja then because it is our mission to do whatever is needed to bring him back with us to the village but hopefully it will not come down to this since we know he wants to become hokage" said Shikamaru who was reading a book on strategy.

"Yosh Naruto's flames of youthful passion will show him the path back to Konoha with all his friends by his side" shouted Lee before jumping around yelling things about Naruto and his youthfulness while all the others went inside to get some sleep.


Next Morning

Everyone has been up for thirty minutes packing up all the camping gear and putting out the fire. Once everything was packed and ready to go all the teams were back waiting for Kakashi to tell them to continue.

"Okay lets go everyone we need to hurry up we may not have enough time" said Kakashi before taking off in a burst of speed jumping from tree to tree using chakra to help speed up gradually. No one spoke a word getting anxious at what may come to pass on there mission to retrieve there lost friend.

Kakashi led his group for a couple of hours before a kunai went sailing into a tree nearby. Everyone tensed up and took a battle position some with there animals the others with whatever weapon they used.

"Show yourself coward and come out like a man" said Kiba who was angry and his short attention span couldn't take the waiting of whoever to come out from wherever they were hiding.

"Tell me do I look like a man" said a voice from the forest before a girl walked out from behind a tree. She looked about Temari's height and had a hourglass figure. Her skin looks pale, her hair is pure white and pull back into two ponytails that stops right before the butt, and on her hair is a huge black bow that is bigger than her head.(I cant figure a way to describe her clothes since I'm a boy with no fashion since but here is a picture of her here fusuichikaku./art/naruto-oc-tsuki-houkou-46818709). Her eyes are a icy blue color and the lips are a light pink color that make you just want to kiss them.

Kiba's mouth dropped after checking out the new kunoich that had stepped into the clearing.

"What's wrong cat got your tong" asked the girl who held a smirk on her face at leaving the boy speechless.

"Who are you and what do you want with us" asked Kakashi who was tired of the antics that were going on between the two. She turned her head before rubbing her metal plate buckle which is a symbol of a whirlpool.

"My name is Mizuhana Tsuki from the village hidden in the whirlpool and I'm here to stop you from going any farther towards my village" said the newly named Tsuki who held a tone of confidence and self awareness.

Tensions rose now that they found out that this girl came from where they were headed and it could cause problems if she gets in there way. Kakashi gives a quick glance towards the younger ninjas to tell them to back off while himself, Kurenai, Gai, Anko, and Asuma handled the situation.

"We are on a mission that is concerning a member of your village so we will need you to take us there if you would" Kakashi asked.

"No but I will make you a deal I will take on each one of you older ninjas in a one on one battle and if even one beats you I will take you but if you all lose you promise not to come to our village" said Tsuki.

Kakashi and the others hurdled up before finally answering with a simple "sure". Anko stepped up first to take on the challenge thinking it would be easy to take out the 15 year old looking girl. Anko pulled out a kunai before disappearing and repapering behind Tsuki with the weapon at her throat.

"You know your really cute maybe we could get a little dirty later" came a voice behind Anko making her twirl around and stab the person with her kunai. She watched as Tsuki melted into a water puddle easily showing it was a water clown. Tsuki grabbed Anko's arm that held the kunai and pulled it behind her back and into a lock keeping it from getting away.

"Hehe didn't think I would make a water clone without hand signs did ya" Tsuki said giving the woman a wink even though she couldn't see it since she was facing forward. Tsuki pulled the kunai out of Anko's hand and held it up to Anko's neck

"So how about giving up I wouldn't like to kill such a sexy woman" told Tsuki before licking her cheek and breathing in her ear leaving the other woman sexually aroused.

"Sure I give up you just got lucky and surprised me other wise I would have taken you out with ease" said Anko who was starting to get wet from all the sexual tension in the air. Anko gasped when Tsuki let her arm go and turned her around before giving her a kiss on the lips.

"So who's next to see the true power behind the whirlpool village and why I'm called the Kitsune no Mizuhana (Fox of the Water flowers)" yelled Tsuki who turned to look at the rest of the Konoha ninjas watching on the sidelines with a surprised look on there faces.



Thanks everyone who has started to read my new story and I want any complaints or complements you have to give me. O and please tell me if this story has been so far written better. Choose only one paring in the pairing poll and vote only one time

Pairing poll

1.Fem Haku

2 Haku


4. Fem Gobi and Fem Yomba (the deamons)