Penny smiled happily. The sky was blue. The grass was green. The breeze was warm.

And she was with her best friend Daniel Carter(who she had been in love with for as long as she could remember...but don't tell him that).

"Pen do you know that kid?" He suddenly asked, sitting opposite her facing the castle. She didn't answer for a moment, only looked into those deep blue eyes and watched his dark hair fall into his eyes before remembering he had asked her a question. She turned and saw a small first year coming towards them.

"Don't know her" She replied finally and they both watched the nervous first year approach. She stood over them, shifting from one foot to the other nervously.

"Penny Clearwater?" She muttered. Penny nodded, confused slightly.

"Professor Dumbledore wants to see you in his office immediately." She quoted before walking quickly away

Daniel whistled

"What did you do Pen?" He asked gleefully. Penny mock glared at him.

"Nothing...I think. Well I'll see you later then." She said with a shrug, leaning over to hug him goodbye, he kissed her cheek before lying back in the grass to watch her walk away.

"Bye Pen" He called and started shredding grass between his fingers lazily.

She rolled her eyes at his old nickname but smiled and walked back to the castle. She reached Dumbledore's office pretty quickly and only had to state her name for the statue to jump aside, she got over her shock in a minute and hopped onto the staircase. She knew the password (as she was a prefect) and knew it was not her name so why did it recognise her?

Oh well she gave up on trying to figure it out and pushed open the office door...

With the Boys...

"Wonder whats going to happen to Miley and Regulus?" Sirius suddenly wondered outloud.

"I don't think Dumbledore would expell them, they didn't do anything wrong." Remus replied, more to himself than to his friends.

"I think they'll just get moved somewhere, what if they came into Gryffindor?!" James cried.

"That would be half great and half horrifying, great because I'd be nearer Miley and she'd be properly safe and awful because of what would happen to them both in Gryffindor. Remember even if they don't act like it they are Slytherins. They'd be outcasts again. Except with less violence." Remus reasoned.

Sirius smirked.

"Aw little Moony and his girlfriend." He cooed mockingly, Remus gave him a half smile coupled with a playful punch on the arm.

"Yes well your girlfriend is over there Pads" James replied, nudging Sirius to look at the Ravenclaw table. He instantly looked over to see Isobel talking to a younger student who suddenly jumped her, the small boy's embrace seemed to shock her as she almost fell from her seat. She laughed and pulled away, saying something to him before he smiled and walked away. She then chuckled to herself and looked around the hall. Which was when she noticed Sirius and James watching her and her cheeks turned pink and her head flew down to her plate.

"She's so cute. But if that kid hugs her again I may rip his arms off." Sirius commented, beginning to eat, a smile on his face at her blush.

"I hear she tutors younger students, that was probably what that was Padfoot" Remus explained.

"I don't like how you know her better than me" Sirius moaned, pouting.

"We've talked a few times, she's nice. But she is definitely the type to doubt herself" Remus continued, giving Sirius a pointed look that said she-isn't-going-to-be-easy. Sirius read this straight away

"I don't want her to be easy Remus" Sirius told him shortly.

"Mr Lupin, come with me please, the Headmaster wishes to see you" Professor Slughorn's voice suddenly was heard behind them and they turned to see the older man looking down on them.

"Okay sir. See you guys later" Remus said and picked up his bag and followed their Potions master out.

And when Sirius's attention turned back to his obssession at the Ravenclaw table he found she was being ushered out by Professor Flitwick along with her sister in Regulus's year.

He frowned and he and James shared a look before turning back to their food. Remus would explain later.

Remus followed his Professor to the Headmaster's office quietly, he could smell Slughorn's nervousness and didn't wish to add to it by asking questions. When they reached the statue the professor said Remus's name, and as he made it onto the first step Professor Slughorn told the staircase to stop suddenly and Isobel and her sister joined him, they gave eachother a small smile and moved up the staircase before he opened the door for her and her sister...

With Leslie Dane and Sam Abbot...

"Sam, don't so nervous...what do you want to ask me?" Leslie said with a chuckle. Sam frowned...she had no idea what he was about to ask her. They were sat in the library doing transfiguration homework. He wanted to ask her out, Regulus had told him to just say it quick.

"Leslie will you go-"

"Miss Dane. Mr Abbot Professor Dumbledore wants to see you now." Madam Jovi suddenly interupted him and Sam almost threw a large text book right in her little wirey face.

They collected up their things quietly.

"Wonder why..." Leslie suddenly pondered outloud, Sam couldn't answer as he was trying to fight back his blush so simply shrugged in responce.

Sam didn't know where Dumbledore's office was so he let Leslie lead the way, holding each door open for her to step through first. He cringed inwardly, he was like a little slave to her...but he found he didn't really mind.

When they reached the statue Profesor Slughorn was there already and he let them in, they climbed the staircase quickly...Leslie first of course and opened the office door...