Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight

I let out an irritated sigh. To say I was angry was an understatement. I was furious. I had to hobble my way home- on crutches- because someone didn't pick me up. I should have gotten a ride from Jen when I had the chance. I let out a string of profanities as I dropped my books for the hundredth time. I couldn't wait to turn sixteen, to not have to rely on my best friend for a ride home. Normally I would walk without complaint, but the fact that I had sprained my ankle complicated things a bit.

I was about two blocks from my house when I dropped my books again. This time I raised my head to the sky and thanked god for the opportunity to hate his guts. Then the rain came down in buckets.

"As if my day could get any worse" I mumbled to myself. I bent down and picked up my school books. When I straightened up I noticed a figure leaning against a tree a few feet away from me. His red hair was plastered around his face from the rain, his angelic features looked like they had been craved from stone. His pitch black eyes were focused on me. My day had just gotten a lot worse. My breath caught in my throat and the red headed vampire smiled his eyes filled with amusement, and hunger.

I finally understood why I didn't get a ride home today. He had been out in he forest chasing a vampire, this vampire. God must hate me. My anger dissipated in an instant, replaced by pure terror. I took a fearful step back, forgetting just for a second I was on crutches. I fell backward and hit the ground, panic flooding me. Adrenaline pumped through my veins as I realized my chances of living. They weren't good. The predator took a step forward. Where was the Pack? I scanned the forest that surrounded the small gravel road. I scurried away from him, still on the ground. I winced in pain as my sprained ankle hit a large rock, but I was to busy scanning the forest for help to care.

"No one's coming. No one cares what happens to you. No one can save you. It's just you and me." He said his voice rich and silky, and positively terrifying.

"You're wrong. The Pack will kill you. I'm not the one who needs saving, you are." I said trying to sound brave, fearless. I didn't pull it off.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you and your precious Pack" he said laughing.

"Help!" I screamed, the predator just laughed and took another step forward. Danger sunk in. I grabbed my crutch and held it in front of me in a sad, and pathetic, attempt to protect myself. He batted it away as if it were nothing. He was standing above me, smiling down- his inhumanly white teeth sending shivers down my spine. He grabbed the front of my shirt and held me up, my feet unable to touch the ground. I kicked him with my good foot but all that did was make him smile at me, while I winced in pain. It felt like I had kicked a stone wall. I did the only thing I could think to do. I didn't have much to lose.

"Go to hell" I said spitting in his face. He threw me. I went flying through the air, my stomach doing flips, only to land - skidding- on the gravel . The rocks had cut into my flesh causing blood to flow to the surface. The predator was practically frantic at the smell. At least my death would be quick.

Then I heard the most beautiful sound in the world. The furious growl of a familiar werewolf. The vampire headed toward me at lightning speed. A gray wolf lept out of the forest and collided with the vampire a foot in front of me. With a quick snap of the wolf's jaw the now-decapitated head of the predator flew into the forest on the other side of the road. The rest of the Pack shredded what was left of the vampire to bits. I was still laying on the road, blood staining the dusty brown rocks a violent crimson. The blood ran in tiny rivers through the holes between the rocks. The rain washing away all my panic, but that didn't mean I wasn't still scared. I let out a shaky sigh of relief. The gray wolf bounded into the forest only to return a few moments later human, and clad in only a pair of shorts.

He didn't say anything as he bent down and picked me up carefully. He left my school books and crutches and headed into the forest toward his house. His warm arms held me as if I weighed nothing. The muscles in his jaw were tight. His black-brown eyes were fixed ahead. As the adrenaline faded I started shaking coming to fully realize the event that had just occurred. I started hyperventilating. Not only because of my near-death experience. I should be used to how beautiful he was by now, I had known him all my life, but somehow I wasn't. Friends. I reminded myself, just friends.

We made it to his house in no time, and he gently set me down on his faded and worn brown couch. He left the room and I couldn't help the unreasonable panic I felt. I saw the vampire die before my eyes, and yet I had the fear he was standing right behind me.

Embry returned exactly 28 seconds later, I was so nervous I had counted, caring an array of items. He draped a blanket over my shoulders and handed me a brown paper bag. I was still hyperventilating. I opened the bag and proceeded to breath heavily into it. The crunching of paper soothing me, telling me that I hadn't been attacked by a vampire, that everything was fine. My breathing started to become more natural when my cuts started stinking. I glanced up from the end of the bag to see Embry dabbing my wounds with hydrogen peroxide. He stared at my legs where vertical wounds were scared in my skin.

"Thank you" I said my voice rough and as shaky as I was. I could almost feel the bruises forming. And for the first time he looked at me. His gaze lasted for only an instant, but sent my heartbeat into a frenzy. His eyes were anguished and watery, as if he was holding back tears.

"You shouldn't have to thank me. You shouldn't have been in trouble in the first place." he said continuing to dab.

"Yeah cause it's my fault I got attacked by a vampire" I said sarcastically.

"We should have been watching him closely." he said shaking his head, his eyes distant. "He was there one minute, gone the next. We were looking for him when I heard your voice." he closed his eyes. "It was close. Too close." He handed me a water bottle.

I didn't know what to say to that. So I took a long sip of much needed water.

"I'm alive" I said after a second sip. My voice sounded better.

"You don't know how scared I was. Scared I would lose my best friend. He could have killed you so easily" he had finished dabbing my right leg and wrapped it in gauze.

"You can't believe how happy I was to hear a growl." I said resting my head against a pillow, suddenly exhausted. He chuckled, the sound wary and fake. The sound of the screen door opening made me jump. Embry noticed.

"It's just the guys. Don't worry." he said soothingly. I sighed. The guys charged in cheering and yelling. Embry rolled his eyes. Jacob sat down next to me and smiled.

"Embry man that was awesome." Paul cheered. I chuckled. The entire Pack squeezed into the small living room. I took up the most room lying down, Embry still bandaging me up.

"Jade, that was sweet." Seth laughed. "You should have seen how pissed his face was after you spit in it."

"That was very clever, distracting him like that. I've never seen Embry run so fast." Jacob said. It might have been my imagination but I thought Embry blushed. It was hard to tell with his copper skin. I heard someone rummaging through the fridge. Embry grabbed my hand and started dabbing my arm, having finished with my legs. I heard a car pull in the driveway and groaned. The door flew open and I winced. A few seconds later the front door opened and my worried parents flew in.

"Jade, honey are you all right?" my mother asked slightly out of breath. My dad turned and asked the closest person to him, which was Leah, for a full account of what happened.

"I'm fine mom" I said. Claire burst in the back door. You knew it was Claire because Quil immediately ran to her.

"How are you feeling?" Claire asked as she leaned across the back of the couch Quil's arm around her waist.

"Like a mummy" I stated. Several people chuckled. Many people were having conversations around the room. Seth was animatedly talking to Paul. Jacob was questioning Embry on a few things. Leah was describing with vivid detail what happened to my dad and mom. Quil was whispering to Claire how worried he was about her. Collin was eating. I took another swig of water. I noticed I was still shaking. Well, that's annoying. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I don't even remember falling asleep.


I woke up Saturday with a massive headache. I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, waking every hour in pain. I groaned and rolled over, unfortunately I was still on Embry's couch. I landed on the ground with a humph. My already bruised muscles screaming in protest. I pushed myself up and back onto the couch, some of my scabs opening up. I massaged my throbbing head and noticed two pills sitting on the coffee table next to a tall glass of water.

"Convenient" I mumbled picking them up. I swallowed them with a large mouthful of water. Through my hazy morning thoughts I noticed a note lying next to where the cup had been.

For the pain. Rest. Don't do anything stupid, I'll be back later.


I glanced around the rest of the room. My school books were lying on the floor under the coffee table. I picked up my notebook to find it covered in dried blood. That's going to hard to explain to my Geometry teacher. I threw it back down on top of the pile and groaned. I was sore all over, and I had to pee. I looked for my crutches to find them near the door. Damn it. I stood up on my good foot and hopped to them. A scab on my leg opened up. I noticed one of my crutches had a large dent in it. Luckily in a house I only needed one. I grabbed the good one and proceeded to make my way to the bathroom. I had been to Embry's plenty of times when my parents were away, he was always my babysitter. Unless he had to 'work' then Jacob looked after me. I found out almost all the guys were werewolves when I was ten. I wasn't really surprised. My dad had even been a werewolf.

When I came out of the bathroom Jacob was sitting in the chair next to the couch. When he saw me he ran over to help me walk. I sat down and threw my crutch across the room making sure not to hit anything. I hated crutches.

"You shouldn't be walking" he said. Eyeing the crutch a smile on his face.

"I had to pee" I stated, lying back down. I was surprised at how easily exhausted I was after only being up a few minutes. Thank goodness my headache was dissipating. "What are you doing here?"

"Checking in to make sure you don't try anything stupid." he said glancing at the note. I scowled.

"Do I often do stupid things?" I asked, irritated. I didn't think the things I did were stupid.

"Yes" he said chuckling. I shrugged. "Are you hungry?"

"No" I lied. Jacob wasn't the best cook. In fact he was as bad as Paul. The last time I ate something either of them made I got food poisoning. And I wasn't about to spend the next 24 hours leaning over a toilet. Unfortunately, my stomach growled giving away my perfectly convincing lie.

"I'll make you something" he said getting up.

"No, I'll do it" I said trying to stand up.

"You are in no condition to cook" he said gently pushing me back on the couch.

"Better than you on my worst day" I mumbled under my breath.

"The soup wasn't that bad." he said.

"I puked 24 times, Jacob!" I groaned.

"Well, I'm not making soup anyway." he said his voice drifting in from the kitchen.

"What are you making?" I asked.

"Grilled cheese" he said. I heard pans banging around and the fridge being opened.

"Do you know how to make it?" I asked sarcastically. Picturing him scratching his head as he stared at the ingredients my me stifle a laugh.

"Yes" he said warily. I chuckled.

"You don't sound so sure" I bit my nails, like I often did when I was board, or nervous.

"I've never actually made it. But I have seen it done." He said. I heard the oven clicking on.

"Cause that makes me feel so much better" I groaned sarcastically.

"I give you food poisoning once and you never trust my cooking again." he mumbled.

"For good reason." I winced as I reached for my history homework. Might as well get something done.

I had finished my history assignment when Jacob returned from the kitchen with two plates and two glasses. He set my plate and glass of milk in front of me. I sniffed my milk before I took a sip. It smelled fine. Werewolves never get sick, their high metabolism can burn off most harmful bacteria. So bad milk and eggs are no problem for them, that is unfortunately how I got food poisoning for the first time. I can't eat French toast thanks to Paul.

I picked up my sandwich and looked at it wearily. I smelled it. The cheese smelled fresh. Besides the burnt crust it looked fine, but so did the soup. I took a bite. It wouldn't have tasted very bad if the cheese had been melted. I noticed Jacob staring at his wondering what was wrong. He shrugged deciding it didn't matter, he was going to eat it anyway. I decided it was better than nothing and took another bit washing it down with a gulp of milk. The back door opened and closed.

Embry walked into the living room looking beautiful. Water droplets ran down his bare chest and I forced myself to look away. I held up my plate offering him the other half of my grilled cheese. He took it and sat down next to me on the couch. His hair was plastered to his neck. He took a bit and swallowed frowning.

"You must be sick" he said eyeing the sandwich in disgust.

"I didn't make this" I stated.

"It's not that bad" Jacob said in defense.

"The cheese isn't even melted"

"So that's what was wrong" Jacob said eyeing his sandwich before he took the last bite. I took another bite and another drink of milk. It was better if you didn't focus on the lumpy texture. I ate my sandwich quickly trying not to taste it. I finished on my last bite with the last of my milk.

"If I get sick again I will never eat anything you make ever again" I said.

"You won't" he said standing up. "I have to go. I have a big date."

"Ten bucks says she runs" I whispered to Embry. He chuckled. Jacob heard and scowled in my direction. I beamed up at him. He rolled his eyes at me and stalked out. The back door opened and slammed shut.

Then it was just me and Embry all alone. There was unmistakable tension in the air. It had never been awkward with me and him before, but I could detect an edge to the air that had never been there before. I think he sensed it too. I glanced at him and he was staring at me his eyes wary, curious, and positively gorgeous. I couldn't look away from his intense gaze. My heart thundered in my chest, I'm almost positive he could hear it. But neither of us looked away until I smelled something burning. My head swung to stare at the kitchen and Embry was already heading in to check it out. Even though he was out of the room the tension still hung in the air. I couldn't stand it any longer. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and thanked god that it was still working. I called my mom and asked for her to come pick me up. When I got off the phone Embry was standing in the entrance to the living room.

"Going home so soon?" he asked in a conversational tone.

"I don't want to be a pain in ass"

"You could never be a pain" he said turning on the television. It took some of the edge out of the air. Would it ever be normal with him again? I started biting my nails in frustration. I tried to watch the show but couldn't focus. Soon my mother pulled into the drive way. I stood up using the arm rest as support. I hopped over to where I threw my crutch and picked it up.

"I thought I set your crutches by the door?" Embry asked slyly.

"You did" I said kneeling down to get my books, but he already had them.

"Then how it get over there" he motioned with his head, smiling.

"Ummmm….." I hesitated "I'd rather not say." He chuckled. I used most of my energy getting outside and into the car. Embry had caught me before I fell, twice, and held the door open for me. When me and all my crap were in the car mom reversed onto the road. Embry stood watching us go.

"What's the matter?" my mother asked a block from home. "You seem…. upset."

"I'm not upset." I lied. I was slightly upset. But I wasn't about to admit to myself why. I was always a fantastic liar, even to myself.

Every step up to the house was exhausting and painful. But soon I had finally managed to make it in the house and downstairs to my room. I crash-landed on my bed. The sun was starting to set and I realized I had slept most of the day, I had only been up few hours, not including my restless nights sleep. I guess blood loss dose that to you. I had about a half an hour before I would have to go to crash. I pulled out my sketch pad and began to doodle not really focusing. My thoughts wandered aimlessly. It wasn't until I was about to close my eyes that I actually looked at what I had drawn.

It was the eyes of the predator as dark and sinister as I remembered. I tossed it away suddenly frightened. I closed my eyes to forget the hunger in those eyes. Eyes that would haunt me for the rest of my life. I flicked off my lamp on my nightstand, not needing to open my eyes. I pulled the covers up and snuggled into their much needed comfort. I willed myself to have dreamless sleep.

My dream was frightening. It happened just like yesterday, assuming it was still Saturday. But instead of the predator's head flying into the forest, it was Embry's. His lifeless eyes staring into mine, before it landed into the green ferns. It chilled me to the bone.

I sat blot upright in my bed a terrible scream escaping my lips before my hand came down over them. I gasped for air, but none would come as I sobbed. I heard footsteps on the stairs. A thunderous bang as the door to my room burst open revealing two dark figures in the doorway. I hardly noticed, all I could see was Embry's lifeless eyes staring back at me. I finally caught my breath as my sobs shuddered through my body. I curled up wrapping my arms around my knees and bringing them to my chest. I felt a hand on my back as someone trying to calm me down. I never cried, not even when I was little. Not even near death experiences make me cry. That's probably why the two figures in the doorway were so worried. Hell I was the one crying and I was worried. Worried for my sanity.

"Jade, it's all right. Everything is fine. Everything will be fine, I promise." Leah said.

"Are you all right? What happened?" Seth asked. I squeezed my eyes shut willing the sight of Embry's demise out of my mind. It didn't work. That gaze was ingrained in my mind, the last gift of the predator.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you and your precious Pack" his words echoed through my mind.

"No" I choked out. "I'm not all right"

"I'll be right back" Seth muttered before he sprinted from the room.

"It's alright" Leah said soothingly as she wrapped her arms around me, hugging me tightly. I still saw lifeless eyes behind my eyelids, somehow their gaze was worse than the hungry one I had encountered before.

My tears hadn't ceased by the time Embry showed up, but fortunately my sobs had. I couldn't look at him. He rubbed my back like Leah had. His touch sent fresh tears through my system. Leah had left, claiming she had to get back to her round. We were all alone.

"Jade, tell me what happened" he begged, his voice filled with sorrow.

"The angel died" I responded my voice emotionless. Tears stilled rolled down my cheeks.

"You're not going to tell me anything else, are you?" he asked.

"Nope" I said.

"Something has got to be worrying you if your crying" he said his voice low, rough.

"I'll deal with it" I mumbled.

"Repressing things isn't good for your health" he stated sounding like a big brother.

"So? I do a lot of things that are bad for my health." I countered.

"Name one" he smirked.

"I piss off bloodthirsty vampires in my free time" I smiled.

"That's not funny" he said sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

"Yes it is. Any of the guys would have laughed." I said. I looked at him. His eyes were closed and there was a small smile on his full lips. His eyes opened and I looked away, not sure if I could handle a look at those eyes.

"Fine I'll give you that one." he said reluctantly. "Bet you don't have another." I decided to mess with him.

"I run around in freezing rain naked" I said looking at him for his reaction. His eyes widened, he blushed, and his jaw dropped open. I couldn't help myself I clutched my side, laughing so hard I couldn't breath.

"You…..should…..have……seen….your……face" I said catching my breath. Wiping tears off my faces.

"Very mature" he said standing up. He walked over to the door and lingered in the doorway his face in shadows.

"I couldn't help myself. I can't miss an opportunity to see you blush." I smiled at him. Little did he know it, but he knew just how to make me feel better.

"I didn't blush" he said quickly.

"Defensive" My smile widened.

"Good night Jade" he said voice low and unbelievably sexy.

"Night" I said. I fell back asleep with a smile on my face.