What!!! what now. Edward said holding the mirror up again.

"oh" he mirrored Alice. "well that was strange"

Maybe you scared him to life!!!! Emmett bellowed out.... making me laugh.

"hey you never know" I said rolling my eyes

That is until Alice and Edward glared at me. "I know it's not a laughing matter " I said when I was dying on the floor. "but come on! It's Emmet! ... and I needed a good laugh"

Alice continued to glare while Edward chuckled at me and just laid back on the couch. Alice scared me until I stopped laughing and was staring like a child at her, Just waiting to be punished. Edward coughed behind me. I turned to look at him, ripping myself from Alice's still vicious glare. "I;still don;t feel to good. He said to Carlisle. I don't know what he said back though... I really hated silent conversations. Edward answered "not with her here. I don't want her to see that." I immediately knew what he was talking about.

"Edward Anthony Mason Cullen!! I am NOT going away so you can drink blood! I don't care!"


"and if you say anything else I swear I will slap you"

"you know Bella, that would only hurt you more than me."

"You sure? I bet you're not as strong as I am anymore."

"Edward looked at me confused"

"Edward!!!! I'm already a vampire!!!!!! stupid blood sucker" I whispered under my breath. This sent Alice into a fit of giggles. Mostly because Edwards face was PRICELESS"

"uh... I uh...." I was trying to stay calm but Edward had never been at a loss for words before. It was just to hard I broke into a fit of giggles alongside Alice.

"duh! How do you think this all happened?"

Wait!!! Emmett said. What the hell has been going on? my head hurts." He said just as Rosalie smacked him. "even more now... honey" he said in a very "loving" tone. And just for that he got smacked again.

I have no clue... I answered. Staring at ,my family.

"but I thought you were dead" Edward continued.

Heyy I know it's short but heyy its something right?