I do not own Scrubs.

This story is about JD and Dr. Cox. It goes through them getting together, having fights, becoming better doctors, and everybody finding out. JD/Dr. Cox slash

I have fixed this chapter. Thank you for all the reviews. Please keep reviewing.

My Monthly Excursions

"It's been a month since I've been working at Sacred Heart. I've come to like Dr. Cox more with each passing day, although he seems to hate me more with each passing day. We have these charity events every month, and the theme is couples. Meaning you have to have a partner when you go. These events last all day from eight a.m. to twelve a.m."

"Good morning everybody!" Dr. Kelso says walking in

Looks like it's time for rounds again. JD thought

"Tomorrow is the charity event. This month is golfing on Friday. We rent out the park for the day, and set up our own golf course, then couples come to play golf. We usually make quite a bit of money on these monthly events we hold. Now I'm going to pair some of you doctors up, to help run some of the booths we have. I want Turk and Carla on the cotton candy stand. I want Elliot and Keith on the drink stand. I want Laverne and Todd on the hamburger stand. And last but not least I want JD and Perry on the hot dog stand. You're not aloud in the park until you're partner shows, and you must attend. The consequences will be great if you don't, believe me. So unless you want to do physicals for the jail down the street, I advise you to show. Have a nice day."

"How exciting, we get to run a booth together." JD said walking up to Dr. Cox

"Look Anita, just because he paired us together does not mean I'm hanging out with you." Dr. Cox said walking into room nine.

"I can't wait until tomorrow, it sounds like so much fun." Carla said excitedly

"Yeah, I'm just worried about JD though Dr. Cox didn't look to happy." Turk replied watching JD and Dr. Cox talking and then Dr. Cox disappearing into room nine

"He's never been paired with anyone before." Carla said

"Really, he's never had to go to theses things before?" Turk asked

"Oh no, he's had to go, but this is the first year the theme is couples." Carla said

"I love to play golf." Elliot said

"It is a fun game. I can't wait to play with you." Keith said hugging her to him

"You can play with me all you want." Elliot said winking at him

JD stepped out of room nine, and started walking to the elevator. He stepped in and pressed two. It made it to floor two, and when he stepped out he saw the janitor.

"What are you looking at?" The janitor asked

"Nothing." JD replied

"That's what I thought, keep moving." The janitor said

"So how do these things work?" JD asked

"We rent out a big park, and put up big tents everywhere, that connect to each other. Then we put up our different booths in between all of them. It costs five dollars for everybody to get in, and then it costs a dollar a booth. It lasts until twelve a.m., which everyone has to stay until then. The bad thing for you is we don't let anyone in without a partner, and the place that they stay is outside, no tent." Carla explained

"Do you think Dr. Cox will show up?" JD asked

"I don't know, he's never been asked to go with someone before." Carla said

JD's beeper went off.

"I have to go, see ya tomorrow. I get off in thirty minutes." JD explained

"What took you so long?" Dr. Cox asked when he walked in

"I was talking to Carla." JD answered

"Well Abigail, I'm sorry to break up you're little gossip fest, but do I have to remind you that you're at work! Now get over there and treat that patient." Dr. Cox yelled

Later that night JD was at Turk and Carla's place.

"I don't want to have to sit outside all day. With no food or water." JD complained

"We'll sneak you food if he doesn't show." Turk said

"I don't know why I have to waste a day, sitting outside doing nothing, when I could be at the hospital helping patients." JD whined

"We're being covered Bambi, now eat you're pizza." Carla said handing him a plate

Until nine that night they watched television and ate pizza.

"Well I'm going to go. See you two later." JD said

"Bye man, see ya." Turk said

"Bye Bambi." Carla said

Dr. Cox was sitting on the couch watching television and drinking beer. Around ten he went to bed.

It was eight and JD, Turk, Carla, Elliot, and Keith had shown up at the same time to the park. Of course JD couldn't go in yet.

See you later guys. JD said as he watched them go inside without him

Around nine Dr. Cox woke up. He turned over in bed to look at his clock.

"Shit!" He yelled as he got up real quick, took a shower and headed out at about ten.

"Hey JD, are you hungry?" Carla asked

"I'm fine for now, check back in a couple hours. How's everything going in there?" He asked

"Good, except for the rain." She said looking sympathetically at him

"I'll be fine Carla, go back in." he said

"Are you sure, I can sit with you for awhile." She said

"I'm okay." JD said sadly

"Okay. See ya later." She said reluctantly

"How's he doing?" Turk asked

"As good as he can be I guess." Carla said

A few minutes later when he showed up at eleven.

"JD wake up." Dr. Cox said shaking him

"What?" JD asked waking up and looking around

"I'm here, we can go in." Dr. Cox said

"After making me sit in the rain for three hours. I can't believe you. I mean, I thought you hated me, but I had no idea." JD yelled walking inside

"JD!" Elliot yelled seeing him come in

"I see you finally showed up." Carla said

"I overslept." Dr. Cox said

"I'm going to go set our booth up." JD said

"Actually, you're booth was taken away from you." Turk said

"Then I'm going golfing." JD said and sneezed

"I can't not believe you made that boy sit outside for three hours in the rain." Carla said as soon as JD was out of site

"I overslept, like I said. Is there beer around here? I have a hangover." Dr. Cox asked looking around

Carla and Turk walked away disgusted.

"It's in that booth in the back of tent 2." Keith said walking up to him

"Thanks." Dr. Cox said walking away

JD was having a sneezing fit when Turk walked up to him.

"You okay man?" Turk asked

"I just made a hole in one." JD said excitedly then sneezed

"You getting sick?" Turk asked

"After sitting in the rain for three hours, probably." JD said sarcastically

"You have until eight tonight, then they tear down all the tents and make a big dance floor with one huge tent." Turk said

"Why don't they just start off with one huge tent?" JD asked

"Because the corners become really dark, which would make golfing difficult." Turk explained

"Okay then see you later on the dance floor. I'm going to show you up dog." JD said smiling

"Be whiter." Turk said smiling and walking away

JD was in the farthest tent on hole eight when Dr. Cox walked up to him.

"You thirsty?" Dr. Cox asked

"A little, but I'm almost done here anyway." JD explained

"It's about two hours away from the dance marathon." Dr. Cox said

"I know." JD said

"Are you going to enter?" Dr. Cox asked

""Look what do you want from me? You've done enough, and I'm sick because of it. I'm tired of all you're crap. JD said making the hole and walking away

"two hours until the dance marathon!" Turk said excitedly

"I know baby, you've been counting down since this morning." Carla said

"I'm tired of all you're crap!" Carla heard JD yell

"What's going on over there?" Carla asked

Then they saw Dr. Cox walk out of the same tent that JD had just walked out of.

"That guy has got to loosen up on JD." Turk said

"What are you going to do about it?" Carla asked sadly

"I thought you we're going to." Turk said

"My baby's so tough." Carla said laughing

It was eight and the dance marathon had begun, and the big tent went up.

"JD would you like to dance?" Elliot asked

"Sure." JD said

They danced two songs, and then he danced with Carla for two songs.

"I'm going to go get something to drink." JD said

"Okay." Carla said and went to dance with Turk

JD was over at the drink stand when Dr. Cox came walking up.

"Beer. How's you're night going?" Dr. Cox said

"What do you care?" JD asked

"Look, I'm sorry for being late, it wasn't planned." Dr. Cox said

"Save it, I don't care. I'm not mad at you anymore, you have nothing to worry about." JD said walking away.

"What did Dr. Cox want?" Turk asked coming up to JD

"To apologize." J.D said watching Dr. Cox dancing with Elliot. He felt very jealous at the moment

"Wow, Dr. Cox, apologizing." Turk said impressed

"Yeah, funny huh." JD said

"All I know man, is you're the only one he would of ever done that for. Consider yourself lucky." Turk said and walked away

JD smiled to himself at the thought that maybe Dr. Cox liked him as much as JD like him

Later that night

JD had gone right outside of the tent to get some air. It had stopped raining about thirty minutes ago. They were thinking about taking the tent down for the last three hours of the dance marathon.

"What are you doing out here?" Dr. Cox asked coming up and standing beside him

"Getting some air. Now leave me alone." JD said

"I'm tired of all you're sassing. I said I was sorry, now get over it Ally." Dr. Cox said walking away

JD went back in and danced with Elliot and Carla a couple more times, then around eleven he went back outside. He wasn't feeling to good after sitting in the rain for three hours. Only he went farther out this time. Dr. Cox came up a few minutes later, and grabbed JD's arm, leading him behind a tree.

"What the hell?" JD said scared

"Just come with me and shut up." Dr. Cox said

"Where are we going?" JD asked

"What did I tell you." Dr. Cox said

"Be quiet." JD answered

"Okay, we need to talk." Dr. Cox said

"What about?" JD asked

"My feelings toward you." Dr. Cox said

"What feelings?" JD asked sarcastically

"These feelings." Dr. Cox said kissing him

After a little bit JD started kissing back, then they made the kiss more intense. Dr. Cox's hands found their way up the back of JD's shirt, and JD's hands found their way to Dr. Cox's butt.

"Okay, hold on a minute." JD said pulling back

"What? I've liked you since the first day you started at the hospital. I've been wanting you ever since." Dr. Cox explained

"I never thought you were, gay." JD said

"I'm not, I'm bi." Dr. Cox said smiling

"So what happens now?" JD asked seriously

"We start seeing each other, but you're not aloud to tell anyone." Dr. Cox said

"Not even Turk." JD said

"Especially not Turk." Dr. Cox replied

"Why?" JD asked

"Because I have a image to keep, and Carla has a big mouth." Dr. Cox replied

"B.." JD started

"Do you want this or not?" Dr. Cox asked kissing him softly on the lips

"Yes." JD answered

"Then you go by my rules, and meet me at my house when we're done here." Dr. Cox said walking away

For the rest of the night they kept stealing glances at each other and smiling.

"Hey JD, do you work tomorrow?" Turk asked

"Yeah, I've got eight to eight." JD answered

"Cool. I'll see you then." Turk said

"Wait, don't you have to stay and clean?" JD asked

"No, since Dr. Cox was late, you and him have cleaning duty." Turk said

"Just me and him, cleaning all of this." JD whined

"Good luck." Turk said walking away

"Night Bambi." Carla yelled as everyone but him and Dr. Cox left the tent

"So, I guess we better get started cleaning." JD said when Dr. Cox came up beside him

"I have a better idea." Dr. Cox said kissing JD

"Care to dance?" JD asked

"What the hell Abby." Dr. Cox said pushing him away

"I just thought." JD started to explain

"I'd love to." Dr. Cox said playing the music

They held each other close, with JD's arms around Dr. Cox's neck, and Dr. Cox's hands on JD's waist. Dr. Cox kissed JD on the neck, and JD moaned a little. Then Dr. Cox got a little more adventurous and nipped JD's ear.

"You're making me crazy." JD whimpered

"You've been making me crazy since day one." Dr. Cox replied

"Let's clean this place so that we can get out of here." JD whispered

"I'm with you on that one." Dr. Cox said backing away

It took about an hour to clean, and then they were at Dr. Cox's place. JD stayed there all night, and had to sneak back to his place, since it was right down the street from Turk's and Carla's.