Phoebe appeared in the manor and looked around. She saw Prue comforting a crying Piper on the couch and Ali was standing near, examining Dark Phoebe's sword.

"Pheebs." Prue said with a weak smile, looking at Phoebe.

Phoebe walked over slowly and sat on Piper's other side. She looked at Piper, then at Prue with a questioning look.

"She won't say what happened." Prue said to Phoebe quietly.

Phoebe noticed Piper had a split lip, which had been cleaned up without magic and Prue had a smudge of blood on her cheek.

"Where's Leo?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't know." Prue said. "He hasn't been here."

"Where do you think he is?" Phoebe asked.

"He's probably on my plane." Ali interjected.

"What... what would he be doing?" Piper asked. Piper had red, puffy eyes and she was sniffling.

"Well, I imagine he would be trying to restore some order." Ali said. "If he's there at all."

"Well, he better get back soon because my arm is killing me." Phoebe said.

As if on cue, Leo orbed in.

"There's our man." Prue said with a small smile.

"Heal, heal." Phoebe whined and held out her arm. Leo grinned and healed Phoebe, then he looked at Piper and his face fell. He kneeled in front of her.

"What happened?"

"" Piper whined and looked to Prue to rescue her.

"She won't tell us what happened." Prue said. "She'll tell us when she's ready."

Prue and Phoebe left the room quietly. Ali put the three swords on the floor near Leo and followed Prue and Phoebe.

"You want to tell me what happened?" Leo asked. Piper shook her head no.

"So, what happens now?" Phoebe asked.

"Things." Ali said.

"I'm getting really sick of that weird phrase talk." Prue said and rubbed her cheek with a warm washcloth, trying to get the blood off.

"Well, first, the Dark Ones get transferred into the orb, then I go home." Ali said.

"That sounds way too simple." Phoebe said.

"Don't question simplicity, sister dear. Just go along with it." Prue said and put the washcloth in the sink.

"Oh, you and the wise things you say." Phoebe said as Leo and a fully healed Piper walked into the kitchen.

"How are you?" Prue asked. The mood in the kitchen turned serious and somber.

"Better." Piper said quietly.

"Are you ready to tell us what happened?" Prue asked. "It's okay if you don't want to."

"I'm not quite ready to talk about it yet." Piper said.

"That's okay." Prue said.

"Whenever you're ready." Phoebe added.

"Ali, you had better transfer the Dark Ones." Leo said.

Ali nodded and took the three orbs from the sisters, then she took out hers and placed them on the table.

Ali waved a hand over the orbs and three, tiny black balls of electricity flew from the three orbs and entered Ali's orb.

"It's dawn." Piper said, looking at her watch. "Just in time."

"We better go." Leo said.

"Right." Ali said, then turned to the sisters. "Thanks so much. I'm going to have quite the story to tell... no one. Oh well, at least I have a story. Hey, maybe the gods will come back."

"Who knows?" Piper said. "Anything is possible."

Leo orbed out with Ali and the sisters looked at each other and fell into a comfortable silence, each of them thinking about the experience.


A/N: So? Tell me what you thought.