(Wow, I'm updating. Please try and remain calm. Anyway. Yeah, I'm aware its been years and nobody cares about this story anymore but hay, may as well write while I'm in the mood.

Pairing: Kakashi/Sasuke

Rating: M

Disclaimer: Lets be serious, would I be writing fan fiction if I owned Naruto?


Chapter Two

Sasuke paced around his kitchen in a frenzy. How could he have let this happen? How could he let his guard down like that, and more to the point what the hell was Kakashi doing! How could he do that to him. The teen felt violated. The next thing he had to do was figure out how to get through training today.

The young boy walked out to the hallway about to put on his shoes when he heard a knock on the door. Opening it and about to tell whoever it was that he was just on his way out he stopped when he saw who it was. He took a step back when the man came in and closed the door.

He continued to back away when the man said "we need to talk".

"There's nothing to talk about sensei" said Sasuke seething with anger.

"Look, we can't pretend last night didn't happen. We are both going to have to deal with it eventually." Kakashi reasoned trying to calm down the clearly very frustrated teen.

"Who's we? I don't remember having a say in what happened last night. This hole situation is entirely your fault!" Sasuke retorted, losing his cool.

Kakashi backed the young teen into a wall, looking down at him he said "That may be true but its still something that needs dealing with. I would like to say that I am sorry about what happened. It was inappropriate and I will try to make sure that it does not happen again."

"Try?" asked the raven in shock.

"It is clear that I have a very strong attraction to you and although I do not wish to violate you further I can not make any promises" offered the teacher in way of a response.

Sasuke was dumb struck. He thought that things could not get any crazier, then his sensei dropped another bomb.

The twenty three year old smiled down at his student and asked him something he thought he wouldnever hear. "Will you go on a date with me?"

"What? No!" The boy was perplexed. He couldn't see how Kakashi taking him out on a date was going to solve anything.

The older man pouted, "But I cancelled training and everything. And I was really looking forward to spending the day with you." His face was now inches from the teens, He had figured that since Sasuke already knew about his feelings for him, there was no harm in pursuing him.

"Fine, I'll go on a date with you, just stop getting so close" Replied the boy defeated.

"Great! Go get changed into something more comfortable. I'll meet you in the centre of the village in one hour." and with that the man poofed away.

Sasuke sighed. It was going to be a long day. He made his way upstairs to get changed, already making plains to not go anywhere to privet with his 'date'. He didn't want t o end up getting molested by the pervert.


(So, yeah. That's it. Review and I may update in less then a years time J )