Hi everyone

A story, finally, one from me!

Train Heartnet and the Black Cat Series all copyrighted to Yabuki Kentaro.

Esperanza (My OC) is copyrighted to me.

I wrote this. Yay me!

Read and review, now!


Black Wings


Hit one – Experiment No. Thirteen: BLaCK Wings

There was a dull ache in her chest as she awoke. The breeze that wafted by tingled her bare skin…she couldn't see very well. Only dim lights fly past a few yards ahead. There was…water falling from the sky in cold small droplets.

There was a thick liquid still covering her eyes as she looked at the dimness that surrounded her. The sky rumbled and lit up, lighting her dimmed world for the moment.

"Hey there," She suddenly heard; a proactive voice was calling from within the dimness. She stared straight forward; her eyes couldn't see, but she could sense a person in front of her. Her muscles tensed slightly and the appendages on her back stirred.

She murmured softly, "Who…" he reached her hand out.

The owner of the proactive voice snatched her hand and pushed her on her back, climbing on top of her. Confusion hit her like a wave until her defensive forces acted up. She felt hotness behind her eyes as she growled and pushed the owner of the voice off of her; she faintly remembered hissing as she sliced through the air with her hand.

She heard a groan, few steps being taken and then the voice fell to his knees.

"B-bitch!" he barked, pulling something out of his jacket.

Another flash of lightning showed her that he was pulling out something metal.

The hotness returned to her eyes and the owner of the voice suddenly released a crack and he fell to his side; she no longer sensed any life emitting from him.

A new smell wafted through the air, through the smell of water wafted the smell of blood. She was drowning in the smell as it brought practical tears in her eyes. It took her a few moments to realize that the loneliness and the fall of the cold rain was upsetting her. Still blinded by the waxy coating over her eyes, she raised her arm, looking for another form of life to help. Her salty tears were slowly but surely uncovering her unknown world.

She let her guard down for a second when he appeared before her.

The only specific thing she could possibly make out was his deep, sharp, golden eyes as his hand met hers.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She stared dumbly.

"Who…are…you?" she asked quietly through the rain.

There was a low chuckle as the figure threw a cloth at her. "My name is not of importance…put that on or you'll get cold."

The cloth, while damp, was in fact a jacket; a short one. She wrapped it around her body as she tried asking for his name again. "Who…" she managed to get out, "are…" she tried as a cool lip of a bottled glass touched her bottom lip.

"I'm sorry," he murmured, tilting the glass, "Drink up."

A cold, silky liquid poured into her mouth and greedily she drank it up. "Good," the man cooed, tilting the bottle more.

After finished the bottle of cold liquid, the man stood up and handed her a covering that blocked the rain. "Be careful out here." He mumbled, stepping out of the alley way. Her eyes maintained temporary focus as she tried to see who was in front of her…but as the man started to walk backwards into the street, the only thing that she could really make out was his now soft golden eyes and the branded 'XIII' on his collar, visible through his V-cut t-shirt.

"My name…" she whispered. But it was too late; the man was gone.


Warmth struck her body as she opened her newly focused eyes. The world before her was bright, still damp from the previous night's storms. But with the help of that man, she stayed dry all night.

Looking around, she sat in an alley way; a man whose neck was twisted far to the right had been dragged and laid up against the wall in a pile of trash.

Absent-mindedly, she stretched the long black, feathery appendages from her back, shaking off the excess water droplets from the quivering feathers. She also stretched the appendage that pulled out from her tail bone. Looking up, she saw blue sky with white fluffiness floating by lazily…she kept looking up and eventually fell to her back, crushing the delicate feathers close to her back. Wincing, she stood up all the way, still holding the umbrella and pulling the jacket, which was a dark blue, close to her nudeness. While her legs were wobbly, she kept her balance and stepped forward. Smiling softly at her achievement, she kept stepping as she thought about the golden eyes from last night. She stopped the moment she was out of the alley way. Her mind went back to the silky liquid that she now craved. She remembered it to be white…and cold. Looking both ways, she turned left and slowly walked into a building. While the outside looked decent, the inside was dank and dark with smoke choking the oxygen in the air. Her eyes started to tear as she stepped inside.

"'Ey baby," a large, keg-belly man said holding what seemed to be a slender stick, "what can I do for you?"

She stared at him blankly. "I'm looking for the white liquid," She said.

The man started to chuckle as the other large men 'ho-hoed' around her. Her feathery appendages pressed closer to her back.

"Oy?" the keg-bellied bald man started, licking his lips, "and where would this white liquid be?"

She thought briefly. "It was in a hard, long container." She put bluntly. All the men started whooping with glee.

"Really now?" the keg-man started with confidence.

She stared at him for a long moment as he said, "Well I have a nice large order of the 'white liquid' for you, sweet cakes."

Anger started to burn at her eyes; the burning was more intense without the waxy buildup along her eyes. This wasn't the kind man from last night, the one with the branded 'XIII' or the golden eyes. A low growl emitted and stayed in her throat as her eyes grew hot.

"Well? Why don't you come get some?" the keg-man asked with a booming voice.

The anger spilled and with a sudden movement, the keg man was in the air, controlled by the inner thoughts of her. Her once calm eyes held absolute rage and hatred, burning and shining a bright crimson. With a toss of her head, the man's neck twisted almost 90 degrees before snapping; with another toss, he was flung across the room.

Everyone fell in a silenced fear. Anyone who was close to her, backed away. They all could only stare fearfully at this crazed beauty that killed a man with her mind.

As her eyes cooled, she started to walk forth through the building and eventually ended back up in the alley way where she started. She looked up once more to see the fluffy softness was gone and also to see an assortment of clothes hung by a long wire. Smiling, flapping her wings, she glided up to the wire and saw a soft blue day dress and took it as her own, falling gently to earth and removing the jacket, putting on the dress instead.

She smiled more vibrantly as the cloth flowed with her body and clung to the right curves. She looked at the jacket on the ground and definitely decided to return it to its owner…more for the fact she wanted to see him again. But…she noticed inside the building that no one had wings adjoined or a tail hanging from their backs. She fluttered up to the top of the building and decided to wait for the night…where no one could see her black-feathered wings.


The moon was but a mere sliver as she took her flight; she was quite shaky at first, but very soon, as the crisp wind started to whip through the air, she gained her balance and the hang of flying with her almost newborn wings. They stretched out, causing relief to her back from keeping them arched in for most of the day.

The city lights that awoke from beneath her were fascinating; many coupled lights zoomed past on a long dark road; some light flashed, some were dim and some were bright. But she flew above the bright and saw the stars, the beautiful stars that shone more intense than the artificial brightness from below. She started to descend slightly as she suddenly saw an opened glass door with a balcony porch with a black railing. Like a cat, she landed on the railing swiftly and gracefully, gripping the black railing with her hands and her toes. Inside the room was dark; the blackness spilled out before her and her blindness almost seemed to have returned. As a light from behind shone, she could only make out a branded 'XIII' in a dark metal. That alone was enough for her.

She slowly glided inside and her coronas adjusted to the dim darkness; she could see dark figures that made out the room. She stayed crouched, like a cat as she made her way throughout the room. The branded 'XIII' on the metal was found on a squat table; it was in fact, a large looking gun. On the other side of the table, slept someone on a made-cot on the floor; his messy brown hair seemed as if it was flung on his face; he slept soundly and didn't notice her entrance. She crawled over to him and stared at his slumber. She'd never seen a human sleep and she smiled…and then she noticed the 'XIII' marking on his collar bone.

Her heart raced in her chest; this was the man she was looking for. Donning the jacket on the seat behind the sleeping man, she laid down next to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and breathing softly into his neck. Ease swept her body, ease and relaxation as she felt overpowering sleep start to take over her body.

She sighed and stared at the man who saved her…stared long enough until from behind, she heard the locking of bullets into a gun.


Nnn! That's it for Chapter One...I'm pretty much just laying out the storyline, but I promise; names and familiar faces will definately appear in the next chapter. For now, allow the suspence to kill ye! MUWAHAHAHA!