
"What Friends Are For"


This is a story I plan to write in the near future. Read this and be sure to tell me what you think of it!


Titles- Italics

Setting- Regular

It was a question no one should have to answer...

Chad sits on a window seat, facing Troy. He looks Troy in the eyes.

"Will you kill me?" he asks. Troy's eyebrows shoot up in shock.

It was a favor no friend should have to do...

Troy trembles as he holds up the pistol, aiming it at Chad.

He squeezes his eyes shut and pulls the trigger.

It was a funeral no man should have to attend...

Troy sits next to a sobbing Sharpay in a chapel, Chad's casket in front of them.

"Who could have done this?" Sharpay turns to Troy. "What monster would do this to my husband?"

Troy buries his head in his hands and sighs.

It was a scar nobody should have to heal...

Troy holds Sharpay, comforting her as she cries into his shoulder.

It was a love no man should feel guilty for...

Troy and Sharpay sit on a couch, his arm around her.

She leans in to kiss him, and he hesitates.

"There's something I need to tell you," he says quietly.

It was a truth no person should be forced to confess...

"What's wrong?" Sharpay asks.

Troy Bolton

Troy stutters, "I..."

Sharpay Evans

"Just tell me!" Sharpay demands.

A FanFiction By Sami

"I killed Chad."

Summer 2008

So Troy and Chad are best friends, and Sharpay is Chad's widow, in case you didn't catch on.

I don't usually like doing trailers, but I had this idea, and I wanted to know how many people I could get to listen to it. I think it's pretty good. It won't be as soap-opera-y as I'm sure it sounds.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I will write this now if you guys want it more than 'What Happens In Vegas.' If you want me to finish WHIV first, let me know and I'll write this one over summer vacay. If you haven't read WHIV, it'd be really great if you could go read that (it's only one chapter long), and let me know if you like that story or this story more. I'll eventually write them both either way, so it doesn't really matter to me...