Summary: He saw them hand in hand and the smiles on their faces, but he knew what really happened behind closed doors. He had the strongest desire ever for her, but all he could do was wait.

Song: Can't Help But Wait

Artist: Trey Songz

Chad stood up against his locker, completely ignoring Troy's rambling beside him. His best friend was complaining about his father, but Chad couldn't pay attention. He was too busy staring at the girl passing through his eyes. But this wasn't just any girl. This was probably the most beautiful girl that Chad had ever seen in his entire life. Her black curls framing her beautiful face. Her dark brown eyes covered with light eye shadow matched her dark, flawless skin. But if there was one thing that could distract Chad from this goddess, it was the teen that had his arm low around her waist.

Tyrell Brown. The most self-absorbed, aggressive player anyone had ever known. He was known for his dirty language, his baggy wardrobe, and most important, his My-Way-Or-The-Highway attitude. It was only a quarter into the school year and Tyrell had already had 23 girlfriends, all of which had been mistreated and abused by him. The princess that Chad was staring at was now the 24th and had probably been treated the worst.

This girl was none other than Chad's best female friend, Taylor McKessie. The once fun and bubbly girl that Chad knew had transformed into this shy, timid, and scared one that he had grown to know. It broke his heart to see her walking through the halls with a fake smile on her face, pretending that she was okay. But on the inside, Chad knew that she was on her knees and begging anyone who would listen for help. Chad was the only one who could see the obvious signs, but he knew that there was nothing he could do for her except to give her a place to run to. All he could do was wait.

I see you

You with him

He aint right

But you don't trip

Chad couldn't understand it. Did she enjoy being hurt by him? Did she wake up every morning and say "Another day, another beating. I can live with that." Of course not, he would think to himself. She was looking for a way out every passing day. Every time Tyrell laid a hand on her, she would somehow use that as an excuse to tell herself that she was strong. But with every bottle of cover up that she used to hide the bruises, she would call herself weak and vulnerable. Chad would just hold her and tell her that she was perfect, just locked inside a shell. Tyrell had the key and would never let go of it. It all sent bile to Chad's throat, but he knew that he just had to wait for her. Time would eventually bring them together one day. He could just feel it.

As he was walking home with Troy, who was still complaining about his dad, Chad stopped short and peered around the corner, hearing strange noises coming from the empty street. His jaw dropped as he witnessed Tyrell locking lips with Summer, the school's biggest slut. He had her crushed against the hard brick wall with his hands pulling down her red G-string. She was tugging at his black wife beater and shoving her tongue down his throat, muttering things to him. Tyrell commanded "What the fuck is you doin'?!"

Summer giggled "Trying to get your shirt off silly."

Tyrell slapped her across the face and after she fell to the ground in a heap, he snapped "Don't ever call me 'silly' you stupid bitch. Now get up outta here! I got business to take care of!"

Summer nodded through tears and ran out of the ally, trying to keep her denim mini skirt up.

Tyrell turned around and called "Yo! Move ya ass!"

Chad's blood ran cold and he tensed as Taylor slowly walked out, blood and bruises covering her face and bare chest. Oh God, her bare chest?! What was going on?!

"Did you see that?" Tyrell asked, ripping her hands away from her breasts. She closed her eyes tightly and nodded as Tyrell scanned her barely clothed body. He moved closer to her as he whispered "You look so much better when you're bleeding."

Taylor, again, just nodded. She wouldn't dare let this monster see her cry.

"You gonna match that?"


"You gonna be a bad girl?"


"You gonna refuse again?"


"ANSWER ME!!" Slap.


"Good," Tyrell grinned. He grabbed her by her legs and tossed her over his shoulder. "I can't wait to bang you."

By now, Chad had a fire burning in his eyes and was ready to charge, but Troy pulled him back snapping "No Chad! Let it go."

"No! I've seen her get hurt one too many times!" Chad snarled, making sure that Tyrell didn't hear him.

"Chad, she said that she didn't want help, so if you really love her, you'll let her fight her way out of this. Okay?"

Chad took one last look back at his best girl friend and sighed "Fine. Next time I'll kill him."

Troy rolled his eyes and replied "Okay man. Just make sure that you're careful around them. Anyways, I gotta go. My dad wants me home for some extra practice. See you later."

Chad waved and looked back at Taylor. She had tears streaming down her face and Tyrell's hand grazing her butt. She looked up at Chad and mouthed "Leave."

Chad gave her a look of love and mouthed "Eight o'clock."

Taylor nodded, knowing what he was talking about. Every Friday night, Taylor would spend the night at Chad's and just cry. She couldn't cry anywhere else because someone would hear her, but Chad's house was always empty on Friday nights and mornings. She would come at eight when his parents had their weekly date and leave at ten the next morning, when his parents checked on him. It was a routine that they had ever since Chad found out that Tyrell was dating Taylor. Taylor knew right away that Chad knew, but begged him to keep it a secret. The only reason Chad agreed was because he loved her.

Chad looked away and walked to his house to prepare for that night. He rented Taylor's favorite movie, A Walk to Remember, bought her favorite Keyshia Cole album, and bought 2 jugs of cookies and cream ice cream to help her calm down. After that, all he did and could do was wait.


At 8:00, the doorbell rang. Chad sprang up from the couch and ran to the door, preparing himself for the tears. When he opened the door, Taylor wasted no time in jumping into his arms and sobbing on his chest. Chad picked her up bridal style and shut the door with his foot, leading her back to the living room. The DVD player was ready to play the movie and Heaven Sent was playing in the stereo. Taylor calmed a little bit and murmured "T-this is my f-favorite song."

Chad laughed "Really? How did I know that?"

Taylor smiled and wiped away a few tears, replying "You know me all too well."

Chad nodded and buried his head in her hair, carefully asking "What happened?"

He could feel her getting worked up all over again as she said "After you left he dragged me into his apartment and threw me onto the bed. He said something about him being my master and me being a piece of shit. After he finished with me, he threw me out of the door by my hair and I ran here. It's not as bad as last week, but it was still horrible."

Chad now had her in the tightest hug possible and was gently rocking her back and forth. As she cried, he whispered "I never should've left you."

Taylor shook her head and argued "No Chad. If you followed me, he would've killed you as well as me. He's really possessive."

Chad refused "I don't care. I could've helped you. I feel so guilty."

Taylor smiled lightly and kissed his cheek, saying "Thanks for at least caring about me. You really are my best friend."

Chad smiled, but thought "Why can't we be more?"

He sighed and piped up "Okay, how about we watch a movie? It'll get your mind off of it."

Taylor groaned "Please don't say it's Snakes on a Plane. I heard that it was really stupid, but it seems like your kind of movie."

Chad's mouth dropped playfully as he snapped "Hey! I take offense to that!"

Taylor laughed at his reaction and replied "No seriously, what is it?"

Chad raised an eyebrow slyly and said "Trust me, we're gonna have a Walk to Remember tonight..."

Taylor squealed and hugged her best friend since kindergarten tightly, shouting "Oh my God Chad! That's my favorite movie! Are you sure you wanna watch it though?"

Chad shrugged "As long as you're happy, I'm happy. And trust me, that's not often."

Taylor rolled her eyes and replied "It's not entirely my fault. You know that."

Chad kissed her forehead and whispered "Don't worry about it. You're safe with me. I promise."

Taylor smiled and nestled into his arms, waiting for the movie to start. She piped up "Chad, what if Tyrell forced me to marry him?"

She could feel the heat through Chad's shirt from his blood boiling. "I'll never let that happen." He seethed.

"But what if it does? He'll kill me."

Chad pulled her even closer to him, if that was possible and worried aloud "That can't happen. You mean too much to me to let that happen."

"As friends, right?" Taylor asked, a little worried. If Chad felt something other than friendship for her and Tyrell found out, they were both dead.

Chad reluctantly lied "Yeah. You're my best...oh how do I put this...uhh...friend girl."

Taylor laughed at his joke, which set a spark in Chad's heart. He loved hearing her laugh. It was rare, so he relished every second of it.

"Thanks for this Chad. Most of the people I know would kick me out in fear of Tyrell coming and beating them up."

Chad grinned "What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Or us for that matter..."

Another joke, another laugh. Chad had to keep this up. She would be back to normal in no time and her confidence would grow enough to get the police involved. He couldn't wait for that day.

45 minutes later, Chad felt the mass of beauty in his arms go limp. He looked down and smiled when he found Taylor peacefully asleep with a smile on her face. He stroked her hair and kissed her forehead, whispering "I won't hurt you Taylor. I promise. All I have to do is wait..."

You stand by

While he lies

Then turn right round and forgive

Monday eventually rolled around and Chad was diffidently not looking forward to the week. It was Locker Inspection Week and every locker in the school would be searched. If they found anything suspicious, you would be questioned. Chad knew that he had nothing to hide, but he was worried sick about Taylor. Since his locker was so messy, Tyrell hid his condoms in Taylor's locker. If the workers found that, she would be busted. And if she blamed it on Tyrell, the consequences would be...deadly.

Chad sighed and walked up to Troy's locker, waiting for his friend to arrive. As he was turning the corner, he spotted Taylor pressed up against the locker by Tyrell's muscular arms. She had her eyes closed as he gnawed at her neck and lips, mumbling an occasional "I love you" Chad turned around immediately. He heard the merciless sound of a slap and a whimper if "I love you too." Chad shook his head and tried to hold back his tears. Even when Tyrell beat her in public, she still had to forgive him and say that she loved him too. Although it could have been worse, Chad didn't want to think of the possibilities.

I can't take

To see your face

With those tears running down your cheeks

But what can I do

I gotta stay true

Cause deep down

I'm still a G

Chad didn't know how much longer he could take this. The tears, the cries for help, the depression and agony were almost enough to make him cry himself. But, knowing that he could do absolutely nothing about it until Taylor gave him permission, he tried to avoid the situation as much as possible, but still keeping a watchful eye on his beloved Taylor. He was, however, still the second most popular boy in school and no one expected him to go soft for just one person.

And I don't wanna come between you and your man

Even though I know I treat you better than he can

Troy walked up to Chad and smiled brightly "Hey man! What's up?"

"It's locker inspection week."

Troy's smile faltered. Chad had been complaining about it all weekend, but he wasn't whining about his locker. It was Taylor's. Even though Chad was his best friend and he wanted him to be happy, Troy couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. Taylor was hanging off a cliff because she said yes to Tyrell and Chad was dragging himself down with her. Still, he didn't complain. He knew that the more he complained, the more stress Chad would receive on his shoulders. He had to bite his tongue to keep from replying what was on his mind.

"Yeah, you might want to clean yours out. It smells a little crappy in there." Troy joked, trying to avoid the subject of the worst couple of East High.

Chad nodded slowly, still eyeing the couple about 15 lockers down. "That bastard better not blame her for the condoms. I'll turn him inside out if he does."

Troy sighed. He had to end this conversation before it got out of hand and Chad went nuts. He dismissed himself with "You do that. Okay, I'm off to homeroom. See you there."

Chad sent him a lazy nod, not really caring where Troy was going. All he cared about was Taylor at the moment and even he could do nothing about that situation but wait.

Girl I can't help but wait

Till you get back with him

It don't change

I can't help but wait

Till you see that with me it ain't the same

I can't help but wait

Till you see you for what you really are

Baby girl you are a star

And I can't help but wait

Chad hung his head later that day at lunch. He felt so at fault. He was talking to Taylor about throwing the condoms in the trash can when inspection time came, but Tyrell came along and pushed Chad away from her. She walked into lunch 5 minutes ago with a giant bruise crawling up her cheek. Chad was devastated. Again, it was all his fault. He never should've left her alone with that monster she called a boyfriend.

Chad sent her a small smile when she looked over at him. She returned it, but only for a few seconds. It dropped immediately as soon as Tyrell grabbed her by her arm and led her over to his lunch table, filled with his perverted friends. It was hell on earth for her and Chad.

It aint fresh to just let him call the shots

You're a queen

You should be getting all that someone's got

You should be rockin' the latest

Purses, bracelets, and watches

...The Next Day...

Chad jumped around the halls, unable to contain his excitement. Today was Valentines Day. Today was the day that Chad planned to tell Taylor about his feelings for her. Sure, it would add to the pressure of going out with Tyrell, but at least it would make him feel better and he wouldn't have to hold anything back anymore.

You worth much more than an occasion

Oh, I love you

I'm thinkin' of you

Chad waltzed right up to Taylor's locker and, knowing that Tyrell wasn't at school, chirped "Hey Tay! Happy V Day!"

Taylor looked up and beamed. She seemed so much happier when Tyrell's presence was absent.

"Chad! You remembered!" She squealed and jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly. Chad hugged her back and replied "I got something for you."

"Oh! What is it?!" Taylor jumped. She was acting like a two year old in a candy store.

Chad laughed at her behavior and fished through his book bag, a wide grin on his face. "Ah hah!" he finally piped up, pulling out a navy blue velvet box. Taylor's mouth dropped in surprise. "Oh my God! What's that?"

"Open it." Chad whispered, moving a little closer to her. She didn't notice and opened the box, revealing the most beautiful diamond necklace ever.

"Oh God! Chad, you really didn't have to do this!" Taylor groaned, looking up into his loving eyes. He didn't show any sign of hesitation or hurt as he said "Look again."

And I don't wanna come between you and your man

Even though I know I treat you better than he can

Taylor, confused, looked down at the box again and gasped when she saw a little note underneath the chain. She took it out and read aloud "Look up. Huh?" She looked up at Chad and started "What's that supposed to me-"

She couldn't finish. She was interrupted by a pair of lips crashing down onto hers. Shocked, Taylor backed up against the lockers and allowed Chad to snake his arms around her waist and pull her as close to him as possible. She found her way through his arms and pulled him towards the lockers with her by his back. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue and she opened her mouth to let him in. The hallway became silent as the student body watched the two best friends kiss, when one of them was already taken by an abusive teenager.

Chad reluctantly pulled away from Taylor and smiled "I've always told you that I could do better than him."

Taylor nodded "I know. Thanks for proving it to me."

Chad kissed her forehead, trailed down her nose, and finished on her lips, replying "I love you Taylor."

Taylor let out a lone tear as she shakily replied "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to say that."

"All you had to do was ask." Chad whispered as he held her in his arms, taking in all of her tears and pain. He couldn't stand to see her in pain.

"Chad, what are we gonna do about Tyrell? If he finds out about me and you, he'll kill both of us."

Chad rolled his eyes and answered "Don't worry. We'll call the police at lunch and report abuse."

"We don't have proof and you're the only one who knows about it." Taylor glumly said.

Chad grinned slyly "You sure about that?"

Puzzled, Taylor asked "You have proof?"

Chad grabbed his cell phone from his pocket and maneuvered to the video section of his phone. He clicked on a specific one and softly commanded "Watch."

Taylor's gaze drifted to the screen and her mouth dropped. The video was of Tyrell raping Taylor on Friday. Taylor was screaming and crying while Tyrell slapped and punched her, trying to remove her shorts. The video ended after a minute and Chad closed the phone, carefully looking up at Taylor.

"I told you leave on that day." Taylor whispered, looking up at Chad.

Chad shrugged "I always tell you that I have your back, even if you don't want me to."

Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around Chad's neck and he felt someone jump into his body. He laughed as Taylor cried "Thank you so much Chad!"

Chad stroked her head "It's nothing. I just want you to get away from that monster."

Girl I can't help but wait

Till you get back with him

It don't change

I can't help but wait

Till you see that with me it aint the same

I can't help but wait

Till you see you for what you really are

Baby girl you are a star

And I can't help but wait

Get it together

You can do better

Seeing's believing

And I see what you need, so

I'm gonna play my position

Let you catch what you've been missing

I'm calling out

Taylor wiped away a lone tear that was making its way down her face as she cried "I never thought this day would come."

Chad held her close and replied "I know. I finally got the guts to tell you that I love you and now Tyrell's not in the picture anymore."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that..." came a deep threatening voice behind the couple. They spun around and froze as they faced a furious Tyrell...

Who was holding a gun to Chad's head.

"Tyrell..." Taylor tried, but Tyrell turned the gun to her and seethed "You wanna get shot too?! Then I suggest you shut the fuck up!"

"Don't you dare talk to her like that!" Chad shouted, taking a step toward Tyrell.

"Don't move or I'll blow your brains out!" Tyrell threatened just as angry.

Chad's eyes still glittered in fury, but he held his position. He didn't want to risk it.

"Tyrell, this isn't what it looks like." Taylor tried to explain, but ended up getting slapped across the face.

"Oh really?" the furious dark skinned teen seethed "So you're saying that you're not a dirty slut cheating on your boyfriend?"

"You've cheated on me since the day we got together! So don't even-" Slap.

Chad couldn't take it anymore. He had seen her get hurt one too many times and wasn't about to let it happen again. He lunged at Tyrell and pinned him to the ground, trying to remove the gun from his hands.

"Get the fuck off of me Danforth!" Tyrell shouted, punching Chad in the stomach.

"Not until I send you to burn in hell, Brown!" Chad screamed back with just as much anger and maybe more."

After a couple more minutes, Chad finally managed to pry the gun out of Tyrell's strong grip. He got to his feet and held the gun to his head, commanding "Stand up and wait until I call the cops. You're going to jail."

Tyrell sighed and slowly followed orders, eyeing Chad with a suspicious look. He looked like he was trying to suppress a grin, but it wasn't working. Chad took a stronger hold of the gun in his hand and caught the phone that Taylor tossed in his direction. She had a triumphant grin on her face as she eyed Tyrell, mouthing "It's over." Tyrell just rolled his eyes.

Chad called 911 and briefly started "Hello 911? Yeah, I'd like to report- AHH!!"

He didn't finish. Not even processing what happened, he felt his hand open and his skin break. He fell to the floor and clutched his bleeding arm. Tyrell quickly picked the gun off the floor and held it to Chad's arm, getting ready to shoot.

"Bad move Danforth. You forgot that I know how to kick something out of someone's hands."

Chad looked up at Tyrell and then down at his arm, which now had a bloody hole in it. Tyrell had shot him.

"CHAD!!" Taylor screamed as she ran over to him, but was stopped by a hand coming over to her face.

"Stay away from him McKessie or I'll kill both of you!" Tyrell demanded, keeping Chad on the ground with his foot and turning the gun to face Taylor. Taylor looked down at Chad, who nodded. Taylor held her place.

"Now," Tyrell started "I had fun with our little chat here, but I really need to-"

"FREEZE!!" Came a voice towards the doors of the school. Every head in the room turned and jaws dropped at the sight of 4 police officers holding guns up to Tyrell, who was frozen in fear.

"How the hell did they-"

"Apparently," Chad groaned "You forgot that the police can trace calls as long as the phone is still on. I didn't end the call. Sucks for you." Tyrell just gave him a hateful glare.

One of the officers slowly walked towards Tyrell and boomed "Put the gun down and keep quiet." Tyrell, out of fear, followed orders. No grin or suspicious eye this time.

The blonde cop caught the handcuffs that his partner threw to him and threw Tyrell against the lockers. "You're under arrest against abuse and attempted murder charges. Anything that you say can and will be used against you..."

While Tyrell was being led out of the building, the paramedics were called and were there in a flash, setting Chad on the stretcher.

"Are you sure that you'll be alright?" Taylor worried aloud, stroking Chad's bruised cheek.

Chad nodded "Yeah, I'll be fine. See you at the hospital?"

Taylor nodded and quickly wiped away a tear, half of it landing on Chad's forehead.

"Hey, don't cry." He pleaded.

"Chad, you were shot by my boyfriend. How can I just hold that in?" Taylor sobbed, falling into his chest. Chad wrapped his good arm around her back and shushed her, whispering "Tay, you need to be strong. For the both of us."

Taylor nodded and whimpered "I love you Chad."

Chad beamed "I love you too Taylor. More than you know." She smiled back at him.

As she watched him being carried away by the paramedics, she whispered "Thanks for saving me Chad. Even if you had to wait."

Girl I can't help but wait

Till you get back with him

It don't change

I can't help but wait

Till you see that with me it ain't the same

I can't help but wait

Till you see you for what you really are

Baby girl you are a star

And I can't help but wait

Wow! That's a long one! It took me a whole week to write! Anyways, REVIEW PLEASE! Thnx :)

Rachel :)

The song's "Can't Help But Wait" by Trey Songz :)