A/N Hey I'm back. Sorry this chapters a bit on the short side I'm working on the next one so it should be up soon!! Hope you enjoy it. Vix x.

Jack woke in the early hours of the morning to find Ianto had gone from their bed. He took his mobile of the bedside cabinet and dialled Ianto's number from memory, jumping slightly when he heard the phone ringing in Ianto's jeans that were neatly draped over the back of a chair in his room, confused as to the whereabouts of his lover he threw on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and climbed the ladder out of his bunker.

Jack found Ianto in the room Hermione had set up for Teddy next to her own. Ianto was stood over the small bed watching the small child sleep. Jack stood leaning against the door frame watching them both for a moment before walking quietly towards Ianto. "I was worried about you." Jack whispered so he didn't wake Teddy, he stood behind Ianto wrapping his arms around his waist, smiling as Ianto relaxed into his embrace.

"Couldn't sleep, didn't want to wake you." Ianto replied resting his head on Jacks shoulder. "Came to make sure Teddy was alright."

"He's fine, come back to bed, it's cold without you." Jack asked kissing Ianto on the nape of his neck.

"I will in a bit, go back to bed." Ianto replied. "Gonna stay here a while longer." Ianto said looking back down at the sleeping child.

"Do you want one someday?" Jack asked softly.

"I thought I did Jack, I'm not so sure anymore. I don't know if it would be right bringing a child into this world working for Torchwood. How about you."

"I.. I have a daughter, Alice and a grandson, Steven. I don't see them as often as I'd like, Alice likes me to keep my distance, what with my inability to die." Jack replied honestly. "It's also safer for them if I keep away I suppose, doesn't mean it hurts any less."

"I'm sorry Jack, I didn't know." Ianto said softly turning to face his partner.

"Don't apologise it's not your fault, I'm lucky she lets me spend anytime with him, even if it is as Uncle Jack."

"Hey, don't get upset." Ianto said quietly running the pad of his thumb under Jacks eye catching any tears that were about to fall, before pulling him in for a brief kiss. "Lets go back to bed, thanks for trusting me enough to tell me that."

"No more secrets." Jack stated kissing Ianto again. "Will you come back to bed now?"

"Yeah." The younger man relied before tucking Teddy into the small bed and kissing him on the forehead. "And for the record I think you'd make a great Dad."

"So will you, one day." Jack smiled sadly, knowing that if Ianto chose that path, he'd have to let him go and that was not something he wanted to consider right now, if ever.

"I'm not going anywhere Jack." Ianto reassured him, sensing the other man's discomfort. "Unless of course you're in the mood for a shower." Ianto winked, causing Jack to smile.

"Oh yeah. Meet you there in say ten minutes, just gonna check on the rift alert."

"Don't be late, Sir." Ianto smirked taking the stopwatch out of his jogging bottoms and pressing the button on the top.

Ten minutes later Jack found himself being stripped naked and pushed into the tiny shower cubicle under his office, as soon as his back hit the cold tiles of the wall behind him Ianto's mouth was on his. Jack felt Ianto's hand running up and down his smooth chest, wrapping his arms around Ianto's waist he pulled the younger man closer, kissing him more hungrily, the hot spray of the shower raining down on their faces. Jack spun Ianto around, pushing him up against the cool glass door of the shower. Jack grabbed the soap off the shelf beside him, lathering it up in his hand he then began to circle the younger mans hole, before pushing a finger inside him. Ianto began to buck against his hand. Jack added another finger then a third before running his hand over Ianto's painfully hard erection, leaning forward he whispered in his lovers ear.

"I want you so much Yan." Reaching over to the shelf again he picked up a condom, placing a soft kiss on Ianto's shoulder he went to open the packet.

"Don't." Ianto said looking over his shoulder at a confused Jack. "I want to feel you." Realisation dawned on Jack's face.

"Are you sure?" The older man asked seriously.

"Like I said last night, we're both clean."

"As long as you're sure?" Ianto merely nodded. It was all the encouragement Jack needed, before he began to push slowly into Ianto's tight hole until he was buried to the hilt, relishing in the feeling of taking him bare he pulled out slowly he pushed back in, Jack adjusted his angle so he brushed past the other man's prostate, causing him to moan. Setting a steady pace Jack continued to thrust slowly into Ianto, placing one hand against the wall next to Ianto's head he snaked the other around the front of Ianto's body running it down his body he wrapped it round Ianto's leaking cock, Ianto brought his own hand down placing it on top of Jack's and pumped his cock in time with Jack's thrusts.

"Jaaack." Ianto moaned as he came. Jack pulled swiftly out of Ianto spun him round looking into his eyes. Placing his hands on Ianto's shoulders, Jack pushed his young lover gently to his knees. Ianto watched as Jack began to stroke his cock, bringing himself to his own climax, Jack came in spurts over Ianto's face, before collapsing against the wall behind him exhausted. Ianto rose from the floor picking a flannel up he wiped his face with it, he then set about cleaning Jack up as well. They began to kiss lazily as they washed each other, When he felt the water was beginning to run cold Jack reached round Ianto and turned off the shower, grabbing two towels he passed one to Ianto and wrapped the other round his waist.

"Come on I'm sure the aliens will let us have a few more hours before they decide to invade, lets go back to bed you look shattered." Jack smiled at Ianto.

"Well you do tire me out Sir" Ianto grinned back at Jack, walking past him through the door towards Jack's bed. Jack watched Ianto go and realised how thin the younger man had become, not wanting to bring attention to as he knew it was a touchy subject he made a mental note to make sure he ate more. One of the things he admired about Ianto was his ability to look after everybody around him, the only problem was he seemed to forget to look after himself and after the incident with the cannibals and the space whale he had started to eat less and less.

Jack climbed into bed next to Ianto, wrapping his arm around Ianto's shoulder he pulled him against his side. Ianto rested his head on Jack's chest.

"What am I gonna tell the others Jack?" Ianto sighed as looked up at Jack. "There gonna hate me, cause I lied to them again."

"They wont hate you and if they do they have no right to, we all have secrets." Jack smiled at him leaning down and kissing Ianto on his forehead.

"Do you hate me? All I've done since I met you is hide myself from you."

"How could I possibly hate you, I lo… I could never hate you." Jack whispered. "Do you still want me to come with you? I'd understand if you wanted to do this alone."

"Of course I want you to come with me. You're a big part of my life now, I couldn't do this without you, besides you have to save me from Mrs Weasley's mollycoddling, the twins practical jokes and not forgetting Ginny, cause she used to have this scary crush on me, I don't know if she's over it yet and who knows what might happen if you're not there to protect me." Ianto smirked at Jack's expression it was somewhere between confusion and jealousy.

"You're mine, Jones, Ianto Jones and you better not forget." Jack growled playfully as me pushed Ianto onto his back and climbed on top of him, placing his arms at either side of the younger man head. "Am I gonna have to remind you." Jack whispered, his hardness pressing into Ianto's thigh as he captured Ianto's lips in a fierce kiss. They broke apart suddenly at the sound of the rift alarm going off. Ianto groaned dropping his head back against the pillow in defeat. "Later." Jack sighed as he pecked Ianto quickly on the lips, before he pushed himself up of the bed and began to get dressed and climbed the ladder into his office Ianto followed shortly after.