a/n: right, sorry for the long update, I'm on vacation and do hope to get a lot done, at least to chapter 10? maybe? we will see i guess.
chapter 7: 9 and 3 quarters.
September first came around as a bright cheerful day. Harry was in a very happy mood, for he was going to be leaving his relatives house for good, or at least for the year. He knew that something drastic would be happening, aside from him using magic this year, and so he felt confident of his self for what appeared to be the first time in his entire life.
Harry's uncle had him to kings cross bye half past 10, and harry had all his stuff on carts, looking around for platform 9 and three quarters. He was able to see platform 10, as well he could see platform 9, however he could not find a platform 9 and three quarters. Asking a station attended proved to have not been helpful what so ever, "Boy, where are your parents, shouldn't they be helping you? Bye the way there is no such thing as platform 9 and three quarters." Was the only response Harry got when he asked for help. The man then continued on muttering about jokester kids, and people who thought he was rude. Harry however was the one who thought the man was rude. Obviously there was a platform 9 and three quarters, or dumbledore would have not instructed him to go to that platform. Looking around, harry saw a group of red heads walking his way.
"I wish you all would have gathered your stuff much sooner", the mom figure appeared to be saying, "Ron, why don't you get ready to go first" she continued whilst standing between platforms 9 and 10.
'Ron", shouted Harry, "Is that you"
Looking around, the shortest red head mail walked over, "Harry", he said slapping him on the back, "I'm sure you don't know how to get on the platform right"
Nodding, harry gestured to his stuff, "And how i get all this stuff on there either"
"Not a problem", said Ron gesturing for harry to follow him, "Just walk at the wall, and don't worry, you will go threw. Sometimes it's best to do it at a bit of a run, like this", and with that Ron ran toward the wall, disappearing from sight once he should have hit it.
Harry thought that he should try it, and so then went ahead and headed toward the wall. He looked to his right however right as he hit the wall and saw Ginny running along side of him, looking intently at him. Once he went threw the wall, his shoulder and hers brushed and a light shined behind his eyes. Then harry saw him and Ginny as they were older, but he was confused. They were kissing, and after harry saw that, he shook his head and started to blush.
"Are you all right?" Asked Ginny looking down at Harry.
"Yes, i, am, ok, thanks", said harry looking around.
There were, what appeared to be a few hundred people running around. There was just about everyone with a cage of some sort and a trunk like harrys. Looking off to his left, he spotted Ginny's older brother Ron walking toward them. He also saw a bushy haired girl walking with Ron. "Hi Ron again", said harry to Ron, "Who's your friend"
"Harry, Ginny, this is Hermione Granger", said Ron smiling.
"Yes", said Hermione, "Ron here was nice enough to help me put my trunk into a compartment and we have there for saved you guys a compartment"
Looking down Ginny responded sadly, "I won't be going to school this year, that's for next year"
"That's all right", Harry replied not thinking, "When you get to school we will all hang out right"
Hugging harry on a whim ginny said, "Thank you harry, thank you"
Harry, feeling a bit tense, looked around. Then, as suddenly as it started, Harry started to relax into Ginny's arms, then she let go of him. Harry and Ginny both started to blush and didn't look at each-other. They both looked at Hermione who had a smile on her face. "What"? they both asked.
"Nothing", she responded looking over at Ron, "Ask Ron, it looks like he knows"
"They are going to be friends", whispered Harry to Ginny, "I can see it now"
Ginny just nodded and said, "Ron, look it's mom"
"Mom", said Ron, "this is Hermione Granger. She is a friend of mine"
"I told you", whispered Harry to Ginny, "She's his friend"
Ginny just smiled and looked toward her brother and Hermione.
"Ron, very nice you've met a new friend, but look", she said pointing at a clock, "It's about time to go"
All the kids looked up at the clocked, then gave hugs all around, running off for the train. That's all accept for Harry who just got a hug from Ginny then was shoved off toward the train. Harry thought to his self, this could just be a wonderful year.
a/n: I hope you all liked this update, rather shorter, but, what can i say. This is at least chapter 7, i guess i'll see what i can get done. Yes, ginny and Harry are slowly getting closer.
anyways, it's a nice day here in oregon where I'm vacationing in, so I'm going to go out and play.
I am in the process of writing chapter 8 as i type this. And hope to get it up soon.
I never really thought that i would be "Vacationing" in Oregon, but alas, i digress, I'm off all.