Okay, so I finished this at like, three in the morning, so I wasn't all there. I'm aware that Spain isn't in South America, but I just wasn't thinking clearly. Also, I changed it around alot, so I just forgot to change it. Also, being the bright one that I am, I didn't even realize about the Emily-calling-Casey thing.. but that was also changed around.

Thanks for catching all of my mistakes!

Derek gets onto the show "Moment Of Truth" and is asked question resulting into Derek/Casey relationship discovery


Edwin and Lizzie watching it from home, relatives, friends.

Derek gets asked a question about Casey.

Casey, Sally, George, Nora and your own choice on the bench.

A Casey/Derek kiss.

Not too OOC.

-can be a oneshot, twoshot or threeshot

--And As For The Truth--

As soon as the final bell rang at Sir John Sparrow Thomson High School, Derek rushed home to the Venturi/MacDonald residence to check the messages on the answering machine. He had been expecting a call, and was anxious to find out the answer to his question.

'You have two unheard messages.' The automated voice rang through the empty house, as Derek typed in the code.

'First unheard message, sent today at eight thirty-two: Hey Lizzie.. it's Jamie. Anyways, things seemed kinda weird between us yesterday. So I'm just calling you like I said I would. So call me back when you get this. 'Kay... bye.'

Derek rolled his eyes, and deleted the message. Jamie seemed nervous, and if he hadn't told Lizzie what was on his mind, he probably never will.

'Message deleted. Next message, sent today at two fifty-three: This is a message for Derek Venturi. This is Howard Schultz, from The Moment Of Truth. You have been chosen to be a contestant on the show, two weeks from today. You will receive a package in the mail, giving you more information. Call back at this number to confirm your spot on the show. Thank you and we will hopefully see you then.'

Derek listened to the message a few more times, before the news sank in; he would be on his new favourite TV show. The Moment of Truth had been his new obsession since the beginning of the year, when it had first premiered.

He ran to the front of his house, opened the door, and checked the mail. Sure enough, there was a package addressed to him, among bills for George and Nora, and magazines for the rest of the kids. He took the thick, manila envelope, left the rest of the mail, and went back inside.

Derek searched the kitchen for a well-needed snack, and a letter opener. As soon as he had accomplished both tasks, he sat down at the kitchen counter, and opened his letter. Inside was a thick stack of papers, explaining the rules of the game show. After reading a few pages, he discovered the rules. The show was simple; there was the contestant, who would be hooked up to a polygraph before the show, and they would be asked questions. During the show, they would be asked twenty-one of the same questions, but they wouldn't know the results of the polygraph test. In the end, if they answer all of the personal questions truthfully, they win 500, 000.

Derek was fairly confident about this. There was nothing too embarrassing about his past. At least, nothing that would hurt anyone close. He had had his fair share of relationships, but nothing serious, so the chance of him being questioned about someone special was next to nothing.

Unless you counted his past with Casey. One night, about a year before, they had been locked in their upstairs bathroom, during what Derek liked to call, 'The Party of the Year.' The doorknob had been broken, and Casey had slammed the door while Derek was trying to fix it, resulting in the two of them being locked in there for a few hours. There had been some harsh words, a few apologies, and one big round of forgiveness. There, on the cold, bathroom floor, they had fallen in love.

Their relationship had been put on hold, while Casey was on a foreign exchange trip to Spain. She had been there already for four months, and wasn't expected back for another two. Since it was their last year at high school, Casey had been looking for ways to impress the university deans all around the country. She had figured that by going to a foreign place, learning how to speak Spanish fluently, and teaching an English-As-A-Second-Language class, she would be easily accepted. Of course, this was all true; Casey had the potential and the knowledge to get into Ivy League schools like Yale and Harvard, if she wanted to.

But no one knew of their relationship, not even their younger siblings. If word got out that Derek was going out with Casey, his step-sister, he wasn't sure what would come out of it. Maybe people would view them as freaks, but on the other hand, maybe people, including their parents, would be totally cool with it.

Derek continued reading the package, until he had memorized all of the rules. Silently going over them in his head, he heard the sound of a key in the door. He knew that his family was home, and he would have to tell them the good news at some point that night.

'Hi Derek,' George said, walking into the kitchen, carrying a bag of groceries. 'Mind bringing in a few bags?'

Derek picked up his papers, stuffed them into the envelope, and rolled his eyes at his father. 'Dad. Do you really see me bringing in your food?'

George sighed. He knew it was a lost cause, when it came to Derek and helping other people. 'I wasn't asking, Derek.' He said, trying to show responsibility and parenting skills, which were more for his sake than his son's.

'I know you weren't asking, which is why you should get...' he grabbed Lizzie's shoulder, just as she was walking in the door, her arms full of paper bags full of food. '…Liz to help you out.'

George rolled his eyes, knowing that he had lost the battle between him and his son. As he set the bags down, he said, 'Derek, we need to have a talk at dinner. I got a call today, involving you.'

Derek leaned against the frame of the kitchen door. 'About what?'

'About some game or something?' George said, slightly distracted by the sight of his younger son, who had just walked into the room, covered in mud.

Derek shrugged, 'Hmm. You must be confused with someone else.' He knew that if he got into details now, George wouldn't pay the least bit of attention, with his ton of groceries and his other son trying to dig a hole to China.

He walked out of the kitchen, and into his room, where he closed the door, and looked at one of his current prized possessions; a framed picture of him and Casey, taken at the fall fair at the kid's middle school. Both of the teenagers looked so happy that day, and both Derek and Casey had copies of the picture, which Casey had with her, in Spain.

--And As For The Truth--

As the family sat down for dinner, Derek felt all eyes on him, as he was passed the mashed potatoes and the green beans.

'Okay. What is with the staring, eh?' Derek asked, serving himself generous helpings of food.

'Derek. We heard from Sam that you heard from a game show... The Moment Of Truth or something?' George said, looking at his son.

'You heard about that? That was supposed to be my big announcement.' Derek said, shifting slightly on his seat, feeling the package that he was sitting on. 'I heard from them today. I go on the show in two weeks.'

'Really?' Lizzie asked, looking excited. There hadn't been anything this exciting in the MacDonald/ Venturi residence since Casey's departure to Europes. But that had been four months ago.

Derek nodded. 'It's like a big game of Truth. They ask you questions, and you have to answer them carefully. But you're attached to a polygraph, so they know that you're telling the truth.'

'So even if it's a really embarrassing question, you have to answer it?' Edwin asked.

'Yup.' Derek confirmed. 'And if you answer all twenty-one, you win 500, 000.'

'Smereck!' Marti exclaimed, from her spot under the dining room table. 'You'll be a bajillionaire! You can take us to Disneyland!'

'Sure thing, Smarti.' Derek said, ruffling her hair. And although his plans with his soon-to-be 500, 000 had nothing to do with giant dancing mice, he had to admire his little sister's enthusiasm towards the money. He would have to buy her something nice.

'So, you're going to be on a game show?' Nora asked, still confused with his step-son's plans to be on TV. Derek was forever looking for ways to be in the spotlight. It started with his stint as a guitarist in his now-deceased band, D-Rock. Then, it had been his 'calling' as an actor, where he had been in the school play, along side with his step-sister. He was good enough at both music and acting, but nothing really seemed to grab him. At school, he was known as the school prankster and comedian, and he loved being in the spotlight. Being on TV would be a chance of a lifetime for him.

Derek nodded proudly. He knew that he could win the prize money; he didn't embarrass very easily. And the chance of anyone asking him about his step-sister was next to nothing, so he had nothing to worry about. He could take almost any question.

'Well,' Nora said, 'Good for you, then. What are you going to do with the money?'

'Actually, I have no idea.' Derek said. This much was true. He hadn't thought of what his real plan was, but he had ideas and fantasies. He would buy as much as he wanted, live in a mansion, and be surrounded by hot girls. This idea was tossed away, when Derek remembered Casey. Sure, he had gone on random dates, but that was only to fool the parents. Casey was okay with the idea; they had talked about it, so neither George nor Nora would ever find out.

'You could buy me a boat?' Edwin asked hopefully. Derek knew he was joking, but couldn't help himself, 'You aren't even old enough to drive, Ed.'

'Yeah, but you could buy me a hot driving teacher.' Edwin explained. Derek grinned. He was becoming just like his older brother.

'Maybe. But until then, I'll do the boat riding with the hot babes, thank you very much.' Derek said, smirking.

It seemed that the MacDonald/Venturi family was taking this well. Derek had expected some sort of outburst from George, or a questioning from Nora. His family's reaction had been pretty smooth. Now, only to tell Casey the good news.

Okay, so this is for a challenge. I plan to make it a threeshot. So tell me what you think!