Gaara had been suspicious of this meeting since he got the memo. It hadn't actually specified what was to happen, just that it was important. When he walked into the meeting room, everyone got quiet and looked at him. The worst part was, they were smiling.

Gaara frowned as he took his seat, eyes following his every move. "Why was the meeting called?" he asked.

Temari looked down sheepishly. "Well, see, some of the elders think it would be best... I mean, I guess they have a point, but-"

"They're forcing you to get married," stated Kankuro bluntly.

Gaara blinked. Married? But he was the Kazekage! They couldn't force him... right?

Hinata hurried through the halls of the Hyuuga compound. Her father said he had something he needed to talk to her about...

As she turned a corner, she almost bumped into Neji. "Ah! I'm so sorry, Neji!" she cried. Neji was going to be head of the Hyuuga family when her father died, since he was obviously a genius and fully capable of leading the clan.

He looked at her sadly, and put his hand on her head. "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop it... But I can't say I'm surprised. Good luck, Hinata." With that, he left, leaving Hinata puzzled, and extremely nervous.

He slipped into her father's 'meeting room', as he called it, and sat down across from him. "You said you n-needed to see me, father?"

He sighed. "Hinata, let me make it blunt for you. I've arranged a marriage for you with the Kazekage of the Sand Village. It will strengthen our friendship with them. That is all, you may go."

Hinata stumbled out of the room and collapsed against the wall. Married... to the Kazekage? But... wasn't he that bloodthirsty no-eyebrows boy from the Chuunin exams? And Naruto... Her eyes started swelling up with tears and she ran to her room. This couldn't be happening...

Temari popped into Gaara office. "Hey, Gaara, come with me to buy a suit for your wedding!"

He gave her a death-glare.

"B-but you need a suit," she continued hesitantly.

He continued glaring, but said, "Just get me anything. I don't care."

Temari left the room, only then to realise that she would need his measurements if he wasn't going to come. "Hey, Gaara..."

Hinata was supposed to meet Sakura, Ino, and Tenten at a bridal gown store, since they were all very excited for her. She was a bit less enthusiastic about the whole thing.

As she wandered over to the store, an energetic blonde ran up. "Hinata! Hinata!"

Her eyes grew wide as she saw Naruto approach. "Eh? Naruto?"

He met her with a big smile. "I just heard the news! Congratulations!" She looked away. "Th-thanks..."

"Gaara's a great guy, once you get to know him, really!" He reassured her with a nice-guy pose. She faked a smile, Even if he is, he's not the one I want to marry...

He left, once again congratulating her.

She sighed, and walked to the shop. He obviously still didn't know she liked him. Everyone was already there. They all smiled when they saw her. "Hinata! Come on!" yelled Ino.

They made her try on a really frilly dress and she blushed when she looked into the mirror.

"That's not a very flattering dress." Kiba appeared behind them, placing his hand on Hinata's shoulder.

She looked up in surprise. "Eh? Kiba!" Sakura and Ino huffed at him about how that wasn't very nice, until Hinata said she agreed with him. They shoved a different dress at her and practically threw her into the dressing room. When she came out, Kiba whistled.

"Now THAT'S a good dress, Hinata.," he said. She blushed and looked into the mirror. It was a simple dress, very traditional, and it fit her perfectly.

She bought the dress and as they were parting, Tenten whispered, "I hope you have a good marriage. Personally I would hate to marry someone I don't know." She gave a compassionate smile and took off.

Hinata was left with Kiba, who walked her home. "Kiba... why did you come into the shop today?" she questioned.

He shrugged. "I was passing by and saw you guys through the window. And I want to spend as much time with you before you're married. Thought you could use some advice, too. After all, what are teammates for?"

"Thank you, Kiba..."

That night, Naruto lay awake in his bed, thinking about Hinata once again. Damn you, Gaara... If only I had been faster...