It is here! CCS: Dark Fate, the main arc if my first every fanfic/story. You are going to have to read CCS: Dragon Master to get a good idea of the plot (Just check under my stories). Sorry that the first chapter is short, but I swear I will make them longer as I go. Special thanks too yuuwatase719 for betaing, with all my grammar issues, and Mrs. Radcliffe 13 for being the only one to review my story P. Well, lets begin!

Dark Fate Ch 1

Five years... it's been a while...

Syaoran stared out in the city. He was currently located in a old favorite hiding spot, the rooftops of Tomoeda Elementary.

Tomoeda... I'm finally home...


Hong Kong

The sword was perfect in his hand. The blade was large and powerful, yet light as a feather. The perfect shiny surface reflected everything, brimming and overflowing with magic. A long dragon has been etched on from the hilt of the blade, going clockwise around the blade all the way to the top. The Sword of Dragons. It was perfect. Excellent balance, length... The complete battle outfit was green, with 12 dragons sewn on to it. Salamandra and Odin on the right sleeve, Astra on the right side of the back, facing Luna, while Leviathan and Slyph was on the left arm. Blade and Ramuh was on the right pant leg, and Gaia and Celsius was on the left. In the center of the shirt, forming a yin-yang symbol, was Origin and Envoy.

Stop admiring it already. We have work to do.

Syaoran sighed. No more privacy. But Tian was right. It was time to head back to Sakura. This is what he had been preparing for. Five years... she would be waiting... wouldn't she?

"How are you, Xiao Lang?" Yelan hasn't seen her son conscious and functioning for weeks and now, he was carrying a huge burden on him. The power of the dragons. A power Clow Reed couldn't even claim.

"Fine, Ma-ma" Yelan recognized the hesitation and struggle in her son's voice. He was far from fine, but he was strong as the Dragon Master: an immortal. A warrior with near limitless power. The first immortal to pass the test and still have a heart. Could he be the one?

"Good, you shall now use a teleport spell to this location. This shall be your residence."

An image suddenly flashed inside of Syaoran's head, which went unnoticed by his speaking mother.

Whoa. What was that?

Tell you later. Listen to your mother!

Syaoran snapped back to attention. "Er, what about my old apartment?"

"Meilin lives there now."

"Wait, what is -"

"Meilin has taken your former powers. She is in Tomoeda as a layer of defense for Kinomoto Sakura."

"But -"

"Don't worry about Meilin. She has total control over her new powers."

Syaoran sighed. This was why he never tries to get in a conversation with his mother.

"Fanli will meet you at your new house. Prepare to teleport immediately."

"Wait, who? What?"

"Fanli and the Li clan dragon will fill you in with everything you need to know for your powers. Now go!"

The circle of dragon magic appear as Syaoran prepared to teleport. No use talking to his mother, he would probably never get any answers at this rate. White light enveloped Syaoran, and a second later, he landed in Tomoeda.

"So, you are the Dragon Master. Nice clothes."

Li turned to face an another Chinese teenager, slightly taller than Syaoran, with darker skin, dark eyes, and raven black hair. He was wearing dark blue robes, and carried a gold sword.

"Oh, right, I should introduce myself. I'm Fanli. The Demon Master."

Syaoran reacted instantly. He drew his sword and with a roar of battle cry, he aimed for the teenager's heart.

"Hey, hold it! I'm on your side!"

Syaoran ignored it. This boy was the controller of the demons that would try and kill the one girl he was trying to protect.

I won't let Sakura die!

A short period of time later

"Will you hold on a second and let me explain?!" the tall boy panted.

Fanli and Syaoran had been sparring for 10 minutes now, but the battle was going nowhere. None of Syaoran's attacks had even touched the Demon Master. Fanli had been dodging and deflecting the attacks with his golden blade, but Syaoran was puzzled. Why wasn't the other warrior striking back? Despite all of his training, Syaoran lost control of himself. His battle instincts kicked in and took over, but after ten minutes of failing to even scratch his opponent, he was on the edge. Ignoring Fanli's request, he drew upon his magic.

"Shui Long, zhao lai!" (Water dragon, come forth)

"Hei shui!" (Dark Water)

Two tidal waves appeared, and collided at each other. Both spells were negated, and Syaoran suddenly remembered that magic can't just disappear. He growled as he summoned the colossal power he had trained to achieve.


"Oh crap." Fanli muttered to himself, and attempted to conjure a barrier, but he was no match against a summoned dragon. The tidal wave destroyed his barrier, and he was blasted by a huge amount of magic.


Fanli stood back up, and asked "OK, you beat me. Now will you listen to me?"

"Why should I listen to you? YOU are the master of the demons that are trying to kill Sakura!" Syaoran gritted his teeth, anger arising in him. Did this demon take him for a fool?

"I may be a demon master, but I lost my control over the demons."

Syaoran gazed at him skeptically.

"Oh, come on!" Fanli said exasperatedly. "If I still had control of them, don't you think I would've protected myself from Leviathan just now? You would've been booted all the way to Pluto if I still had them in my grasp!"

"...oh. How did you lose control of your demons?"

"It's a long story. Just say it was a breach of contract on my part, but luckily I still have a good chunk of power. Just can't summon any demons. Anyways, enough of that. Welcome back to Tomoeda! You haven't been out of that house for five years. Come on, I'll give you a tour, and then we can hit town."

Syaoran followed Fanli into the house. It was a large house, decorated with Chinese dragons and lions. The decorations were pretty simple. There was a large kitchen and dining room, both very simple. Many rooms were empty, and on the second floor, there was nothing but bedrooms, each one having a bathroom. Each room had different color for wall paper and bed sheets. All of the rooms very plain, but they had a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.

"OK that is the house. Time to check out Tomoeda. I haven't been here for that long, so I haven't seen most of the town yet. Come on!"

Syaoran and Fanli left the house and walked into Syaoran's old hometown.

So this is your home. Nice. Never thought a small town like this will be a target of a great demonic force.

Syaoran sighed, and checked his watch. Past midnight. No one would be awake. Good. He just wanted to enjoy the city without many distractions.

"Lets liven things up a bit." Fanli said cheerfully. He leaped onto a roof of nearby house, and began jumping across rooftops. Syaoran followed suit.

Memory lane, much?


So many familiar places... the zoo... the park... the clock tower... and finally...

"Mind if we stop here for a sec?" Fanli responded with a nod, and landed on a roof with gates around it.

"Where is this?"

Tomoeda Elementary school... so many memories...

"Sakura..." Syaoran felt his insides dancing. "I'm back..."