Then and There by blackdragonflower

Chapter Twelve: Love

Disclaimers: Characters belong to Death Note by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata


Mello stroked Sayu's chocolate colored hair. "Maybe we should get off the floor. This would be an awkward situation for someone to find us in don't you think?"

"Oh... of course." Sayu nodded and removed herself from her lover's warm embrace. "Please come in..." Mello took her outstretched hand and pulled himself up. "This room... reminds you of home huh?"

"Hm? Oh yeah... that's how I wanted it designed... Auntie told me I could do whatever with it... I wanted to remember home."

"... Tsuki tells me your family called... Is that what's got you upset?"

"Tsuki's always in someone's business it seems... Why don't you take a seat?"

"Sayu... please cut out the bullshit... and tell me what's wrong?" Mello gently stroked a finger down her jaw before the hand dropped to his side. "Sayu... Look I'm not good at this kind of thing... and I'm trying my best... Just tell me what's up..."

"My parents called... and they said they want me to come home."

"Oh..." The chocolate lover shifted his weight to his other foot. "...So... are you going to go?"


"I see. When are you leaving?"

"As soon as possible."


Sayu took Mello's hand. "Come here..." She maneuvered him onto her bed then snuggled up to him. "I want you to come with me..."


"I'm sure my parents would love to meet you... and I really want you to come with..."

"I'm not sure... that I can get a ticket..."

"... There must be some way..."

"I'll figure something out." The blonde grinned. Sayu looked up at him through chocolate eyes. Her grin was so wide that if she smiled even wider her face would tear from her skeleton. She jumped Mello so they went tumbling back onto the sea of blankets.

"Ehem... You're lucky it was I that caught you feisty little devils and not my parents... but they're never home so... have fun! And remember kiddies, safety first!"

"Wha?" Sayu began to burn up when her brain caught up. "TSUKI!"

"Ha! Later!" Tsuki grinned mischievously and ran off laughing before Mello could get up to strangle her.

"Damn girl... Her parents really need to spend more fucking time with her..."

Sayu quickly slipped off Mello her face still fiery red. "I'm sorry... that was my bad..." Mello propped himself up on his elbows staring at his girlfriend before he smirked evilly. The blonde pounced on the brunette his arms around her shoulders. He purred as he pulled her into his chest nuzzling his face into her hair.

"No... it's my bad..."


"Please don't scream too loud! I want to get some sleep tonight!" Tsuki yelled from down the hall.

"Shut up girl!" Mello yelled back. "I'll do whatever the hell I want! I don't need your permission!"

Sayu chuckled and closed her eyes melting into Mello's sweet embrace. "I love you."

"Huh?" Mello stopped his loud screaming at the girl down the hall and turned his attention to the young woman in his arms.

"I love you silly." The blonde motorcycle-loving male smiled with a slight twitch of his lips. "We'll be leaving soon for Japan..."

"How many days?"

"Today's... Thursday... Sunday."

"I can't leave on Sunday..."

"Why not?"

"I have... well... church..."

"Then we'll get a flight after?"

"You're too kind..." Mello smirked cheerfully. He buried his face into her hair and began to sing softly under his breath.

"Love of mine someday you will die...

But I'll be close behind

I'll follow you into the dark

No blinding lights or tunnels to gates of white

just our hands clasped so tight

waiting for the hint of a spark

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied,

Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks,

Then I will follow you into the dark."

Sayu found herself falling asleep amongst his comforting chest his gentle smooth voice lulling her to sleep. It was angelic to hear and lovely to the ears. In the time they'd been together she never knew he could sing, but he had many talents she didn't know about.

"You and me have seen everything to see

From Bangkok to Calgary

And the soles of your shoes are all worn down

The time for sleep is now

It's nothing to cry about

Cause we'll hold each other soon

The blackest of rooms

If heaven and hell decide that they both are satisfied

Illuminate the no's on their vacancy signs

If there's no one beside you when your soul embarks

Then I'll follow you into the dark"

His voice echoed the last line and as sleep took her away she knew the words he sang were true and always would be.

"Then I'll follow you into the dark"

Omg, that's the end already?! Holy crap! Well, I suppose that's the end... of this... sniffle Kinda makes me sad. I liked working on this story, though sometimes I feel as if Mello might have slid out of character... Planning a sequel if people like this one that if I write will be called 'Here and Now'. I've got some funky ideas for the sequel, but I won't post it up if this story doesn't get any love at all... (what would the point in putting up the sequel yeah?) So hopefully, someone liked it! D

The song Mello is singing is called, "I Will Follow You Into The Dark" It's by a group called "Death Cab For A Cutie" I didn't include all the lyrics, so there's some missing.

So, this is farewell for now! Please leave comments and favs as they are always appreciated and can only help by stories get better! Tata!
