Title: Bill and Fleur A love story
Chapter 3: Egyption Beauty

In this chapter, Fleur arrives in Gringotts, and meets an unexpected person. Theres a bit of conflict here. More to come. Hope you enjoy. My own character introduced.

The first thing that Fleur felt when her feet touched the sand covered ground was the stifling heat- it was like falling into an ocean of heat, dust, sound and sun. Fleur had to blink had several times before she could open her eyes and adjust to the new bright world. She had to cover her ears and for the sound of this new world. It was spell bounding and fighting at the same time!

The pressure of the Egyptian sun was making it hard to breathe. Fleur closed her eyes, took a deep breath and let her other senses take control while her heart slowed down to a steady heartbeat.

Around her, the sounds and voices were horrific, never in her life had she heard so many foreign noises, sounds and voices- not even at the Quidditch World Cup.

Fleur new where she was meant to be at. She had discussed with her father where it was best to drop her off and they both had decided in front of Gringotts- that way she could easily make her way to where she wanted to go with out any trouble.

The Veela opened her eyes while looking to the heavens; her body froze in shock for what she was seeing… in front of her, looking directly into her eyes was a 1km tall sphinx. The sphinxes head was enormous- the colour of sand and fighting looking.

Fluer stood in shock for several very long minutes looking into the sphinxes eyes. There was something in the sphinxes eyes that seemed to re cal a long forgotten dream… Fleur's mind was starting to fog… she became oblivious to the sound's and noises around her. All that remained was the look in the sphinxes eyes- as if through its eyes someone Fleur new was looking down at her… looking directly at her…

Fluers mouth was slightly opened as she gazed hypnotized into the eyes of this magical creature... that is until some old witch ran head first into her screaming "What are you doing you idiot!" –but only on Egyptian

The sun and heat was getting to her…

The two body crashed on the side of a sidewalk in a tangle of limbs and swear word both English, French and Egyptian.

"What do u think you're doing?" hissed a crackled old voice in Fleur's ear.

The old women pushed Fleur to the ground and used her for support as she got up, Fleur looked around her and realized that everyone was staring not at the old women but at her… Fleur felt her cheeks turn red with embarrassment… what was going on? She thought to herself.

The women stood up and glared down at her and started shouting in Egyptian.

All Fleur could do was stare up at her and blink in dumb confusion. Fleur was still on the ground, the passes by looking at her. After several minutes of shouting and staring and on looking the women seemed to realize that Fleur wasn't taking in anything that she was saying.

The old women reached down gabbed Fleur under the armpits and dragged her to her feet.

Then started laughing while looking at her.

Fleur glared at her and did her best to talk in English.

"Madam- I 'ope you 'ave some idea of what you are doin. 'because you 'ave just-"

"Oh shush!" said the old women.

Fleur shut up and stared at her.

"Good" she said in a raspy old voice.

"Now that you're pretty little head is listening, I want to ask if you have any idea

at what you were looking at?"

Fleur just blinked.

"I thought not. That my dear" she said thrusting a finger at the Sphinx is a deadly enchantment."

Fleur looked up at it, but the women in frustration got her head and pulled her down to eye level with her- after all the women was real short. She only reached to Fleur waist.

"Don't look you silly girl" she snapped. "Ok, firstly I no you're not around from her" she said laughingly. "Secondly- I want to know what your doing and I will help"

Fleur just stared and after a couple of seconds found her voice and managed " 'oo are you? Where did you come from?"

The old women rolled her eyes and said "Jeez, you save a Veela from a deadly Sphinx and all she does is ask questions"

The women sighed, let go of Fleur and straightened to her full height- though it didn't make much of a difference. She was still short. Very short.

"I am Lucia. 112 years old and a owner of some of the shops here. I saw you arrive and all you did was stare. I was wondering if you knew what you were looking at was an accident waiting to happen. Then I realized that you didn't. Happy?" I answered you're question."

Fleur finally managed get her mind straight. She looked at the moment. She was short but had a trust worthy and homely face. She had a look of kindness. Fleur decided that she liked her.

"Thank you very much Lucia," said Fleur bowing her head. "I am Fleur, and am here for a couple of moths."

"Big Whoop- where do you have to go? Ill take you there."

"Gringotts Wizard Bank" Fleur replied.

"Meh- ill show you but I wont take you- Im too old too climb stairs these day."

"Stairs?" Fleur repeated.

"Yes stairs" said Lucia she pointed upwards. Fleur looked up and tried not looking the sphinx. There leading up to the sphinx was a massive staircase. Fleur had a wild guess that it contained over 2000 stairs. At the top of the stairs she could make out goblins and wizards entering and exiting thought the chest of the sphinx.

The women saw the look of horror on the Veela's face and turned and laughed. With that- and only that- she turned and walked off.

Fleur was left there staring at the stairs. When she looked around the women was gone.

The sun was really getting to her- but then she realized that there was no sun flooding her body. There never was. Because Fleur had been standing in the shade.

Fleur had a feeling as she looked up at the stairs and the people and creatures at the top that the women wasn't lying and that was the entrance for her to see Bill Weasley. And so she started.

Fleur started jogging up the stairs and she felt the seat stick to her body and her clothes. But she didn't stop. She hurried up stairs and didn't look back. She didn't wasn't to know if anyone was staring at her or even looking at her. She just wanted to get inside Gringotts.

And so she did after a painful 20 minutes and 3000 stairs. She passed a crowed of wizards and goblins and some other strange creatures she had no idea what they were and entered the Bank.

As she entered she realized straight away that this bank was the same as any other Gringotts bank she had ever seen.

But as she entered the hall, which was larger, then the Great Hall in she was sorely mistaken because this Bank was nothing she had ever seen. As she entered it had the high walls and long benches with the goblins seated all around them. The floor was hard sandstone and in the middle of it reaching across the length of the room was a large pond filled with creatures made from jewels and glass. Fleur just stared until she regained her posture and looked around. Millions of halls and doors led through the bank, along on all the walls were images that Fleur had only seen in books. Hieroglyphs covered the walls. Thousands of them.

Fleur stared to move soundlessly through the bustle of the crowd in no real direction.

Fleur suddenly realized something as moved in the crowd. There were no women here. Fleur stopped and looked and sure enough. There wasn't a single female in sight.

Fleur looked in the crowed- a sudden panic washed over her.

But all of a sudden a women walked in between the crowd of men, she was head strong and beautiful.

Veela beautiful.

She was a cretin Egyptian Beauty. The women continued walking and as she passed Fleur, an image flashed through her mind so fast that she thought it had never happened. There stood a man with long red hair and around him a certain Egyptian beauty had her arms wrapped around his waist. Her body molded against his, while her head rested on his shoulder, the women's eyes closed…

Fleur gasped and looked back for the women, she caught sight of her walking through one of the halls and Fleur followed.

Fleur realized that the women had hurried up... she jogged down a series of stairs and disappeared around a corner.

As Fleur turned the corner she found herself in a deserted corridor and looking straight at the women who in return had a look of fury on her face and was pointing her wand at Fleur 's face.
